[Archiv] Updates aktueller Plugins und Audio-Decoder

Begonnen von wallawalla, 10. Juli 2006, 16:20:19

Vorheriges Thema - Nächstes Thema


Masstagger component: version 1.8 (foo_masstag.dll)

Zitat2009-03-29   Automates various tag editing operations.
Version 1.8 highlights: Customizable "auto track number" action, new "embed cuesheet" action.



foo_playcount_sql 1.5.1

1. Fixed a bug not tracking tracks with only artist/title, but missing album.


Line Art (foo_uie_vis_lineart.dll) defekter link entfernt - grimes

Ich hab es noch nicht ausprobiert, scheint irgendwie ein seltsames Plugin zu sein.

Vom gleichen Autor gibts auch noch dieses Plugin:

Func User Interface (foo_ui_func.dll) defekter link entfernt - grimes

Scheint eine Weiterentwicklung von foo_func zu sein vom Namen her. Ich werd es gleich mal testen.


WSH Panel Mod 1.1.2 (foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll)

- FIX: A crash while using utils.GetAlbumArt() if there are not album art present.
- CHG: IFbTitleFormat.Eval() is now IFbTitleFormat.Eval(force = false) (Backward compatible).
- ADD: fb.RunContextCommandWithMetadb(metadb);
- ADD: Much improvements about editor window, you now can set style (font, size, fore/bakground color, etc) in foobar2000 Preferences, WSH Panel Mod. Note these setting will take effect after reopening editor window.
- CHG: Content of popup error message is more friendly.

- FIX: fb.ShowConsole() doesn't work due to wrong GUID in fb2k SDK.
- FIX: fb.RunContextCommand() is broken since v1.1.0.
- FIX: Memory leak in IGdiBitmap.CreateRawBitmap().
- ADD: New properties: fb.CursorFollowPlayback and fb.PlaybackFollowCursor.
- ADD: New "NotifyOthers" property to "window" interface.
- ADD: New callbacks: on_playlist_stop_after_current_changed(state), on_cursor_follow_playback_changed(state), on_playback_follow_cursor_changed(state) and on_notify_data(name, info).
- FIX: "on_item_focus_change" is suddenly wrong documented as "on_items_focus_change".

- ADD: IFbMetadbHandle, refer to Interface.txt for more information.
- CHG: (ATTENTION) fb.GetNowPlaying(), fb.GetFocusItem() now return IFbMetadbHandle, instead of IFbFileInfo.
- CHG: (ATTENTION) on_playback_new_track(metadb) call back now use IFbMetadbHandle as parameter, instead of IFbFileInfo.
- ADD: Method MetaSet() to IFbFileInfo interface.
- ADD: Ability to update file info: IFbMetadbHandle.UpdateFileInfo() and IFbMetadbHandle.UpdateFileInfoSimple().
- ADD: New interface utils: utils.CheckComponent(), utils.CheckFont() and utils.GetAlbumArt().
- ADD: IFbTitleFormat.EvalWithMetadb().
- FIX: fb.RunMainMenuCommand() handles menu display string which contains '/' character correctly.
- DEL: Remove EvalPlaylist() from "fb" interface.
- CHG: Eval() will execute some base functions/variables even fb2k is not playing or playlist is empty.
- CHG: Callback "on_items_selection_change" is now "on_items_focus_change".
- ADD: New samples: "GetAlbumArt" and "SimpleFollowCursor".
- FIX: Some problems may cause memory leak.



Biography view 0.2

Added the scroll function.
Fixed some bugs.Text saved as a cache to worth out of character; the one time, thrown away.


Biography View 0.2.1 (foo_uie_biography.dll)

(Heute sind die Japaner ja wirklich fleissig!!)


# Discogs 1.16 (foo_discogs.dll) -- 2009-04-05 (日) 04:04:22

ZitatRemoved 1.16 because of a nasty connection problem with it. Download link reverts to 1.15.

# WSH Panel Mod 1.1.3 (foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll) -- 2009-04-05 (日) 03:59:26
# Func User Interface 0.0.4 (foo_ui_func.dll) -- 2009-04-05 (日) 00:35:07


Zitat von: grimes in 04. April 2009, 23:05:28
# Discogs 1.16 (foo_discogs.dll) -- 2009-04-05 (日) 04:04:22
Aufgrund eines gravierenden Bugs ist wieder Version 1.15 aktuell


Zitat von: grimes in 04. April 2009, 23:05:28
# Func User Interface 0.0.4 (foo_ui_func.dll) -- 2009-04-05 (日) 00:35:07

Wie 0.4 schon das ging aber schnell.  ???


und es geht weiter: foo_ui_func 0.0.5 2009/04/05

Fixed bug: it is listed when executing hidden $movepanel, $movectrl function Panel and control.
Fixed bug was crash and exiting as it shows the playlist tree mod Panel.
Add the hide option to $Panel function.
change the $window function loadonly option to hide.
$ map, $map_rect, $map_circle, $map_preview function Add.
%playback_ordername%, %playback_orderindex% variable continue.

v0.0.4 2009 / 04 / 05
added the clip to the $gp_image function options.
fixed the bug may fail when you close the control in the $closectrl function.
change the $removeobject ¡æ $closectrl.
change the $clearobject ¡æ $ClearWindow.
significant design change $button function and control-related functions.Including remove
Right because changes to the object ID control ID function reference reference.
Fixed bug zorder, such as $Panel function is not set correctly.
Detailed other fixes.


Ups Tedgo: du warst schneller als ich. Ich würde mir ein englisches Readme wünschen. Das wäre
eine Erleichterung.  :)

Ob wohl Playback Ordername wiedergibt welche Playback Order gerade benutzt wird?


Keine Ahnung und ehrlich gesagt, möchte ich es nach meinen bisherigen Erfahrungen mit dem Teil auch erst mal nicht ausprobieren ;)
Ich nutze dazu eh das WSH Panel mod.


WSH Panel mod 1.1.4

- CHG: fb.trace() now accept variable number of arguments, and all arguments are converted to string automatically, e.g: fb.trace("Numbers:", 1, 2, 3) will output "Numbers 1 2 3".
- ADD: New "Time" property to "IFbProfiler" interface.
- ADD: Two new methods: utils.ReadINI() and utils.WriteINI()
- ADD: In the preferences window of editor properties, add serveral new styles customizable.
- FIX: Some UI glitches about syntax highlighting after editing styles.
- FIX: Some fixes to prevent potential crash.


Biography view 0.2.2

* Added the scroll function.
* Fixed some bugs.Text saved as a cache to worth out of character; the one time, thrown away.
* opacity to save settings and forget was fixed.(v0.2.1)
* Fixed memory leaks.(v0.2.2)


Inzwischen gibt es schon 0.0.6 vom "mysteriösen" foo_ui_func:

defekter link entfernt - grimes

Ich frag mich, ob es schon irgendwo Configs mit dem Ding gibt. Bei Panel ui war wenigstens eine kleine Beispielconfig dabei.