foobar2000 auf Deutsch

foobar2000 => Allgemein => Thema gestartet von: wallawalla in 23. April 2006, 08:22:12

Titel: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 23. April 2006, 08:22:12
Gestern Abend wurde die Version 0.9.1 von foobar2000 veröffentlicht.
Sie war ja schon länger als Beta erhältlich. Man kann sie direkt über die alte 0.9er Version installieren da alle 0.9-Plugins mit 0.9.1 kompatibel sind. Die Einstellungen bleiben erhalten.

Hier der Changelog:
Zitat* Faster Ogg Vorbis tag editing.
    * Official ASIO support (downloadable separately).
    * Improved compatibility with buggy soundcard drivers.
    * Added DSP preset switching functionality.
    * Workedaround buttons display problems on Windows 2000.
    * Improved "random" button action with album/directory shuffle.
    * Added WMA playback support.

Zum Download (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 23. April 2006, 16:33:16
Ahh, sehr gut. Werde ich heute Abend gleich mal rauf machen. Danke für die Info!
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Chris Cornell in 23. April 2006, 20:07:19
thx 8)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: download123 in 24. April 2006, 17:15:13
man könnte nochmal einen direkt  download link  ( und einen Link zur Seite (

für alle faulen posten  :D
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: BlueYersey in 26. April 2006, 12:47:17
erstma danke für den service, aber ich glaub mich ruft grade einer...also wenn ich das drüber installiere, erscheint ein jungfräuliches foobar...muss alles neu ist zwar nichts gelöscht wurden, aber die einstelungen sind auch nich übernommen wurden, oder hab ich was verkehrt gemacht??
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 26. April 2006, 13:32:58
Das alte foobar nicht deinstallieren! Dann installierst die neue Version einfach über die alte drüber (also ins selbe Verzeichnis). So bleiben auch die Einstellungen erhalten.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: BlueYersey in 26. April 2006, 13:39:50
ich habs einfach in das gleiche verzeichnis installiert!! hab allerdings die hoffnungen auf meine alten einstellungen schon aufgegebn, oder gibts gründe dagegen??
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Ben!s in 26. April 2006, 17:48:22
Es gibt zwei Dateien die du aufheben musst.
foobar2000.cfg ==>Für die Grundeinstellungen
database.fpl    ==>Für die Musiklibary Einstellungen und Optionen.
Die Dateien findest du unter *Syspartition*\Dokumente und Einstellungen\*User*\Anwendungsdaten\foobar2000
Wenn du die Einstellungen für alle User gleich hast dann anstatt user "All Users"

So kannst du deine Einstellungen auch bei nem neuen Sys behalten.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: BlueYersey in 26. April 2006, 19:04:18
zu spät^^
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: BlueYersey in 26. April 2006, 19:22:09
es geht!!! hoch lebe benis...hättet ja mal sagen können, dass ich die option 'enable user profile settings' aktivieren muss^^:P

boh ich bin grade so happy...

allen nen wunderschön abend...
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 07. Mai 2006, 16:06:23
Beta 2 von foobar 0.9.2 wurde veröffentlicht. Auch diese Version sollte man ohne Probleme über die alte Version installieren können. Einen Changelog konnte ich nicht finden. Angeblich wird er später nachgereicht.

Zum Download (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Sebert in 08. Mai 2006, 00:44:49
Zitat von: wallawalla in 07. Mai 2006, 16:06:23
Einen Changelog konnte ich nicht finden. Angeblich wird er später nachgereicht.

Zum Download (

Was zu mindest für mich neu ist:
Es wird ein Startmenüeintrag angelegt.....haben das ältere Versionen auch gemacht?
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 08. Mai 2006, 01:22:14
Hier mit dem 0.9.1-Installer (stable):

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Sebert in 08. Mai 2006, 10:11:17
Vielleicht hab ich das bei dieser Version ausversehen aktiviert
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Psycho-Commander-One in 08. Mai 2006, 10:37:33
Hier ist noch mal der Changelog zur 0.9.2:

    * Support for realtime DSP preset editing
    * Native support for new free Nero Digital AAC encoder
    * APL support (no longer maintained) moved to a separately downloadable component (Monkey's Audio support)
    * Various bug fixes

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spunky in 08. Mai 2006, 17:35:30
Zitat von: Psycho-Commander-One in 08. Mai 2006, 10:37:33* APL support (no longer maintained) moved to a separately downloadable component (Monkey's Audio support)

Das versteh ich immer nicht. WMA, AAC wird supported und der Monkey wird ausgesperrt. Klar führt APL ein Schattendasein gegenüber FLAC, aber dennoch ist es ein nicht seltenes lossless Format. Eigentlich passt es nicht zur strategischen Ausrichtung von foobar2000 dieses Format nur mit zusätzlicher Komponente abspielen zu können  :-\

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: blume666 in 18. Mai 2006, 12:30:19
Download version 0.9.2 Beta 3 (

    *  Support for realtime DSP preset editing
    * Native support for new free Nero Digital AAC encoder
    * APL support (no longer maintained) moved to a separately downloadable component (Monkey's Audio support)
    * Added "directory context menus" feature to file type associations
    * Various bug fixes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 18. Mai 2006, 17:39:03
Zitat von: blume666 in 18. Mai 2006, 12:30:19
Download version 0.9.1 (

    *  Support for realtime DSP preset editing
    * Native support for new free Nero Digital AAC encoder
    * APL support (no longer maintained) moved to a separately downloadable component (Monkey's Audio support)
    * Added "directory context menus" feature to file type associations
    * Various bug fixes

Hast du einfach nur den Link aus meinem ersten Post und den Changelog der kurz vorher zu foobar 0.9.2 beta2 gepostet wurde verbunden? Also das alles verwundert mich doch sehr, da die neue Version doch 0.9.2 heißen sollte.

Btw: 0.9.2 beta3 wurde veröffentlicht. Changelog gibts wieder nicht. Hier gehts zum Download:

foobar2000 v0.9.2 beta 3 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: blume666 in 19. Mai 2006, 00:12:08
ups vertippt... ich hab den link von winfuture genommen... hab dir da nichts geklaut...
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Psycho-Commander-One in 28. Mai 2006, 13:36:11
Neue Beta

Die Foobar2000 v0.9.2 Beta 4 wurde heute veröffendlicht. Leider Liegt wieder kein Changelog vor.

Hier der Link:

Foobar2000 v0.9.2 Beta 4 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: blume666 in 28. Mai 2006, 15:03:32
hier noch mal ein direkter LINK defekter link entfernt - grimes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 28. Mai 2006, 16:01:18
Zitat von: blume666 in 28. Mai 2006, 15:03:32
hier noch mal ein direkter LINK (
Also so groß wird der Andrang dann doch nicht sein dass der offizielle Server nachgibt. Ich halte deinen Link also eher für überflüssig. :P
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 28. Mai 2006, 16:29:15
Und gleich noch was:
AlbumArt wurde gestern aktualisiert.

Hier der Download (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: download123 in 28. Mai 2006, 16:34:39
Ich sag mal danke  8)
eine frage nur wie merkt ihr das so schnell ????
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 28. Mai 2006, 16:35:47
Zufall. ^^
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: blume666 in 28. Mai 2006, 21:32:51
Zitat von: wallawalla in 28. Mai 2006, 16:01:18
Zitat von: blume666 in 28. Mai 2006, 15:03:32
hier noch mal ein direkter LINK (
Also so groß wird der Andrang dann doch nicht sein dass der offizielle Server nachgibt. Ich halte deinen Link also eher für überflüssig. :P

wenn du auf den über mir gepostet link klickst kommst du aber nich zu der beta version! ich hätte dann die offizielle stable version runtergeladen. wollts ja nur komfortabler machen :(
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 29. Mai 2006, 00:20:47
Zitat von: blume666 in 28. Mai 2006, 21:32:51
Zitat von: wallawalla in 28. Mai 2006, 16:01:18
Zitat von: blume666 in 28. Mai 2006, 15:03:32
hier noch mal ein direkter LINK (
Also so groß wird der Andrang dann doch nicht sein dass der offizielle Server nachgibt. Ich halte deinen Link also eher für überflüssig. :P

wenn du auf den über mir gepostet link klickst kommst du aber nich zu der beta version! ich hätte dann die offizielle stable version runtergeladen. wollts ja nur komfortabler machen :(
Mach mal "Ziel speichern unter..." ;)
Oder klick kurz nachm ersten Aufruf ein zweites mal drauf!
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: blume666 in 29. Mai 2006, 12:22:25
find meiner version immer noch besser  :crazy:
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Frank Bicking in 29. Mai 2006, 14:09:26

Das nennt sich Schutz vor Deeplinks und ist eine beabsichtigte Maßnahme. Man muss vorher in einem bestimmten Zeitraum die foobar2000-Homepage besucht haben, um Dateien herunterladen zu können, ansonsten wird man auf die Homepage weitergeleistet.

Direktlinks gelten übrigens als verpönt. Sie können beispielsweise schon nach kurzer Zeit ungültig sein, wenn schnell eine neue Version nachgeschoben wird, und schlimmer, die Leute könnten längst behobene Fehler melden. Zweitens führen sie häufig zu unnötigen Fragen von Benutzern, die Hinweise, FAQs und Dokumentationen auf der Homepage nie zu Gesicht bekommen haben.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: jokey in 03. Juni 2006, 19:56:35

Native support for new free Nero Digital AAC encoder
New "Advanced Preferences" page
More compatible MP4 tagging scheme
New CD ripping UI
Added "directory context menus" feature to file type associations
Support for realtime DSP preset editing through DSP Manager page
Fixed various networking issues
APL support (no longer maintained) moved to a separately downloadable component (Monkey's Audio support)
Various cosmetic changes
Various other bug fixes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 08. Juni 2006, 13:34:21
foobar2000 v0.9.2 final wurde veröffentlicht.

Hier der Changelog:
Zitat*  Native support for new free Nero Digital AAC encoder
    * New "Advanced Preferences" page
    * More compatible MP4 tagging scheme
    * New CD ripping UI
    * Added "directory context menus" feature to file type associations
    * Support for realtime DSP preset editing through DSP Manager page
    * Fixed various networking issues
    * APL support (no longer maintained) moved to a separately downloadable component (Monkey's Audio support)
    * Various cosmetic changes
    * Various other bug fixes

Zum Download (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Sebert in 12. Juli 2006, 12:10:04
Foobar 9.3 beat 1 wurde veröffentlicht:

    *  New file properties dialogs
    * Speex decoding support, rewritten Ogg Vorbis / Ogg FLAC support
    * "File Operations / Delete File(s)" now uses Recycle Bin
    * Better integration of information lookup (freedb etc) components with Audio CD ripping UI
    * Option to ReplayGain-scan converter output after conversion
    * CDDA extraction bug fixes / improvements
    * Improved "Open Audio CD" dialog
    * Various progress dialogs no longer block UI
    * Changed Media Library new item tracking behaviors
    * Fixed low-samplerate LC AAC files mis-reported as HE AAC
    * Improved compatibility with Windows Vista
    * Various cosmetic changes
    * Other minor bug fixes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 12. Juli 2006, 20:08:16
9.3 beata 1 wurde von meinem AntiVir als Trojaner TR/Drop.Zlob.FK.2.A identifiziert.

Weiß jemand was genaueres? Ich gehe vorerst von einer Fehlmeldung aus.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 12. Juli 2006, 20:24:39
Das ist ne Falschmeldung. Du bist nicht der einzige der diese Meldung bekommt. Mein Kaspersky hat aber nichts beanstandet.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Edoardo in 16. Juli 2006, 23:05:05
1. Manchmal funktioniert ,,previous" nicht, bleibt bei irgendeinem Track hängen und geht in der Abspielreihenfolge nicht weiter zurück. Ist das noch jemandem passiert?

2. Man kann für mehrere Dateien verschiedene Tag-Werte nicht mehr so eingeben wie früher: für jeden Track eine Zeile. Das ist dumm, nun kann man nicht mehr einfach eine Tracklist kopieren, einfügen und die Numern vorn dran entfernen, sondern muß für jeden Track ein eigenes Feld aufrufen. Trick?
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 16. Juli 2006, 23:28:25
zu 1.
Ich hatte so meine Probleme mit verschiedenen plugins, die nicht mehr richtig ansprachen (playcount z.B.). Bin vorerst zurückgekehrt zur stable 0.9.2.

zu 2.
Probier doch mal foo_infobox. Zu finden über die übliche Quelle:
(Obwohl ich nicht genau weiß, ob dies Dein Problem betrifft, da mir dieses nicht ganz klar ist...)

Thread zum neuen Properties-Dialog ab 0.9.3 beta1 findet sich hier (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 18. Juli 2006, 01:04:17
foobar2000 v0.9.3 beta 2 (

Playcount-Mod und LyricsDB gehen noch immer nicht.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Edoardo in 25. Juli 2006, 21:13:30
beta 3 ist raus.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Ben!s in 26. Juli 2006, 19:31:07
Hier noch der Link:
Foobar 2000  v.0.9.3 beta 3 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 30. Juli 2006, 03:36:23
foobar2000 v0.9.3 beta 4 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 06. August 2006, 17:36:39
foobar 0.9.3 final (

Thread zum Thema "Probleme mit 0.9.3" findet sich hier (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Edoardo in 13. August 2006, 00:31:33
Nichts ist so final wie es scheint:

foobar2000 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Emperor1982 in 07. September 2006, 09:39:34
Foobar2000 0.9.4 Beta1


    * Properties dialog improvements
    * Startup/shutdown speed optimizations
    * Added LAME version and partial settings detection for MP3 files
    * Replaced old "Fix MP3 Header" command with a new set of MP3-related utility commands
    * "ID3v2 Writer Compatibility Mode" with workarounds for common bugs in other software's ID3v2 implementations
    * "Copy" button in components list
    * freedb support now included with the installer
    * Rewritten embedded cuesheet metadata handling
    * Rewritten ReplayGain info editor dialog

Foobar2000 0.9.4 Beta1 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 13. September 2006, 14:08:55
0.9.4 Beta 2 (

ZitatRelease highlights:
- fixed playlist writer crash
- other minor fixes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 16. September 2006, 21:43:25
0.9.4 beta 3 (

Zitat- ABX bugfixes
- Added WMA tag editing support
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Strictly4me in 23. September 2006, 19:17:31
foobar2000 v0.9.4 ( Final!

((((( Strictly4me )))))
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 09. Oktober 2006, 21:38:45
foobar2000 v0.9.4.1 beta 1 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: wallawalla in 15. Oktober 2006, 14:25:18

ZitatImproved compliance with Vorbis Comment and APEv2 tag specifications - thanks to Spoon for pointing inconsistencies
Added gapless playback of MP4 files encoded with new iTunes
Various bug fixes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: blume666 in 12. November 2006, 21:45:31
foobar2000 v0.9.4.2 beta (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 13. November 2006, 12:46:15
Nur noch einmal zur Erinnerung: (Dateibezogene) Deeplinks auf funktionieren erst nach dem erstmaligen Besuch der Website pro Sitzung, vorher wird immer auf die Hauptseite umgeleitet. Es ist also nicht sonderlich sinnvoll, die .exe direkt zu verlinken, zumal die Seite an sich nicht wirklich als unübersichtlich zu bezeichnen ist.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 21. November 2006, 21:07:28
foobar2000 9.4.2 beta 2

ZitatRelease highlights:
- Allowed fast seeking with old Musepack files during playback
- Fixed MP1/MP2 playback bugs
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 29. November 2006, 11:44:56
Foobar 9.4.2 hat das Licht der Welt erblickt
Zitat von: Changelog0.9.4.2

    *Updated Musepack decoder with support for accurate fast seeking on files produced by mppenc 1.16 and newer.
    *Improved compliance with HTTP specifications
    *Fixed MP1/MP2 handling bugs

Das SDK wurde ebenfalls upgedatet  :)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 15. April 2007, 16:09:32
Zitat[16:06]   Neptune betritt den Channel
[16:06]   Neptune:
[16:06]   Neptune: Gruß
[16:06]   Neptune wurde getrennt: Quit: Neptune

Danke für die Info. ^^

Changelog Version

    * Fixed multiple bugs in ReplayGain Scanner
    * Musepack decoding bug fixes
    * Fixed a rare crash in the Properties dialog
    * Fixed bugs in File Types preferences page
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Kamui18 in 21. April 2007, 06:57:52
Ab heute ist die Final Vesion von foobar2000 zum Download freigegeben.

Download Link (
Download Link (

post ediert (siehe vier posts weiter oben) - fooamp
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 20. August 2007, 22:14:39
Foobar 2000 ist draußen:

Download Link (

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 04. Oktober 2007, 00:50:39
foobar2000 v0.9.4.5 beta 1

change log:

Und: Nein, ich werde jetzt keinen Download-Link setzen...
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 17. Oktober 2007, 20:49:21
Und das war's auch schon mit beta:

foobar2000 v0.9.4.5
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: qwert73 in 20. Oktober 2007, 16:50:46
Die neue Version ist erschienen und die hat es wirklich in sich! Bevor ich Worte verliere schaut es Euch einfach an!
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 28. Oktober 2007, 16:36:15
Wie ich gerade entdeckte, hat die 0.9.5 BETA 2 das Licht der Welt erblickt.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 04. November 2007, 03:33:38
Gefolgt von Beta 3 wie ich gerade gesehen hab.
Diese Sachen wurden verändert:
ZitatIssues fixed in beta 3

    * Regression: Installing 0.9.5 beta 1 or beta 2 on Windows XP requires administrator rights
    * Bug: Notification area icon reacts when a neighbouring icon vanishes after being double-clicked
    * Feature: Option to have mouse wheel affect the UI Element under the mouse pointer
    * Bug: Can't undo sort operations on non-force-sorted autoplaylists
    * Accessibility: Keyboard focus is trapped on the menu in certain situtations
    * Bug: Certain layouts are not rendered correctly after loading until the window is resized
    * Bug: Tab characters not expanded properly in status bar (temporary workaround)
    * Bug: Can't load theme files into scratchbox through drag&drop
    * Bug: Hitting page up button after selecting an album through clicking on group header navigates to the top of the playlist instead of just up by one page
    * Bug: Weird selection behaviour when selecting several playlist in the playlist switcher with the right mouse button and shift
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Horst Fux in 04. November 2007, 03:54:26
* Feature: Option to have mouse wheel affect the UI Element under the mouse pointer

Für sinnvoll befunden und direkt eingeschaltet, habe ich die ganze Zeit schon vermisst, es nervt leider doch ein wenig, für die Artist-Suche oder ähnliches immer noch einen Mausklick mehr als nötig zu nutzen. ;)


Für die, die es haben wollen:

Preferences --> General '-> Other (Ist bei den General-Einstellungen) --> Mouse wheel [...]--> Haken reinsetzen.

Horst Fux
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 20. November 2007, 01:39:51
die v0.9.5 beta 4 ( ist draußen.
Leider habe ich kein changelog gefunden. vielleicht kann den ja mal jemand hier posten.
(das einzige was mir jetzt so auf die schnelle aufgefallen ist, die buttons sind neu ;) )
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Frank Bicking in 20. November 2007, 01:49:17
Direktlinks auf Downloads funktionieren nicht.

Beta-Seite mit Downloadlink (
offene und behobene Probleme (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 20. November 2007, 01:51:01
Zitat von: mephisto in 20. November 2007, 01:39:51
Leider habe ich kein changelog gefunden. vielleicht kann den ja mal jemand hier posten.

Zitat* Bug: "Reset Page" doesn't reset playback state display formatting settings in Preferences / Display / Default User Interface.
    * Glitch: When starting playback of slow-to-open files/streams, status bar still shows "stopped".
    * Glitch: MP3 decoder was using wrong compiler settings, resulting in a slowdown.
    * Regression: Some Converter error messages less readable than in pre-0.9.5.
    * Usability: "Send to Playlist" dialog is modal.
    * Usability: "Create Album List View from These Items" dialog content doesn't update with moving/deleting files.
    * Bug: When using the copy command in album list and pasting the result in search filter the last letter is not copied
    * Usability: Open Audio CD dialog: "Add To Playlist" button not disabled when currently active playlist is an autoplaylist
    * Usability: Open Audio CD dialog: "Open Audio CD..." menu command spawns another dialog instead of activating already existing one when one already exists
    * Usability: Open Audio CD dialog: "Rip" button not always grayed out when Converter component is not available

Quelle (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 20. November 2007, 01:51:51
Zitat von: Frank Bicking in 20. November 2007, 01:49:17
Direktlinks auf Downloads funktionieren nicht.

hmm... ich glaube, dass das geändert wurde und jetzt doch geht. kann das jemand bestätigen?
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 20. November 2007, 01:52:28
Bei mir geht der Direktlink auch.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Frank Bicking in 20. November 2007, 01:58:28
Es hängt davon ab, ob ihr kurz vorher mit eurer IP bereits auf der Seite wart.

Internetverbindung neu aufbauen, den Link aufrufen - ihr werdet zur Homepage weitergeleitet.

Aus diesem Grund wird der Link für die meisten Leser nicht funktionieren.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 20. November 2007, 09:28:17  ;)

Ich frag mich sowieso, warum hier immer Links gesetzt werden müssen, sollte es doch die bekannteste Seite in diesem Forum sein...

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 25. November 2007, 19:56:37
v0.9.5 beta 5 auf der homepage verfügbar

ZitatBug: File Types preferences page - incorrect icon order after sorting the file format list.

edit: und wieder mal neue icons ;) soll es dann eine art vote geben, wo man sagen kann, welche man am besten fand? :)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 09. Dezember 2007, 00:08:02
Inzwischen sind wir bei BETA 7 angelangt.
ZitatIssues fixed in beta 7

    * Bug: Properties / Capitalize not working correctly on multi-line values.
    * Bug: Crash when processing certain RAR archives created in store mode.
    * Bug: Added files sometimes appear in the wrong playlist.
    * Regression: Slow decoding of certain file formats (wrong compiler settings).
    * Usability: Certain single-keystroke keyboard shortcut mappings such as +/- keys still clash with typing into editboxes.
Titel: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: huber71 in 16. Dezember 2007, 17:25:31
Schwupps, und ehe man's bedacht
entstand klammheimlich beta8
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 17. Dezember 2007, 20:26:53
Zitat von: huber59 in 16. Dezember 2007, 17:25:31
Schwupps, und ehe man's bedacht
entstand klammheimlich beta8

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 23. Dezember 2007, 18:18:11
Kinder - werdet ihr euch freu'n:
Jetzt gibt es schon beta9!
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 27. Dezember 2007, 21:29:46
Zitat von: fooamp in 23. Dezember 2007, 18:18:11
Kinder - werdet ihr euch freu'n:
Jetzt gibt es schon beta9!

welch ein poet unter uns :)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 01. Januar 2008, 20:25:07
Da sagte Peter aus die Maus, denn nun kommt jetzt die Final raus ;)

Also die 9.5 Final ist draußen :)
Titel: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: huber71 in 01. Januar 2008, 23:28:56
Schade, beta10
bekam'n wir nicht zu seh'n!
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 10. Februar 2008, 00:25:26
foobar2000 v0.9.5.1 beta 1
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 17. Februar 2008, 20:34:33
Inzwischen gibt es nun9.5.1  Beta 2
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 25. Februar 2008, 14:18:45
Jetzt gibt es die Final-Version.

Einen Changelog auf Hydrogenaudio dazu konnte ich nochg nicht finden.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 08. April 2008, 23:46:35
9.5.2 Beta  :o
Ich verweise mal auf das Topic das Frank auf Hydrogenaudio dazu eröffnet hat. (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Gen. Bully in 16. April 2008, 19:16:36 beta 2 ist draußen :)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 17. April 2008, 22:08:41
Zitat von: Peter Pawlowski 2 has been released, with two bug fixes and visualisation full-screen mode toggles in visualisation context menus.

Was auch immer die bugs waren. Drei plugins funktionierten bei mir nicht mehr, jetzt geht's wieder. Wer also aufgrund ähnlicher Erfahrungen plugins rausgenommen hat, sollte sie nochmal reinnehmen, vielleicht geht's ja auch wieder.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Kaffeechen in 22. April 2008, 19:17:11
und die final ist draußen (zumindest laut auf hydrogenaudio find ich nichts dazu)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mephisto in 11. Mai 2008, 11:07:54
die foobar2000 v0.9.5.3 beta 1 ( ist draußen

- New: Startup notification when a component is known not to cooperate correctly with this version of foobar2000.
- New: "Library Viewer Selection" playlist, compatible with Album List and Media Library Search.
- New title formatting functions: $stripprefix(), $swapprefix(), $year(), $month(), $day_of_month(), $date(), $time().
- New extensions to the search query syntax.
- Album List: faster refresh when using the built-in search box.
- ReplayGain scanner: applying ReplayGain to MP3 data no longer chokes on noncompliant ID3v2 tags with false MPEG sync words.
- ReplayGain scanner: new services allowing third-party components to perform ReplayGain analysis.
- No longer compatible with components using metadb_display_hook API.
- Changed component DLL loading logic - only "components" subdirectory along with its subdirectories is processed if it exists.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 21. Mai 2008, 18:54:50
foobar2000 v0.9.5.3 beta 2
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 26. Mai 2008, 21:32:40
Foobar 9.5.3 Final ist draußen
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Frank Bicking in 22. Juni 2008, 23:25:43
Sicherheitsupdates für diverse Audiocodecs?
Autoplaylists bearbeiten?
Mehrfachauswahl in der Album List?
Integrierter Crossfader? beta 1 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 22. Juni 2008, 23:28:03
Wieso denn soviel Fragezeichen? Ist das nicht ganz sicher?
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Juni 2008, 12:30:56 beta 2 wurde gleich nachgeschoben. (gleicher link)
Viel Spaß!
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 01. Juli 2008, 17:04:24
beta 3
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 06. Juli 2008, 00:22:36 final
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 04. August 2008, 23:13:40
Kann mich nicht erinnern, daß es sowas schon mal gab, eine final ohne beta. Sie besteht aber wohl nur aus bugfixes:

Zitat von: changelog
      Bugs fixed
          o Fixed handling of the & character in context menu command names.
          o Fixed handling of audio CDs with 99 tracks.
          o Workarounds for issues with decoding some of ADPCM WAV files.
          o Copying/pasting autoplaylists in Playlist Manager now preserves the autoplaylist status.
          o Fixed handling of the @ character in HTTP AUTH username.
          o Fixed crashes related to using the Crossfader DSP.
          o AAC decoder fixes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. September 2008, 20:16:55

ZitatChange log:

    * Fixed a major bug in Speex decoding, introduced with one of previous updates.
    * Updated Speex libraries to 1.2 RC.
    * Added correct handling of multichannel WMA content.
    * Fixed 99-track CD bug.
    * Various other minor/cosmetic fixes.


Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Oktober 2008, 23:35:12
foobar2000 0.9.6 beta 1

ZitatChange log:

    * Media Library now automatically keeps track of any changes made to its folders; no more need to manually rescan them.
    * Improved compatibility of file type associations with Windows Vista.
    * No more delay when playing/enqueuing files from Windows Explorer.
    * The installer now includes "portable mode" that works in limited user contexts and doesn't make any changes to system configuration, registry, etc.
    * New Converter user interface.
    * Built-in Matroska support.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 20. Oktober 2008, 00:08:53
... und die Release Notes:
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. Oktober 2008, 23:29:02
beta 2

ZitatIssues fixed in 0.9.6 beta 2

    * Bug: Can't access audio CDs with only one track from the "Open Audio CD" dialog.
    * Bug: Changes to your Media Library folders made soon after starting foobar2000 may not get noticed.
    * Limitation: New 0.9.6 Media Library isn't compatible with certain network share configurations.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 03. November 2008, 16:24:04
beta 3

Issues fixed in 0.9.6 beta 3

    * Bug: Files with hidden attribute set reappear in the Media Library after a restart.
    * Bug: Media Library ignores folders with names starting with a dot character.
    * Bug: Certain folders can't be added to the Media Library when folders with a similar name are already added.
    * Multiple bugs: Various accessibility issues.
    * Bug: Seekbar is accessible while playing online streams; seeking results in weird behaviors.
    * Bug: When playing a track from explorer while there are still items in the playback queue, the next track from the queue is played instead.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. November 2008, 17:33:51
beta 4

ZitatIssues fixed in 0.9.6 beta 4

    * Bug: Middleclicking in various controls may result in a deadlock - introduced in beta 3.
    * Annoyance: User interface becomes unresponsive for several second when adding or removing multiple files to/from the Media Library, especially while using the Facets component.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. November 2008, 14:36:12
beta 5

ZitatIssues fixed in 0.9.6 beta 5

    * Bug: Glitches in MP3 decoder output.
    * Bug: Converter: Conversion to a network path fails with "access denied".
    * Bug: Album List: "Natural sorting" not applied correctly when sending tracks to a playlist etc.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. November 2008, 14:23:40
0.9.6 final

Latest news
Final version of foobar2000 v0.9.6 has been released. Download...
The Masstagger component has been also updated (v1.7.1), with minor improvements and cleanups.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Dezember 2008, 18:07:35
foobar2000 beta 1

ZitatChange log:

    * Autocompletion of values in the Properties dialog.
    * Support for chapters in Musepack SV8 files.
    * New "Split values" command in the Properties dialog.
    * Simple search queries: any latin characters are now matched, regardless of their accents.

ZitatIssues fixed in beta 1

    * Bug: Playback statistics data gets lost when upgrading from an older foobar2000 version.
    * Bug: Possible crashes with certain visualisations when the visualisation window has null width.

# Feature: Advanced matching of umlauts and accented characters in search queries implemented in
Properties dialog
# Feature: Dropdown lists with known possible values for certain fields. implemented in
# Feature: Split a single value into multiple values according to a user-specified separator pattern. implemented in
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 05. Januar 2009, 22:04:06
Unbemerkt von diesem thread wurde erst die beta 2 und mittlerweile die final von fertig gestellt.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 17. Januar 2009, 23:06:53
foobar2000 beta 1

# Media Library is now aware of newly installed decoder components and will re-check your folders for files that could not be indexed before.
# New options to control tag fields searched by simple search queries, in Advanced Preferences.
# Improvements to startup/shutdown time with ML on slow storages (e.g. network disk over WLAN).
# Fixed $time() bug.
# Fixed IME in autocomplete edit fields.
# New style of Advanced Preferences.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 18. Januar 2009, 17:15:23
foobar2000 beta 2

ZitatBeta 2 is up with a fix for broken indexing of UNC paths.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. Januar 2009, 15:50:37
beta 3

Changes and bug fixes:

    * Bug: Updating tags sometimes resets file creation date.
    * Bug: Properties dialog crash.
    * Bug: Random Converter failures when the destination folder is watched by the Media Library.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Januar 2009, 21:33:35
foobar2000 final

Issues fixed in final

    * Various bugs preventing IPv6 network streams from working.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 14. Februar 2009, 01:16:38
Hier das nächste Update
Version Beta 1

- Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities in AAC and Musepack decoders.
- Improved compatibility of Media Library with certain dodgy NAS devices.
- Media Library no longer ignores files/folders flagged as system.
- Improved shell integration behaviors when foobar2000 is taking very long to start.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Februar 2009, 18:51:56 beta 2

ZitatIssues fixed in beta 2

    * Bug: Incorrect handling of RAR archives larger than 4GB.
    * Bug: Possible crashes when opening corrupted RAR archives.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 25. Februar 2009, 19:16:34 Final

   * Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities in AAC and Musepack decoders.
   * Improved compatibility of Media Library with certain dodgy NAS devices.
   * Media Library no longer ignores files/folders flagged as system.
   * Improved shell integration behaviors when foobar2000 is taking very long to start.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 13. März 2009, 09:41:24 beta 1

   *   Third party components can now register custom protocols with the File Types preferences page.
   *   Removed the restriction of just one instance of specific DSP in a DSP chain.
   *   Fixed incorrect handling of 3-channel and 5-channel FLAC and Vorbis files.
   *   Converter now accepts alternate names for some of command-line encoder binaries (mpcenc.exe, oggenc2.exe).
   *   Converter and File Operations components no longer strip trailing dots from names of created files.
   *   Improved compatibility with dodgy Windows shell replacements.
   *   Automated submission of crash reports.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 16. März 2009, 22:24:54 beta 2

   * Bug: Crash when opening Musepack files with large (>64KB) ID3v2 tags.
   * Bug: Crash when calling some library_manager methods without a completion callback.
   * Bug: Nonsense in crash log when code bytes or stack dump cannot be retrieved.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. März 2009, 21:15:38
foobar2000 final

ZitatIssues fixed in final

    * Glitch: Title formatting pattern for columns and grouping modes limited to 4096 characters in Default User Interface preferences.
    * Bug: Possible crash when closing the startup "foobar2000 is now importing your Media Library" dialog.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 10. April 2009, 13:47:15
foobar2000 beta 1 (

* Online troubleshooter feature, accessible from the Help menu.
* Fixed: Album List was being compiled with all optimizations disabled until now, since at least 0.9.5, due to bugs in MSVC9.
* Various improvements to the crash report submission system.
* Fixed an obscure bug in the ABX component.
* Fixed a crash when trying to open a lossy WavPack3 file.
* Fixed a crash when decoding certain corrupted AAC files.
* Built-in album art viewer can now view artist pictures (embedded in tags and artist.jpg in the same folder).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 17. April 2009, 18:07:35
beta 2

Issues fixed

* Bug: Rare crash when clicking notification area icon - apparently only triggerable with certain third party components running.
* Bug [libflac 1.2.1]: FLAC decoding may crash on CPUs without SSE.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 25. April 2009, 17:35:38
foobar2000 Final

• Online troubleshooter feature, accessible from the Help menu.
• Fixed: Album List was being compiled with all optimizations disabled until now, since at least 0.9.5, due to bugs in MSVC9.
• Various improvements to the crash report submission system.
• Fixed an obscure bug in the ABX component.
• Fixed a crash when trying to open a lossy WavPack3 file.
• Fixed a crash when decoding certain corrupted AAC files.
• Built-in album art viewer can now view artist pictures (embedded in tags and artist.jpg in the same folder).
• *.m4b association for MP4
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Mai 2009, 11:09:47 beta1 (

foobar2000 v0.9.6.6 beta 1 has been released.
This version adds special measures to produce more useful crash reports from certain types of bugs; it's likely that specific buggy components will crash more often than before.
The third-party component blacklist has been updated to cover more of most widespread crash causes; in each case there's another less buggy component available that offers similar functionality.

    * Matroska files are now taggable even if they don't contain decodable audio tracks.
    * Worked-around "Open Containing Folder" command opening two windows on certain machines.
    * Added support for Multimedia Class Scheduler Service on Windows Vista and newer.
    * Various changes to make specific obscure crashes easier to analyze.
    * Updated third-party component blacklist.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Mai 2009, 17:48:06 final (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 22. Mai 2009, 00:46:25 (

   * Hotfix: fixed crash when seeking in files that can't be decoded completely.
   * Hotfix: corrected weird behaviors after restart with playback paused and "resume playback after restart" active.
   * Updated third-party component blacklist.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Juni 2009, 21:12:14 (

ZitatThis is a bugfix-only release; no new features have been added.

    *Fixed WavPack playback over HTTP.
    *Fixed weird shell extension behaviors with the "folder context menus" option active.
    *Fixed weird behaviors of the "stop after current" option.
    *Worked-around problems with dodgy Ogg streams produced by speexenc.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. August 2009, 23:27:27 beta 1 (

Neuerung: beta version nur als torrent file. (Falls dies Fragen aufwirft, bitte einen neuen thread aufmachen)

Yirkha von Hydrogenaudio:
Zitatfoobar2000 v0.9.6.9 beta 1 has been released today. This maintenance release brings the following changes:

    * Multiple stability/security fixes.
    * Corrected various user interface glitches.
    * "Help" button in Converter Setup dialog.
    * ABX Comparator component no longer included with the installer - now available for download separately.

Note that from now on, all beta versions will be available through bittorrent only.
The .torrent file is available on the Download page of the official website.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 25. August 2009, 09:25:24 final (

(Changelog siehe vorhergehender Post)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: MartDann in 20. November 2009, 18:28:02
1.0 Beta 1
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 20. November 2009, 20:10:17
Anmerkung zu torrent bei beta-Versionen - wer sich partout nicht damit anfreunden kann, filehippo bietet meist recht zeitnah einen exe-Download:
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: MartDann in 27. November 2009, 19:19:28
1.0 beta 2
ZitatIssues fixed in v1.0 beta 2 from the previous beta:

    * New: Converter encodes to .m4a rather than to .mp4.
    * New: Notices for components that no longer serve any purpose.
    * Bug: Certain ASX playlist files are not parsed properly.
    * Bug: Unwanted playlist view scrolling when deleting items in certain scenarios.
    * Bug: cannot bind context menu commands to toolbar buttons.
    * Bug: "initialization failure" errors when making a clean non-portable install rather than upgrading from an earlier version.
    * Bug: possible unnecessary tag reloads on Media Library contents on startup.
    * Bug: doubleclicking the Selection Properties element no longer brings up the Properties dialog.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 04. Dezember 2009, 19:51:57
1.0 beta 3

Zitat von:
    * Bug: Certain ASX files fail to load when dragged from a webbrowser or added through "add location".
    * Bug: Windows Media stream .WAX files can't be opened.
    * Bug: Titles of certain Windows Media streams are not displayed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Dezember 2009, 16:59:25
foobar2000 v1.0 beta 4 (

ZitatList of changes:

    * Bug fix: Having "full file buffering" feature enabled breaks Windows Media streaming over HTTP.
    * Bug fix: Incorrect sorting of the "Duration" column in Default UI.
    * Bug fix: Cannot convert to WAV+CUE.
    * Added support for ASX files referencing other ASX files.
    * Installer now forcefully removes very old components that can no longer be loaded. You will be prompted before anything gets deleted so you can back relevant files up.
    * Old behavior of the Converter's [...] button has been restored.
    * Added a hidden-by-default main menu command to access Playlist Search regardless of current focus.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Dezember 2009, 20:47:28
foobar2000 v1.0 beta 5 (

ZitatList of changes:

    * Bug fixed: Importing themes while having Default User Interface preferences open causes inconsistent behaviors of the status bar formatting editbox.
    * Bug fixed: Some Windows Media streams stop playback on track change.
    * Bug fixed: ASX playlist parsing fails if the file contains XML comments.
    * Bug fixed: WMA cover art is not loaded from some files.
    * .WVX playlists (a variation of ASX) are now supported.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Dezember 2009, 20:21:11
foobar2000 v1.0 beta 6 (

Zitatfoobar2000 v1.0 beta 6 has been released.
Read release notes...

List of changes:

   * Bug fixed: Inconsistent behaviors of the "Colors and Fonts" preferences page when importing themes or using the "Quick Appearance Setup" dialog.
   * Shoutcast stream titles are now parsed as UTF-8, allowing Unicode characters.
   * Improved compatibility with (unofficial?) FLAC multichannel specification.
   * Internal clean-ups and fixes.

This is most likely the last beta version before 1.0 final. There have been no major bug reports since the previous beta. I personally recommend all users to install it - make a new portable install if you don't want to overwrite your existing 0.9.x install yet - and try it, so if there is anything seriously wrong, you don't miss your chance to report it before the stable version is out.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Januar 2010, 21:36:11
foobar2000 v1.0 (

Release Notes:


   * New context menu structure - better out-of-the-box layout but less customizable.
   * Built-in support for Windows Media and RTSP streaming.
   * "Edit" menu operates on the currently selected object rather than always on the active playlist.
   * Improved compatibility with multimedia keyboards.
   * Improved, more customizable album art support.
   * Portable installs now remember Media Library paths relatively to the install folder.
   * Reworked Preferences: OK/Cancel/Apply buttons, new layout of standard pages.
   * New options regarding selection viewer behavior.
   * Default User Interface: new pseudo color code system for status bar and playlist view.
   * CD ripping improvements:
         o Results can be now checked against the AccurateRip database on-the-fly.
         o CD-TEXT reading support.
         o Ability to choose individual tracks to rip in the "Rip Audio CD" dialog.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 09. Januar 2010, 21:39:54
Achtung! Bislang scheint es 1.0 nur per Torrent runterladbar zugeben. Für Opera-User dürfte das kein Problem darstellen. Aber für andere müssen sich dann so ausstatten, dass sie eine .torrent runterladen können.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 10. Januar 2010, 12:29:58
filehippo war auch diesmal recht schnell:
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Spirit_of_the_ocean in 10. Januar 2010, 13:56:45
Bitte beachten: In ein paar Tagen wird der direkte Download von der offiziellen Foobar2000 Homepage wieder möglich sein.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Januar 2010, 18:50:34
Nun direkter download unter möglich
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 20. Januar 2010, 16:17:26
Wo? Ich bekomme es noch immer nur über Bit-Torrent...
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Januar 2010, 16:22:07
Der link zum direkten download ist wieder weg  >:D (ich schwöre, er war mal da :engel:)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: MartDann in 20. Januar 2010, 17:23:59
Stimmt, der war mal da.... möglicherweise habens Trafficprobleme und haben deshalb vll den DDL wieder abgedreht, denke mal das zu Beginn nächsten Monats der DL wahrscheinlich wieder da ist.
BTW: gerade mal nachgeschaut, der Tracker von Foobar meldet über 40.000 Downloads, doch eine ganz ansehnliche Menge.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 21. Januar 2010, 13:37:12
Zitat von: MartDann in 20. Januar 2010, 17:23:59
BTW: gerade mal nachgeschaut, der Tracker von Foobar meldet über 40.000 Downloads, doch eine ganz ansehnliche Menge.

Was ist das und wo findet man das (ich weiß, ich bin ungebildet...)?

Ich verweise im Übrigen weiterhin auf filehippo:
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: MartDann in 21. Januar 2010, 17:58:46
Ich lasse Foobar bei mir ja weiterseeden in µ-Torrent, und der Tracker von Foobar meldet neben den Seedern und Leechern eben auch die Anzahl wie oft die Datei geladen wurde.
sieht bei mir so aus:
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 21. Januar 2010, 19:15:34
Ah, danke.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Februar 2010, 16:16:11
foobar2000 v1.0.1 beta 1 (

ZitatList of changes:

   * Undecodable tracks now get substituted with 1s of silence to prevent deadlocks with dodgy third-party components.
   * Worked-around bug in Windows 7 with status bar repaint glitches.
   * Windows Media streaming compatibility improvements.
   * Fixed notification area icon being incorrectly shown in certain conditions.
   * Audio format support updates: added support for decoding Wave64 and RF64 formats, added built-in support for writing Wave64 format.
   * Added folder name wildcard matching for album art search.
   * Added a workaround for horribly broken Asus Xonar drivers.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Bubi in 27. Februar 2010, 18:04:05
foobar2000 v1.0.1 beta 2 (

Zitat* Converter: worked-around misbehaviors of command-line encoders when the output file name begins with - or @.
* Converter: refreshed MP3 encoding configuration dialog.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Gen. Bully in 06. März 2010, 15:09:19
foobar2000 v1.0.1 final (


      Undecodable tracks now get substituted with 1s of silence to prevent deadlocks with dodgy third-party components.
      Worked-around bug in Windows 7 with status bar repaint glitches.
      Windows Media streaming compatibility improvements.
      Fixed notification area icon being incorrectly shown in certain conditions.
      Audio format support updates: added support for decoding Wave64 and RF64 formats, added built-in support for writing Wave64 format.
      Added folder name wildcard matching for album art search.
      Added a workaround for horribly broken Asus Xonar drivers.
      Converter: worked-around misbehaviors of command-line encoders when the output file name begins with - or @.
      Converter: refreshed MP3 encoding configuration dialog.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. April 2010, 17:30:34
foobar2000 v1.0.2 beta 1 (

    *Portable install: playlists now reference files by paths relative to the parent folder of the foobar2000 installation folder.
    *Various bug fixes.
    *Made Nero AAC encoder setup tag visible as "encoder".
    *Third party library updates (zlib and libvorbis).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 11. April 2010, 10:06:04
foobar2000 v1.0.2.1 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. April 2010, 15:07:39
foobar2000 v1.0.3 (

    * Fixed incorrect behaviors with both "cursor follows playback" and "playback follows cursor" enabled.
    * Improved compatibility with dodgy ASX files written by Windows Media Player.
    * Fixed notification area icon minimize bugs (again).
    * Fixed problems with encoding very long audio streams to Vorbis.
    * Fixed a very rare crash when using the Media Library preferences page.
    * Various other maintenance updates and bug fixes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: qwert73 in 17. Juli 2010, 13:33:09
foobar v1.1 beta1 (

Change Log:

   *New component installation and automatic updating functionality.
         oOptional components are now installed into user's profile folder, allowing different components installed for different users on one system.
   *Entirely new Converter user interface.
   *Reworked appearance of various Preferences pages and other utility dialogs.
   *Improved ID3v2 tag writing standard compliance.
   *Improved Matroska compliance.

ZitatAdding a few points to the change log:
 * Ability to delete the now-playing track
 * Special service to allow sane decoding of DTS/HDCD for WAV, CDDA, FLAC and WavPack (direct 16-bit data)
 * ML viewer selection playlist reordering improvements
 * ML folder watching behaviors configurable (right-click on folders in ML preferences etc.)
 * Pretty notification about missing output device
 * Workaround for broken file open/save dialogs on some Vista+ systems
(ML = Media Library)

Release notes (

Grund für Edit: Ergänzung - grimes

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 17. Juli 2010, 16:58:32
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 03. August 2010, 18:28:21
foobar2000 v1.1 beta2 (

* Converter UI updates
* Added an option not to always update supported format record on startup (Vista and up)
* Updated the installer script to latest
* Fixed popup_message bug
* Various cosmetic fixes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 13. August 2010, 17:25:11
foobar2000 v1.1 beta 3 (

* Converter now allows disabling HDCD and DTS post-processors and installer has been changed slightly.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. August 2010, 09:10:45
foobar2000 v1.1 (

   * New component installation and automatic updating functionality.
         o Optional components are now installed into user's profile folder, allowing different components installed for different users on one system.
   * Entirely new Converter user interface.
   * Reworked appearance of various Preferences pages and other utility dialogs.
   * Improved ID3v2 tag writing standard compliance.
   * Improved Matroska compliance.

ZitatIssues fixed in 1.1
    * Bug: Matroska files using header stripping (default in new mkvmerge) are not readable.
    * Bug: Written ID3v2.3 tags may contain ID3v2.4 frames in certain cases when the file originally contained an ID3v2.4 tag.
    * Bug: Rare crash when decoding specific Musepack files.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Oktober 2010, 16:32:38
foobar2000 v1.1.1 beta 2 (

Zitatfoobar2000 v1.1.1 beta 1 has been released. This update improves first run experience for new users and resolves certain known bugs.

   * Improved first run experience
         o With standard (non-portable) installs, foobar2000 Media Library defaults to indexing your music folders indexed by Windows itself.
   * HTTPS support in networking services
         o This is mainly relevant to component developers. You can now access HTTPS URLs through filesystem and http_client services.
   * Fixed a rare crash when closing the Preferences dialog in specific conditions.
   * Improved compatibility with broken MP4 files.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. November 2010, 22:11:24
foobar2000 v1.1.1 (

    * Improved first run experience
          o With standard (non-portable) installs, foobar2000 Media Library defaults to indexing your music folders indexed by Windows itself.
    * HTTPS support in networking services
          o This is mainly relevant to component developers. You can now access HTTPS URLs through filesystem and http_client services.
    * Fixed a rare crash when closing the Preferences dialog in specific conditions.
    * Improved compatibility with broken MP4 files.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Januar 2011, 09:44:56
foobar2000 v1.1.2 beta 3 (

( (

   New foobar2000 application icon.
   foobar2000's volume slider is now synchronized with Windows Mixer application volume slider on Windows Vista and newer.
   Progress of various operations is now displayed on Windows 7 taskbar.
   Fixed various freedb related bugs; freedb support works again.
   Fixed 1.1.1 regression with Media Library configuration reset when upgrading from versions older than 1.1.
   Fixed 1.1.1 regression with Media Library being stuck in "initializing" state if foobar2000's portable installation files are inside one of the watched folders.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 15. Januar 2011, 01:15:59
foobar2000 v1.1.2 beta 4 (

- Improved startup time and memory usage with very large libraries
- Hopefully a more solid workaround for Windows 7 audio mixer crashes
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Januar 2011, 10:36:16
foobar2000 v1.1.2 (


   New foobar2000 application icon.
   foobar2000's volume slider is now synchronized with Windows Mixer application volume slider on Windows Vista and newer.
   Progress of various operations is now displayed on Windows 7 taskbar.
   Fixed various freedb related bugs; freedb support works again.
   Fixed 1.1.1 regression with Media Library configuration reset when upgrading from versions older than 1.1.
   Fixed 1.1.1 regression with Media Library being stuck in "initializing" state if foobar2000's portable installation files are inside one of the watched folders.
   Improved startup time and memory usage with very large media libraries. [beta 4]

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Februar 2011, 16:30:40
foobar2000 v1.1.3 (

    Fixed crashing on newest AMD processors.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 23. Februar 2011, 21:39:07
Offenbar hat die aktuelle Version 1.1.3 einen Bug beim Abspielen von AAC/MP4 (
Nutzer dieser Dateiformate sollten auf das Bugfix warten.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Februar 2011, 22:45:18
foobar2000 v1.1.4 (

    Fixed regression: incorrect AAC decoder behaviors introduced in version 1.1.3.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: fooamp in 27. Februar 2011, 23:43:50
foobar2000 v1.1.5 (

Mit einer Entschuldigung und einer damit einhergehenden Neuerung:

Zitat von:
Another update and an apology.
As you have noticed, there has been a lot of hot-fixing going on recently.
Certain experimental changes made between versions 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 did not exactly function as intended and caused various problems.
This is now hopefully resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
To ease the pain in case situations like this happen again, the latest version - 1.1.5 - can now check for foobar2000 core updates and redirect you to the download page if your foobar2000 version is outdated.

Zitat von:

   *   Fixed various 1.1.3 / 1.1.4 regressions.
   *   Added a menu item to check for new foobar2000 versions.
   *   Added a menu item to more easily check for updated components.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: qwert73 in 20. März 2011, 12:51:10
foobar2000 1.1.6 beta1 (

Überraschende Änderungen beim Schreiben und Lesen von MP3-Tags:
ZitatTo improve the interoperability between foobar2000 and other media players, foobar2000 v1.1.6 offers the following changes to metadata handling:

Special work-around for "AC/DC" artist in ID3v2.3.
ID3v2.3 specification does not support slash characters in artist names, however foobar2000 will write "AC/DC" as is, emulating behaviors of other software in this specific case.
The ALBUM ARTIST field is now mapped to the ID3v2 TPE2 (BAND) frame. ALBUM ARTIST entries written by older foobar2000 versions are still being read.
ID3v2.3 tags are now written by default, without unsynchronization.
Various popular software does not read ID3v2.4 tags or any ID3v2 tags with unsynchronization. The new default behavior aims for maximum compatibility, not for specification compliance.
foobar2000 links the iTunes ITUNESCOMPILATION tag to the ALBUM ARTIST tag. In case an ITUNESCOMPILATION tag is found in a file, foobar2000 treats it as if ALBUM ARTIST was set to "Various Artists". If an ALBUM ARTIST tag is found, ITUNESCOMPILATION will be ignored. [/li][/list]

Support added for multi-value fields in WMA tags, as specified here.

foobar2000 links the iTunes ITUNESCOMPILATION tag to the ALBUM ARTIST tag. In case an ITUNESCOMPILATION tag is found in a file, foobar2000 treats it as if ALBUM ARTIST was set to "Various Artists". If an ALBUM ARTIST tag is found, ITUNESCOMPILATION will be ignored.

To benefit from these changes, users have to reload the metadata from the relevant files. This can be done by selecting the files in the Media Library or Playlist, and opening the context menu (right mouse button) while holding down the shift key to show additional options. From the menu select Tagging->Reload Info from file(s) to reload the info of the selected files.

kompletter changelog (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 25. März 2011, 18:00:45
foobar2000 1.1.6 beta2 (

Special work-around for slash characters in ID3v2.3 behavior changed in beta 2
ID3v2.3 specification does not support slash characters in artist names; the slash character is reserved for delimiting multiple artist names. Because this is unacceptable from user's point of view, foobar2000 now uses " / " string as multi-artist delimiter in ID3v2.3 artist fields.
The ALBUM ARTIST field is now mapped to the ID3v2 TPE2 (BAND) frame. ALBUM ARTIST entries written by older foobar2000 versions are still being read.
This behavior can now be reverted through an advanced preferences option if you wish to strictly treat TPE2 as BAND behavior changed in beta 2
ID3v2.3 tags are now written by default, without unsynchronization.
Various popular software does not read ID3v2.4 tags or any ID3v2 tags with unsynchronization. The new default behavior aims for maximum compatibility, not for specification compliance.
foobar2000 links the iTunes ITUNESCOMPILATION tag to the ALBUM ARTIST tag. In case an ITUNESCOMPILATION tag is found in a file, foobar2000 treats it as if ALBUM ARTIST was set to "Various Artists". If an ALBUM ARTIST tag is found, ITUNESCOMPILATION will be ignored.

Support added for multi-value fields in WMA tags, as specified here.

foobar2000 links the iTunes ITUNESCOMPILATION tag to the ALBUM ARTIST tag. In case an ITUNESCOMPILATION tag is found in a file, foobar2000 treats it as if ALBUM ARTIST was set to "Various Artists". If an ALBUM ARTIST tag is found, ITUNESCOMPILATION will be ignored.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. April 2011, 22:54:55
foobar2000 1.1.6 beta3 (

ZitatThis update resolves multiple known problems with the new ReplayGain scanner.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. April 2011, 14:30:47
foobar2000 1.1.6 beta4 (

ZitatThis update again improves tagging compatibility with other software as well as corrects inconsistent ReplayGain scanner behavior for mono files.

Zitat-iTunes-private COMM frames are ignored so they don't pollute comment fields and are always preserved when retagging. (id3v2)
-Added support for more iTunes-specific fields. (id3v2 & mp4)
-Unknown or unsupported Apple metadata atoms are preserved when retagging. (mp4)
-RG scanner now treats Mono files as dual mono

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 15. April 2011, 19:57:45
foobar2000 1.1.6 beta5 (

* To prevent problems with converting tags between different ID3v2 revisions, foobar2000 will no longer convert ID3v2 tags between 2.3 and 2.4 unless explicitly requested by the user.
* ID3v2 revision is now reported in the "tagtype" field.
* MP4 genre now works properly.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 23. April 2011, 08:32:57
foobar2000 1.1.6 (

* Improved performance when playing very short tracks.
* Improved tag compatibility with other software.
  - "Album artist" is mapped to ID3v2 TPE2 like in WMP/iTunes.
  - Support for iTunes "itunescompilation" tags, in MP3/ID3v2 and MP4.
  - ID3v2.3 tags are now written by default since version 2.4 seems to be widely ignored by software vendors.
  - Added support for multi-value WMA tags.
* Improved reading of MP3 encoding information headers written by alpha versions of LAME.
* ReplayGain scanner now uses libebur128 for improved accuracy.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. April 2011, 17:37:54
foobar2000 v1.1.7 beta 1 (

    Ability to edit embedded pictures in media files - currently supports: MP3, FLAC, WMA, WavPack, Musepack and APE.
    Updated ReplayGain scanning code to the latest version of libebur128.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. Mai 2011, 07:32:59
foobar2000 v1.1.7 beta 2 (

ZitatNew beta version (1.1.7 beta 2) is out. Various bugs have been fixed; support for attaching pictures to Vorbis files has been added.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Mai 2011, 15:13:40
foobar2000 v1.1.7 beta 3 (

ZitatChanges: new batch picture attaching functionality, improved external album art loading logic for multi-disc albums.
You can now batch-attach images in a manner similar to how foobar2000's external album art loading works.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Mai 2011, 16:16:23
foobar2000 v1.1.7 beta 4 (

ZitatChanges: improved reported bitrate calculation for various audio formats so oversized tags no longer affect it; new command to remove all attached pictures.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. Mai 2011, 18:10:43
foobar2000 v1.1.7 beta 5 (

ZitatThis is a hotfix release to address beta 4 regression with MP4 tagging.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 27. Mai 2011, 12:45:58
foobar2000 v1.1.7 beta 6 (

This update improves MP4 tag handling robustness and more properly addresses the beta 4 regression.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Juni 2011, 19:02:00
foobar2000 v1.1.7 (

   Ability to add/remove embedded pictures in media files - currently supports: MP3, MP4, FLAC, WMA, WavPack, Musepack, Vorbis and APE.
   Improved bitrate reporting accuracy for various audio formats.
   Updated ReplayGain scanning code to the latest version of libebur128.

ZitatIssues fixed in 1.1.7
    Bug: Update-check menu commands share the same ID, causing various breakage.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Juli 2011, 17:47:17
foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 1 (

Worked-around a reported security problem with certain WAV files and buggy system codecs.
Skip silence DSP improvements.
Improved MP3 tag handling (ID3v2) compliance:
        More compliant WXXX parsing.
        More compliant ID3v2.4 date handling.
        Compressed 2.3 tags are now readable.
        Due to heavy structural changes relevant code, please watch out for MP3 tagging regressions.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 13. Juli 2011, 13:40:22
foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 2 (

Version 1.1.8 beta 2 is out, known problems have been addressed, thanks for the feedback.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. Juli 2011, 22:20:45
foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 3 (

foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 3 has been released. This update addresses various bugs related to Musepack file format handling.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. August 2011, 00:20:51
foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 4 (

-Improved FLAC/Vorbis "album artist" metadata compatibility with other software. (beta 4)
    -Both "album artist" and "albumartist" are read as fb2k "album artist".
    -Fb2k "album artist" is written as "albumartist" by default, the writing it as "album artist" as before is opt-in.

This update improves "album artist" metadata compatibility for FLAC & Vorbis formats. Details are included in the change log.
This is an experimental change; reports of scenarios where compatibility has been degraded are welcome.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. August 2011, 23:06:01
foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 5 (

ZitatImproved FLAC/Vorbis metadata compatibility with other software. (beta 4, beta 5)
       Affected fields: "album artist", "totaltracks", "totaldiscs".
       The old behavior can be restored with an Advanced Preferences switch.
   Support for playing WebM audio (beta 5)
   Support for iTunes gapless information in MP3 files (beta 5)
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. August 2011, 19:30:13
foobar2000 v1.1.8 beta 6 (

ZitatBeta 6 out, thanks to the approximately 70 people who reported the beta 5 preferences crash.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. September 2011, 13:41:15
foobar2000 v1.1.8 (

ZitatVarious known regressions from the beta versions have once again been addressed.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Oktober 2011, 18:28:43
foobar2000 v1.1.9 beta 1 (

    This version adds long-awaited tagging support for the WAV file format.
   Added WAV file format tagging support.
   Implemented experimental support for 16-bit floating-point WAV files.
   Fixed ID3v2 handling bugs from 1.1.8.

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Oktober 2011, 13:04:58
foobar2000 v1.1.9 beta 2 (

This update fixes more MP3 tagging regressions from 1.1.8 and refines the WAV tagging feature.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 05. November 2011, 07:52:43
foobar2000 v1.1.9 (
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. November 2011, 16:39:35
foobar2000 v1.1.10 beta 1 (

This version adds native ALAC support using the newly released Apple decoder library; the ALAC decoder component is now obsolete.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. November 2011, 14:26:09
foobar2000 v1.1.10 beta 2 (

This update addresses various security issues in the new ALAC decoder and introduces a workaround for the infamous Asus Xonar volume control bug.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. Dezember 2011, 19:54:18
foobar2000 v1.1.10 (

ZitatVarious stability issues have been addressed since the last beta version. Updating from any older version is highly recommended.

*Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) decoding support is now included out-of-the-box, using the newly published Apple library.
*Fixed WAV handling bugs introduced in 1.1.9.
*Worked around buggy Asus Xonar drivers, volume control no longer requires toggling specific options in the driver control panel.
*Various stability fixes.
*New "about" dialog.

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Januar 2012, 14:16:24
foobar2000 v1.1.11 beta 1 (

ZitatImproved built-in crossfading functionality, new fading configuration in Preferences / Output.
       Fading functionality available with built-in DirectSound mode only.
   New .fb2k-component file type extension for foobar2000 component packages.
   Fixed some potential security issues.
   Added type-find in the default playlist view.
   Added support for album art in APEv2 tags on MP3 files.
   Fixed more WAV handling bugs.

Main changes include new built-in crossfading functionality and easy installation of add-on components through new .fb2k-component file type.

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Januar 2012, 14:10:50
foobar2000 v1.1.11 beta 2 (

ZitatVarious beta 1 quirks have been sanitized.
This version introduces an experimental deadlock detection feature - the application will automatically terminate and produce a crash report after long periods of apparent UI unresponsiveness.
Please always send reports of any crashes that you encounter, chances are that they can be worked-around in the next version or forwarded to the developer of the problematic component.

ZitatImproved built-in crossfading functionality, new fading configuration in Preferences / Output.
        Fading functionality available with built-in DirectSound mode only.
    New .fb2k-component file type extension for foobar2000 component packages.
    Fixed some potential security issues.
    Added type-find in the default playlist view.
    Added support for album art in APEv2 tags on MP3 files.
    Fixed more WAV handling bugs.
    Converter update - now you can restrict specific encoder to run in one thread only.
    Experimental deadlock detection (beta 2)
        After long periods of apparent UI unresponsiveness, the application will automatically terminate and produce a crash report.
    Cleaned up advanced preferences for MP3 tagging (beta 2)
        "Force preferred tagging scheme" option gone - use the "MP3 tag types" dialog to convert between different tag types.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Januar 2012, 00:45:07
foobar2000 v1.1.11 beta 4 (

Zitatfoobar2000 v1.1.11 beta 3 and beta 4 released.
Various UI responsivity bugs have been fixed using the telemetry data from beta 2 - thanks to everyone who submitted crash reports.
Update: Now at beta 4. The short-lived beta 3 had a major stability problem that should be fixed now - special thanks to the 15 people who submitted crash reports so quickly.

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 25. Januar 2012, 16:14:40
foobar2000 v1.1.11 beta 5 (

ZitatThis update includes incremental bug fixes over beta 4 as well more customizable fading.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. Februar 2012, 14:52:34
foobar2000 v1.1.11 (

ZitatVarious bugs have been fixed again; the deadlock detection feature has been toned down - in stable releases it will no longer kill the app due to slow operations on large music libraries.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. März 2012, 21:31:24
foobar2000 v1.1.12 beta 1 (

ZitatThis is a maintenance update focusing on various bugs documented since the last release.

    Fixed Musepack HTTP streaming bugs.
   Fixed incorrect MP3 decoder behavior on certain rare files.
   Fixed crash reporter dialog crash (duh).
   Detection of proxy server settings from Internet Explorer.
   Improved crash report generation for infinite recursions / stack overflows.
   Fixed multi-channel FLAC encoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
   Fixed multi-channel WavPack decoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
   Now possible to use HDCD & DTS decoder components with ALAC.
   Changed MP3 tag reading behaviors when multiple tags are present.
       ID3v2 content now takes priority over APE and then ID3v1.
   Various time-consuming operations such as conversion or ReplayGain-scanning now prevent the computer from automatically going to sleep (opt-out).

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. März 2012, 15:03:24
foobar2000 v1.1.12 beta 2 (

ZitatThis is a quick fix for apparent regressions in the beta 1.

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. April 2012, 11:13:38
foobar2000 v1.1.12 beta 3 (

ZitatThis update fixes an MP3 decoder regression causing glitches when decoding files that have been split from a longer original file.

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. April 2012, 11:00:01
foobar2000 v1.1.12 beta 4 (

ZitatThis incremental update brings various performance and compatibility updates

Tuned ReplayGain scanner for fast multicore CPU / slow HDD scenarios (beta 4).
Fixed Converter misbehavior on files with misplaced "cuesheet" tags (beta 4).
Improved performance when playing MP3 files from internet HTTP sources (beta 4).
Improved compatibility with Apple's HFS driver (beta 4).

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. Mai 2012, 20:57:31
foobar2000 v1.1.12 beta 5 (

ZitatThis update addresses various ID3 tag handling issues and improves ID3 specification compliance

Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Mai 2012, 10:44:14
foobar2000 v1.1.12 beta 6 (

Zitatincluding further incremental fixes

Improved ID3v2.3 specification compliance for TXXX and TCON (genre) frames (beta 6).
Fixed Converter having trouble locating oggenc.exe (beta 6).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. Mai 2012, 15:03:56
foobar2000 v1.1.12 final (

    Fixed Musepack HTTP streaming bugs.
    Fixed incorrect MP3 decoder behavior on certain rare files.
    Fixed crash reporter dialog crash (duh).
    Detection of proxy server settings from Internet Explorer.
    Fixed multi-channel FLAC encoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
    Fixed multi-channel WavPack decoding (channel mask now gets preserved).
    Now possible to use HDCD & DTS decoder components with ALAC.
    Changed MP3 tag reading behaviors when multiple tags are present.
        ID3v2 content now takes priority over APE and then ID3v1.
    Various time-consuming operations such as conversion or ReplayGain-scanning now prevent the computer from automatically going to sleep (opt-out).
    Tuned ReplayGain scanner for fast multicore CPU / slow HDD scenarios (beta 4).
    Fixed Converter misbehavior on files with misplaced "cuesheet" tags (beta 4).
    Improved performance when playing MP3 files from internet HTTP sources (beta 4).
    Improved compatibility with Apple's HFS driver (beta 4).
    ID3v2 handling improvements (beta 5):
        Fixed TXXX field name sometimes incorrectly written.
        No longer possible to write multiple values per ID3v2.3 frame in various scenarios.
            Improved ID3v2.3 specification compliance for TXXX and TCON (genre) frames (beta 6).
        COMM frames with a description now show as "COMMENT <description>".
        Certain broken APIC (cover art) frames are now visible.
    APEv2 tag writing: relaxed tracknumber/discnumber field content restrictions (beta 5).
    Fixed Converter having trouble locating oggenc.exe (beta 6).
    Fixed WAV handling exploits affecting versions 1.1.9-1.1.12b6.
        Thanks to FuzzMyApp for the report and samples.
    Files with .M4R (MP4 ringtones) extension are now recognized (1.1.12 final).
    Fixed incorrect handling of hidden files with certain Media Library configurations (1.1.12 final).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 28. Mai 2012, 09:09:44
foobar2000 v1.1.12a (

Hot fix: foobar2000 v1.1.12a has been released. This version corrects a regression in 1.1.12 final.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. Juni 2012, 14:35:44
foobar2000 v1.1.13 beta 1 (

    Fixed ID3v2 regressions from version 1.1.12
    Fixed playback-getting-stuck bugs with fade-on-track-advance enabled.
    ID3v2 compliance changes: multiple TXXX allowed again, semicolon used for multiple genre separator.
    Changed ID3v2.3 TYER/TDAT handling, now merged into one DATE field formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Juni 2012, 21:25:06
foobar2000 v1.1.13 (

    Fixed ID3v2 regressions from version 1.1.12
    Fixed playback-getting-stuck bugs with fade-on-track-advance enabled.
    ID3v2 compliance changes: multiple TXXX allowed again, semicolon used for multiple genre separator.
    Changed ID3v2.3 TYER/TDAT handling, now merged into one DATE field formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
    Fixed incorrect volume control behavior when cycling output methods.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. Juli 2012, 19:59:12
foobar2000 v1.1.14 beta 1 (

  1.1.14 (work-in-progress)
   Added support for the IETF Opus codec (

Configuring Opus encoding in foobar2000 Converter
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. August 2012, 12:36:25
foobar2000 v1.1.14 beta 2 (

Zitat1.1.14 (work-in-progress)
    Added support for the IETF Opus codec.
    Improved compliance of ReplayGain tagging for Opus files (beta 2).
    More robust handling of ID3v2.3 TDAT frames (beta 2).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. August 2012, 14:11:13
foobar2000 v1.1.14 beta 3 (

ZitatAdded Opus encoding support in Converter (requires external opusenc.exe binary).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 17. August 2012, 22:36:43
foobar2000 v1.1.14 final (

• Added support for the IETF Opus codec.
• Improved compliance of ReplayGain tagging for Opus files (beta 2).
• More robust handling of ID3v2.3 TDAT frames (beta 2).
• Added Opus encoding support in Converter (requires external opusenc.exe binary) (beta 3).
• Fixed a deadlock when reading strange/corrupted zip files (final).
• Fixed a rare deadlock related to updating tags on the file being currently played.
• Fixed a rare deadlock related to starting/stopping playback.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. August 2012, 12:12:59
foobar2000 v1.1.14a (

foobar2000 v1.1.14a has been released. A regression that slipped into 1.1.14 final has been corrected; thanks to all the people who submitted crash telemetry so quickly. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. August 2012, 13:29:24
foobar2000 v1.1.15 beta 1 (

ZitatAdded basic MusicBrainz tagging capability to the audio CD ripper.
Worked-around shell integration incompatibility with Windows 8.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. September 2012, 20:47:33
foobar2000 v1.1.15 beta 2 (

    Added basic MusicBrainz tagging capability to the audio CD ripper.
        CD ripper can now look up CD information automatically each time a new CD is about to be ripped.
    Worked-around shell integration incompatibility with Windows 8.
    Converter performance tweaks for multi-core encoding (beta 2).
    Resolved incompatibility with Matroska files processed with mkvclean (beta 2).
    ID3v2: "rating" tags now compatible with Windows Media Player (beta 2).
    Resolved Converter incompatibility with new Opus encoder (beta 2).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. September 2012, 21:46:26
foobar2000 v1.1.15 (

   Added basic MusicBrainz tagging capability to the audio CD ripper.
       CD ripper can now look up CD information automatically each time a new CD is about to be ripped.
   Worked-around shell integration incompatibility with Windows 8.
   Converter performance tweaks for multi-core encoding (beta 2).
   Resolved incompatibility with Matroska files processed with mkvclean (beta 2).
   ID3v2: "rating" tags now compatible with Windows Media Player (beta 2).
   Resolved Converter incompatibility with new Opus encoder (beta 2).
   Worked-around drag&drop incompatibility with Windows explorer read-only optical media (final).
   Added an advanced preferences option to minimize the app on [ x ] close (final).
   Worked-around NSIS installer incompatibility with Windows 8 address space layout randomization (final).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Oktober 2012, 12:13:45
foobar2000 v1.1.16 beta 1 (

This is a maintenance update with various bug fixes and compatibility improvements.

    Worked around playback/output preferences crash on Windows 2003.
    ID3v2 tagging compatibility improvements:
        Non-compliant ID3v2.3 TYER allowed by default since various other popular software does it.
        Option to write "rating" as TXXX for the few people who want it.
    Fixed properties dialog field copy/paste inconsistency when copying specific fields from single to multiple files.
    ReplayGain scanner: added additional warnings when trying to scan a very large group of tracks as a single album.
    ReplayGain scanner: addressed extreme memory usage when scanning a large group of tracks as a single album.
    Cleaned up embedded cuesheet handling code.
    Faster FLAC tag updates when full file rewrite is necessary.
    Sanitized FLAC tag updating behaviors in low-memory conditions.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Oktober 2012, 16:44:43
foobar2000 v1.1.16 beta 2 (

ZitatThe File Operations component now be used to create links to files, in addition to copying/renaming/moving (beta 2).
Improved album art loading performance with huge libraries and complicated lookup patterns (beta 2).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Oktober 2012, 12:50:43
foobar2000 v1.1.16 final (

ZitatWorked around playback/output preferences crash on Windows 2003.
ID3v2 tagging compatibility improvements:
Non-compliant ID3v2.3 TYER allowed by default since various other popular software does it.
Option to write "rating" as TXXX for the few people who want it.
Fixed properties dialog field copy/paste inconsistency when copying specific fields from single to multiple files.
ReplayGain scanner: added additional warnings when trying to scan a very large group of tracks as a single album.
ReplayGain scanner: addressed extreme memory usage when scanning a large group of tracks as a single album.
Cleaned up embedded cuesheet handling code.
Faster FLAC tag updates when full file rewrite is necessary.
Sanitized FLAC tag updating behaviors in low-memory conditions.
The File Operations component now be used to create links to files, in addition to copying/renaming/moving (beta 2).
Improved album art loading performance with huge libraries and complicated lookup patterns (beta 2).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. November 2012, 13:32:27
foobar2000 v1.1.17 beta 1 (

Zitatvarious minor bugs have been fixed.
Converter works on non-seekable sources again, such as Internet streams.
Fixed rare crash bug with "full file buffering".
Fixed oscilloscope inversion bug
Improved media library relative path handling in portable installs.
Ctrl+A now works in generic text popup dialogs (popup_message API).
Crash reporting improvements for hopefully more meaningful data about deadlocks.
Updated zlib to 1.2.7.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. November 2012, 16:49:38
foobar2000 v1.1.17 final (

Converter works on non-seekable sources again, such as Internet streams.
Fixed rare crash bug with "full file buffering".
Fixed oscilloscope inversion bug
Improved media library relative path handling in portable installs.
Ctrl+A now works in generic text popup dialogs (popup_message API).
Crash reporting improvements for hopefully more meaningful data about deadlocks.
Updated zlib to 1.2.7.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. November 2012, 22:54:47
foobar2000 v1.1.18 (

ZitatHot fix: deadlock detection feature has been disabled due to newly documented harmful side effects.
No more crash when playing during a machine standby cycle.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Dezember 2012, 14:06:39
Ein neuer Meilenstein in der foobar2000-Entwicklung kündigt sich an.

foobar2000 v1.2 beta 1 (

Support for streaming to arbitrary UPnP MediaRenderer devices through the new UPnP output component.
FFmpeg is now used for MP3, AAC and Vorbis decoding
Extended playback thread priority options in Advanced Preferences.
New: Converter "Quick Convert" dialog, for simplified casual conversions without advanced features.
New: Menu commands to switch between playback output devices.
New: Component installer now shows component licenses when available.
Package license.txt or license.rtf with the component to get it shown on install.
License not shown when autoupdating components.
Equalizer is now an open-source component, separate from the standard DSP array.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Dezember 2012, 13:27:25
foobar2000 v1.2 beta 2 (

ZitatBugs found so far in the previous beta have been fixed (crashes, bad AAC channel order)
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. Januar 2013, 10:13:38
foobar2000 v1.2.1 beta 1 (

ZitatThe new beta version addresses bugs/regressions found in the 1.2 release (currently only one issue).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Januar 2013, 16:31:40
foobar2000 v1.2.1 (

ZitatBug fix: Menu commands to switch between playback output devices not entirely working.
Bug fix: Incorrect decode of odd/malformed Vorbis files.
Bug fix: Archive Reader DLL was accidentally made dependant on MSVCR100.DLL in 1.2.
Improved compatibility with malformed AIFF files.
Bug fix: 1.2 regression - some filesystem operations in mointored folders would cause foobar2000 to crash.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Januar 2013, 18:35:59
foobar2000 v1.2.2 (

ZitatBug fix: 1.2.1 regression - rare crash on specific malformed files.
Bug fix: worked around MS listview bug - disappearing Converter preset list in certain scenarios.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Februar 2013, 10:12:00
foobar2000 v1.2.3 beta 2 (

ZitatUpdated FFmpeg code to 1.1.1.
FFmpeg DLLs now use unique names to avoid collisions with certain other software.
Reverted problematic Media Library folder monitoring tweaks from 1.2.
"Downmix 5.1 to stereo" DSP now accepts more different channel masks.

Update: now at beta 2 - Vorbis & AAC bad channel interleaving regression has been corrected.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Februar 2013, 22:52:13
foobar2000 v1.2.3 final (

ZitatUpdated FFmpeg code to 1.1.1.
FFmpeg DLLs now use unique names to avoid collisions with certain other software.
Reverted problematic Media Library folder monitoring tweaks from 1.2.
"Downmix 5.1 to stereo" DSP now accepts more different channel masks.
FLAC decoding improvements (beta 3):
Work-around for certain broken files producing loud glitches.
SSE optimizations to counter slowdown from the above work-around.
File Integrity Verifier component now detects such files.
Worked around incompatibility with some very old Vorbis files (final).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. März 2013, 19:49:05
foobar2000 v1.2.4 beta 3 (

    ReplayGain scanner improvements:
        Improved speed.
        No longer ignores up to 100ms of last audio data.
    Faster SSE-optimized codepaths for various sample type conversions; most notably more efficient handling of 24-bit content.
    Option to verify integrity of played files and report errors immediately (however it does not check whole-file checksums).
    Fixed status bar glitch with misplaced volume icon.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. März 2013, 15:22:51
foobar2000 v1.2.4 (

   ReplayGain scanner improvements:
       Improved speed.
       No longer ignores up to 100ms of last audio data.
   Faster SSE-optimized codepaths for various sample type conversions; most notably more efficient handling of 24-bit content.
   Option to verify integrity of played files and report errors immediately (however it does not check whole-file checksums).
   Fixed status bar glitch with misplaced volume icon.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 12. April 2013, 15:24:26
foobar2000 v1.2.5 beta 1 (

* Converter: fixed writing of WAV files with odd byte counts (eg. 24-bit mono).
* Improved handling of various malformed WAV files.
* Converter: fixed writing of file types that foobar2000 cannot tag.
* Fixed "verify integrity of played files" option disabling HDCD & DTS decoder components.
  - It's a feature of individual decoder components; third party decoder components such as Monkey's Audio decoder must be updated separately.
* "Add Folder" now skips over hidden files & subfolders.
* AIFF file format tagging support.
* Added authenticode signatures to foobar2000 binaries.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 14. April 2013, 17:29:48
foobar2000 v1.2.5 beta 2 (

* fixes AIFF tagging
* Added WAV & AIFF attached picture handling
* Added attached picture transfer option in Converter
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. April 2013, 19:03:22
foobar2000 v1.2.5 beta 3 (

More AIFF tagging bugs have been fixed.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. April 2013, 15:40:36
foobar2000 v1.2.5 (

Converter: fixed writing of WAV files with odd byte counts (eg. 24-bit mono).
Improved handling of various malformed WAV files.
Converter: fixed writing of file types that foobar2000 cannot tag.
Fixed "verify integrity of played files" option disabling HDCD & DTS decoder components.
It's a feature of individual decoder components; third party decoder components such as Monkey's Audio decoder must be updated separately.
"Add Folder" now skips over hidden files & subfolders.
AIFF file format tagging support.
Added authenticode signatures to foobar2000 binaries.
Added WAV & AIFF attached picture handling (beta 2).
Added attached picture transfer option in Converter (beta 2).
Support for touchscreen gesture scrolling on Windows 8 tablet devices (final).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 28. April 2013, 16:28:46
foobar2000 v1.2.6 beta 1 (

* Windows 8 "connected standby" countermeasures:
 - Option to keep display up while playing - seems to be the only way to prevent Windows desktop apps from being shut down while the machine turns idle
* Fixed misbehavior when updating attached pictures in files with ID3v2.2 tags.
* ReplayGain tagging now works with AIFF.
* Fixed crashing when embedding specific picture files into Ogg Vorbis files.
* Attached picture manager dialog tweaks.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 04. Mai 2013, 14:28:34
foobar2000 v1.2.6 (

* Windows 8 "connected standby" countermeasures:
 - Option to keep display up while playing - seems to be the only way to prevent Windows desktop apps from being shut down while the machine turns idle
* Fixed misbehavior when updating attached pictures in files with ID3v2.2 tags.
* ReplayGain tagging now works with AIFF.
* Fixed crashing when embedding specific picture files into Ogg Vorbis files.
* Attached picture manager dialog tweaks.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. Juni 2013, 15:59:19
foobar2000 v1.2.7 beta 1 (

Now using latest & greatest libFLAC 1.3.0.
Fixed WAV tag writer potentially creating files of odd byte count (non-standard-compliant).
Improved handling of various malformed AIFF file cases.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Juni 2013, 14:07:32
foobar2000 v1.2.7 (

Now using latest & greatest libFLAC 1.3.0.
Fixed WAV tag writer potentially creating files of odd byte count (non-standard-compliant).
Improved handling of various malformed AIFF file cases.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Juni 2013, 13:32:04
foobar2000 v1.2.8 (

Converter regression from 1.2.7 final has been corrected.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Juli 2013, 17:00:15
foobar2000 v1.2.9 (

Cosmetic fixes:
ReplayGain scanner context menu tweaks - "Remove ReplayGain Info" grayed out when there's nothing to remove.
Made batch picture attach related commands appear in more cases where they didn't appear in previous versions.

Fixed incompatibility with vgmstream input plug-in
   Files with .afc extension that are not recognized by standard decoders can now be handled by third party decoders.
Workaround for buggy ID3v2 readers (Windows Explorer) - Front Cover is now always stored first.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Oktober 2013, 16:03:24
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 1 (

This version focuses on improving performance when dealing with very large music libraries.

Generic performance optimizations, mainly affecting very large playlists and libraries.
Playlist & Media Library search dialogs no longer block UI when performing lookups.
Converter: added an option to transfer ReplayGain information to the destination files.
Spurious/oversized metadata such as whole EAC logs entries are now dropped from foobar2000's cache, for better search performance and lower resource usage.
Updated FFmpeg to 2.0.1.
Corrected gapless playback of HE-AAC files made with iTunes.
Improved smooth playlist scrolling.

Hurra, mein foobar2000 öffnet ne Sekunde schneller (jetzt 3,2 sec) und schließt in Nullkommanichts. :crazy:
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. Oktober 2013, 17:43:51
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 2 (

Zitatbug fixes + made the properties dialog behave more gracefully with large libraries again.
Most urgent beta 1 bugs have been fixed, updating is strongly recommended.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Oktober 2013, 16:41:32
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 3 (

ZitatMultiple bugs have been fixed, including the infamous Properties dialog crash on internet streams.
Additionally, metadata filtering feature introduced in 1.3 beta 1 can now be configured to filter specific fields or behave similarly to old foobar2000 versions.
(Spurious/oversized metadata such as whole EAC logs entries are now dropped from foobar2000's cache, for better search performance and lower resource usage.)
Beta 3: the feature is now customizable by editing LargeFieldsConfig.txt in foobar2000 profile folder.
(Generic performance optimizations, mainly affecting very large playlists and libraries.)
Beta 3: further improved configuration save cycle and shutdown performance with very large libraries.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. Oktober 2013, 14:57:34
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 4 (

ZitatBeta 3 Media Library monitoring regression has been corrected.
Editing LargeFieldsConfig.txt now triggers a behind-the-scenes reload of info from your whole Library + Playlists content.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. November 2013, 17:22:15
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 5 (

ZitatMore bugs have been fixed; default settings for the large metadata field handling feature have been relaxed; FFmpeg has been updated to the latest version (2.1).
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Dezember 2013, 14:31:13
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 6 (

ZitatBugs fixed: slow startup with unreachable network shares in Media Library folders, configuration save failure when the same folder added to the Media Library more than once.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Dezember 2013, 18:13:57
foobar2000 v1.3 beta 7 (

ZitatBugs fixed: incorrect display refresh on playback statistics or rating change, incorrect transfer of large metadata values in Converter, unable to save configuration when the same folder is included in the Media Library more than once.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Dezember 2013, 18:17:43
foobar2000 v1.3 final (

ZitatGeneric performance optimizations, mainly affecting very large playlists and libraries.
Improved configuration save cycle and shutdown performance with very large libraries [beta 3].
Playlist & Media Library search dialogs no longer block UI when performing lookups.
Converter: added an option to transfer ReplayGain information to the destination files.
Spurious/oversized metadata such as whole EAC logs entries are now dropped from foobar2000's cache, for better search performance and lower resource usage.
The feature is now customizable by editing LargeFieldsConfig.txt in foobar2000 profile folder [beta 3].
Updated FFmpeg to 2.1 [beta 5].
Corrected gapless playback of HE-AAC files made with iTunes.
Improved smooth playlist scrolling.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Dezember 2013, 18:18:32
foobar2000 v1.3.1 beta 1 (

ZitatThe new beta version introduces support for adjusting loudness of MP4/AAC files.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Januar 2014, 16:13:04
foobar2000 v1.3.1 (

ZitatReplayGain scanner component: support for altering loudness of MP4/AAC files.
ID3v2 - improved compatibility with iTunes "release date" tag.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. April 2014, 14:17:53
foobar2000 v1.3.2 (

Zitat- Improved handling of FLAC files with malformed cuesheets.
- Improved ReplayGain scanner performance on CPUs with 8 and more threads.
- Updated FFmpeg to 2.2.1
      + Very old Vorbis files are once again playable.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. Juli 2014, 17:40:58
foobar2000 v1.3.3 beta 1 (

Converter: added AAC (iTunes) and AAC (FDK) modes.
Updated FFmpeg to 2.2.4
ReplayGain scanner: added an override for treating extreme peaks as errors.
Default User Interface: improved handling of high DPI displays, added high-resolution button images.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Juli 2014, 15:48:11
foobar2000 v1.3.3 beta 2 (

Converter: added AAC (iTunes), AAC (FDK) and AAC (Winamp/FhG) modes.
    Winamp/FhG mode added in beta 2.
Updated FFmpeg to 2.2.4.
ReplayGain scanner: added an override for treating extreme peaks as errors.
Default User Interface: improved handling of high DPI displays, added high-resolution button images.
Corrected MP3 seeking performance regression from 1.3, file caching related.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Juli 2014, 18:44:25
foobar2000 v1.3.3 beta 3 (

Various usability issues with the new Converter additions have been addressed.
Case:  Contains improvements to the new AAC profiles and includes Apple Lossless profile for qaac.
Titel: Re:foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. Juli 2014, 15:53:11
foobar2000 v1.3.3 (

Converter: added AAC (iTunes), AAC (FDK) and AAC (Winamp/FhG) modes.
Winamp/FhG mode added in beta 2.
Updated FFmpeg to 2.3 [1.3.3 final].
ReplayGain scanner: added an override for treating extreme peaks as errors.
Default User Interface: improved handling of high DPI displays, added high-resolution button images.
Corrected MP3 seeking performance regression from 1.3, file caching related.
"Save Playlist" commands now remember the last used format [1.3.3 final].
Added an option not to transfer tags when converting [1.3.3 final].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. September 2014, 18:30:16
foobar2000 v1.3.4 beta 1 (

Fixed problems with accessing very long file names on network shares.
Fixed incorrect display of converter tag transfer option state in the converter setup dialog.
Improved compatibility with malformed ID3v2 tags.
Added option to prevent hard disk sleep while playing [Advanced Preferences].
Fixed performance issues with Matroska file reading (1.3 regression).
Fixed Converter problems with ripping CD to single file with chapters (1.3 regression).
Added an option to suppress startup dialog about bad last shutdown.
RAR unpacker updates:
   Now using unrar.dll which can be updated easily in the future.
   Added support for RAR5 format.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. September 2014, 15:28:24
foobar2000 v1.3.4 beta 2 (

ZitatMP4/M4A tagging regression from the previous beta has been fixed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. September 2014, 16:34:56
foobar2000 v1.3.4 beta 3 (

ZitatRAR handling regressions have been addressed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. September 2014, 14:59:26
foobar2000 v1.3.4 beta 4 (

ZitatFurther RAR related regressions have been addressed. FFmpeg code updated to version 2.4.1.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Oktober 2014, 16:33:18
foobar2000 v1.3.4 beta 5 (

ZitatA 1.3.4 regression causing crashes for some people has been fixed. FLAC code has been updated to the latest, with speed and reliability improvements.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Oktober 2014, 16:21:47
foobar2000 v1.3.4 final (

Fixed problems with accessing very long file names on network shares.
Fixed incorrect display of converter tag transfer option state in the converter setup dialog.
Improved compatibility with malformed ID3v2 tags.
Added option to prevent hard disk sleep while playing [Advanced Preferences].
Fixed performance issues with Matroska file reading (1.3 regression).
Fixed Converter problems with ripping CD to single file with chapters (1.3 regression).
Added an option to suppress startup dialog about bad last shutdown.
RAR unpacker updates:
Now using unrar.dll which can be updated easily in the future.
Disregard that, unrar.dll is unusable due to bugs and limitations. Now using RAR source directly with own patches, just like previous foobar2000 versions did [beta 4].
Added support for RAR5 format.
Updated FFmpeg to 2.4.1 [beta 4].
Updated FLAC code to the latest git (as of 2014-10-07), with bug fixes and speedups [beta 5].
Fixed a very old and very bad Matroska tag writing bug [1.3.4 final].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Oktober 2014, 17:18:25
foobar2000 v1.3.5 (

ZitatFixed deadlock when encountering an incomplete multi-part RAR file.
Internal changes for the upcoming ABX component update.
Added "Show now playing in playlist" menu command (hidden by default, useful mostly for binding shortcuts)
Fixed inconsistent capitalization of some menu items.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. November 2014, 14:33:29
foobar2000 v1.3.6 (

ZitatUpdated libFLAC to 1.3.1, fixing known security issues.
Everyone is advised to upgrade as soon as possible.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Dezember 2014, 16:25:32
foobar2000 v1.3.7 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed FLAC seeking regression from the previous version.
Added support for MP4 DASH files.
Fixed PPHS resampler crash on extreme sample rates.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Januar 2015, 17:47:04
foobar2000 v1.3.7 (

Fixed FLAC seeking regression from the previous version.
Added support for MP4 DASH files.
Fixed PPHS resampler crash on extreme sample rates.
Fixed missing WavPack mime type handler.
Improved DirectSound output behaviors with low-latency configurations (mainly for new ABX Comparator).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. März 2015, 13:19:08
foobar2000 v1.3.8 beta 1 (

ZitatMade playback over HTTP automatically retry dropped connections.
New ReplayGain playback mode picking album/track gain depending on current playback order.
Improved handling of malformed AIFF files.
Now compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
Prevented "Open" etc dialog lockup when last used folder is on a nonworking net share referenced by raw IP.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. März 2015, 11:39:59
foobar2000 v1.3.8 (

ZitatMade playback over HTTP automatically retry dropped connections.
New ReplayGain playback mode picking album/track gain depending on current playback order.
Improved handling of malformed AIFF files.
Prevented "Open" etc dialog lockup when last used folder is on a nonworking net share referenced by raw IP.
FFmpeg updated to 2.6.1
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. September 2015, 19:21:54
foobar2000 v1.3.9 beta 1 (

ZitatNew high-quality but slow resampler based on dBpoweramp/SSRC code, as an alternative to fb2k's PPHS resampler.
Prevented clobbering of certain exotic M4A tags.
Smooth scrolling in Default User Interface list controls.
Added missing menu command for the new ReplayGain playback mode.
Added oversampled peak scanning in ReplayGain scanner.
Fixed 96KHz AAC & ALAC playback.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. September 2015, 14:16:54
foobar2000 v1.3.9 beta 2 (

ZitatAll known issues and regressions have been fixed, thanks to everyone who reported them.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. September 2015, 11:05:25
foobar2000 v1.3.9 beta 3 (

ZitatNew high-quality but slow resampler based on dBpoweramp/SSRC code, as an alternative to fb2k's PPHS resampler.
Prevented clobbering of certain exotic M4A tags.
Smooth scrolling in Default User Interface list controls.
Beta 2: made smooth scrolling disabled by default as it stalls visualisation updates. You can enable it in advanced preferences.
Added missing menu command for the new ReplayGain playback mode.
Added oversampled peak scanning in ReplayGain scanner.
Beta 2: Added tweaks for ReplayGain peak results display, in advanced preferences.
Fixed 96 kHz AAC & ALAC playback.
Added whitelist of HTTPS domains to suppress certificate validity checks on, for home media streaming uses [beta 3].
Added readable error messages about "Add location" failures [beta 3].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Oktober 2015, 16:22:37
foobar2000 v1.3.9 beta 4 (

ZitatImproved detection of total duration of Constant Bit Rate (CBR) MP3 files.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. Oktober 2015, 15:37:33
foobar2000 v1.3.9 beta 5 (

ZitatMore robust recovery from network errors when playing MP3 & AAC internet radio streams [beta 5].
Removed "LegacyDisable" key in file type associations handling as it's been known to cause problems with modern Windows versions [beta 5].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. November 2015, 21:22:22
foobar2000 v1.3.9 (

ZitatNew high-quality but slow resampler based on dBpoweramp/SSRC code, as an alternative to fb2k's PPHS resampler.
Prevented clobbering of certain exotic M4A tags.
Smooth scrolling in Default User Interface list controls.
Beta 2: made smooth scrolling disabled by default as it stalls visualisation updates. You can enable it in advanced preferences.
Added missing menu command for the new ReplayGain playback mode.
Added oversampled peak scanning in ReplayGain scanner.
Beta 2: Added tweaks for ReplayGain peak results display, in advanced preferences.
Fixed 96 kHz AAC & ALAC playback.
Added whitelist of HTTPS domains to suppress certificate validity checks on, for home media streaming uses [beta 3].
Added readable error messages about "Add location" failures [beta 3].
Improved detection of total duration of Constant Bit Rate (CBR) MP3 files [beta 4].
More robust recovery from network errors when playing MP3 & AAC internet radio streams [beta 5].
Removed "LegacyDisable" key in file type associations handling as it's been known to cause problems with modern Windows versions [beta 5].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. März 2016, 15:57:34
foobar2000 v1.3.10 beta 1 (

Fixed writing of empty ID3v2 tags when attempting to remove all attached pictures from files that do not have an ID3v2 tag yet.
Added handling of M4A tag "Conductor" metadata value.
Fixed crash on too long URLs.
Updated Opus decoder to 1.1.1
Worked around spurious context menu items in Windows Explorer.
Fixed reading of iTunes "compilation" flag from ID3v2.2 tags as written by default by iTunes.
Improved handling of malformed AIFF files.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.0
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. März 2016, 18:28:29
foobar2000 v1.3.10 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed writing of empty ID3v2 tags when attempting to remove all attached pictures from files that do not have an ID3v2 tag yet.
Added handling of M4A tag "Conductor" metadata value.
Fixed crash on too long URLs.
Updated Opus decoder to 1.1.1
Fixed reading of iTunes "compilation" flag from ID3v2.2 tags as written by default by iTunes.
Improved handling of malformed AIFF files.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.0
Added support for raw AAC files with ID3v2 tags. Note that use of raw AAC format is discouraged, please use MP4/M4A instead.
"Add Folder" now accepts multiple selected folders if running Windows Vista or newer.
Worked around spurious context menu items in Windows Explorer.
Reverted all shell integration fixes from 1.3.9 and 1.3.10 beta 1. They broke more than they fixed while attempting to work-around an obvious bug in Windows 10.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. März 2016, 13:38:01
foobar2000 v1.3.10 (

ZitatFixed writing of empty ID3v2 tags when attempting to remove all attached pictures from files that do not have an ID3v2 tag yet.
Added handling of M4A tag "Conductor" metadata value.
Fixed crash on too long URLs.
Updated Opus decoder to 1.1.1
Fixed reading of iTunes "compilation" flag from ID3v2.2 tags as written by default by iTunes.
Improved handling of malformed AIFF files.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.0
Added support for raw AAC files with ID3v2 tags. Note that use of raw AAC format is discouraged, please use MP4/M4A instead.
"Add Folder" now accepts multiple selected folders if running Windows Vista or newer.
Worked around spurious context menu items in Windows Explorer.
Reverted all shell integration fixes from 1.3.9 and 1.3.10 beta 1. They broke more than they fixed while attempting to work-around an obvious bug in Windows 10.
Added an advanced preferences option to override FFmpeg -strict level to allow standard-compliant 7.1 AAC decoding.
Added an advanced preferences option to disable media key event processing.
Corrected crashing on certain malformed RAR files.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. Juli 2016, 16:58:46
foobar2000 v1.3.11 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed dBpoweramp/SSRC resampler glitching in extreme upsampling cases.
Fixed misbehavior of FFmpeg -strict level override option.
Writing of SoundCheck tags [experimental] as well as batch copying ReplayGain to SoundCheck.
Fixed "Remove tags" not removing every possible tag type with FLAC and M4A formats.
Fixed Properties dialog locking up on certain metadata.
Made cuesheet & chapter edit operations automatically update affected playlists.
Fixed Ctrl+A in various multiline editboxes, Properties dialog and its sub-dialogs in particular.
Improved compatibility with certain malformed M4A files.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Juli 2016, 14:30:22
foobar2000 v1.3.11 beta 2 (

ZitatTwo known regressions from the beta 1 have been corrected.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Juli 2016, 11:59:25
foobar2000 v1.3.11 beta 3 (

Zitatmore fixes for issues reported on the forums.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Juli 2016, 12:39:33
foobar2000 v1.3.11 beta 4 (

Zitatfixing dither regression.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. August 2016, 19:46:16
foobar2000 v1.3.11 beta 5 (

ZitatMore of reported bugs have been fixed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. August 2016, 14:34:03
foobar2000 v1.3.11 (

Various bugs and regressions have been fixed; all users are encouraged to update.

ZitatFixed dBpoweramp/SSRC resampler glitching in extreme upsampling cases.
Fixed misbehavior of FFmpeg -strict level override option.
Writing of SoundCheck tags [experimental] as well as batch copying ReplayGain to SoundCheck.
Fixed "Remove tags" not removing every possible tag type with FLAC and M4A formats.
Fixed Properties dialog locking up on certain metadata.
Made cuesheet & chapter edit operations automatically update affected playlists.
Fixed Ctrl+A in various multiline editboxes, Properties dialog and its sub-dialogs in particular.
Improved compatibility with certain malformed M4A files.
Fixed Equalizer bug causing inconsistent file lengths when batch converting.
Made internet radio streams disconnect/reconnect on pause/unpause.
Implemented updated Opus ReplayGain specification.
Improved properties dialog info display of Opus files.
Fixed a random crash regression from 1.3.10.
Fixed reading of Apple gapless information from specific old M4A files.
Fixed a rare lockup when batch moving/renaming/copying a lot of files.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.1.2.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. August 2016, 22:06:53
foobar2000 v1.3.12 beta 2 (

ZitatCorrected various 1.3.11 pause regressions.
Corrected "remove tags" on MP4/M4A files incorrectly showing that the file still has some metadata immediately after the removal.
Flat equalizer now produces bit identical stream.
Prevented clobbering of iTunes "Encoding Params" tag on MP4/M4A tag update.
Now using WavPack5 decoder with support for files larger than 4 gigabytes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. September 2016, 10:58:51
foobar2000 v1.3.12 beta 4 (

ZitatCorrected various 1.3.11 pause regressions.
Corrected "remove tags" on MP4/M4A files incorrectly showing that the file still has some metadata immediately after the removal.
Flat equalizer now produces bit identical stream.
Prevented clobbering of iTunes "Encoding Params" tag on MP4/M4A tag update.
Now using WavPack5 decoder with support for files larger than 4 gigabytes.
Updated ZIP archive reader now supports ZIP files larger than 4 gigabytes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. September 2016, 15:42:17
foobar2000 v1.3.12 (

ZitatCorrected various 1.3.11 pause regressions.
Corrected "remove tags" on MP4/M4A files incorrectly showing that the file still has some metadata immediately after the removal.
Flat equalizer now produces bit identical stream.
Prevented clobbering of iTunes "Encoding Params" tag on MP4/M4A tag update.
Now using WavPack5 decoder with support for files larger than 4 gigabytes.
Updated ZIP archive reader now supports ZIP files larger than 4 gigabytes.
Added support for Matroska/ALAC files.
Fixed multichannel ALAC channel order bugs.
Fixed multichannel WavPack in Matroska.
Improved handling of various malformed files (Matroska, AAC).
Made files with extreme sample rates (>200KHz) playable through standard DirectSound output, resampler activated automatically if needed.
FLAC "Remove tags" no longer erases the "tool" field.
Reverted 1.3.11 FLAC tag updater tweaks. Removal of padding will be added as a separate feature later.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. September 2016, 20:04:24
foobar2000 v1.3.13 beta 1 (

ZitatCorrected 1.3.12 regression causing certain DSP configurations to crash.
New utility commands to optimize file layout & minimize file size.
Improved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Oktober 2016, 17:31:55
foobar2000 v1.3.13 beta 2 (

ZitatVarious regressions have been fixed. Newly added features include native playback of WavPack 5 DSD files.

ZitatCorrected 1.3.12 regression causing certain DSP configurations to crash.
New utility commands to optimize file layout & minimize file size.
Improved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.1.4.
M4A file format compatibility fixes.
Enabled WavPack 5 DSD decoding.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Oktober 2016, 21:12:34
foobar2000 v1.3.13 (

ZitatCorrected 1.3.12 regression causing certain DSP configurations to crash.
New utility commands to optimize file layout & minimize file size.
Improved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.1.4.
M4A file format compatibility fixes.
Enabled WavPack 5 DSD decoding.
Fixed a bug in Converter causing conversion to a root folder of a drive to occasionally fail.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. November 2016, 12:16:58
foobar2000 v1.3.14 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed bugs with conversion to multitrack (chained streams) Opus.
Fixed a glitch in plaintext library/playlist search query handling.
Various cosmetic fixes for high DPI screens.
File Operations component updated: smarter file delete feature, with options in advanced settings.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Dezember 2016, 15:42:55
foobar2000 v1.3.14 (

ZitatFixed bugs with conversion to multitrack (chained streams) Opus.
Fixed a glitch in plaintext library/playlist search query handling.
Various cosmetic fixes for high DPI screens.
File Operations component updated: smarter file delete feature, with options in advanced settings.
Updated WavPack library (5.0 stable)
Updated FFmpeg library (3.2.2)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. März 2017, 20:56:04
foobar2000 v1.3.15 beta 1 (

ZitatImproved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.
Tag manipulation improvements.
When editing tags of iTunes-encoded M4A files, excess padding (often as much as 32 kilobytes) will be removed.
Better handling of WMA "rating" field.
Default UI album art viewer now less likely to make app unresponsive when attempting to load pictures from a lagging network share.
Embedded album art loading performance tweaks.
Updated FLAC library (1.3.2)
Updated zlib (1.2.11)
Unicode filenames within ZIP files now work correctly.
Added "skip all" button to Converter overwrite prompt dialog.
Fixed resampler configuration sample rate pickers not allowing more than five digits.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. April 2017, 13:24:42
foobar2000 v1.3.15 (

ZitatImproved compatibility with certain internet radio stations.
Tag manipulation improvements.
When editing tags of iTunes-encoded M4A files, excess padding (often as much as 32 kilobytes) will be removed.
Better handling of WMA "rating" field.
Default UI album art viewer now less likely to make app unresponsive when attempting to load pictures from a lagging network share.
Embedded album art loading performance tweaks.
Updated FLAC library (1.3.2)
Updated zlib (1.2.11)
Updated FFmpeg (3.2.4)
Unicode filenames within ZIP files now work correctly.
Added "skip all" button to Converter overwrite prompt dialog.
Fixed resampler configuration sample rate pickers not allowing more than five digits.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Juli 2017, 12:36:18
foobar2000 v1.3.16 (

ZitatFixed horrible, horrible bug with inverted checkmarks in advanced preferences at 150% text size.
Network streaming: added handlers for more HTTP redirect codes.
Fixed foobar2000 process not setting its working directory to its installation location on startup.
FLAC tagging fixes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. November 2017, 11:40:16
foobar2000 v1.3.17 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed horrible, horrible bug with Ctrl+A "select all" handler in edit boxes stealing altgr+a making it impossible to type "ą".
Made possible to retag MP4/M4A files without 'ftyp' header.
Prevented decoding of broken MP3 frames that overlap with apparent file tags.
Allowed decoding of WAV files with sample rates above 1MHz.
Converter: Made format list sorting remembered.
Fixed tags not being read from certain WAV files.
Internal fixes to allow foo_input_exe/foo_input_ffmpeg decoding of HLS & RTMP streams.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. November 2017, 20:19:31
foobar2000 v1.3.17 beta 3 (

ZitatA minor-tweak-gone-wrong regression with FLAC tagging in beta 2 has been corrected.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. November 2017, 19:25:48
foobar2000 v1.3.17 (

ZitatFixed horrible, horrible bug with Ctrl+A "select all" handler in edit boxes stealing altgr+a making it impossible to type "ą".
Made possible to retag MP4/M4A files without 'ftyp' header.
Prevented decoding of broken MP3 frames that overlap with apparent file tags.
Allowed decoding of WAV files with sample rates above 1MHz.
Converter: Made format list sorting remembered.
Fixed tags not being read from certain WAV files.
Internal fixes to allow foo_input_exe/foo_input_ffmpeg decoding of HLS & RTMP streams.
Added internal IMA ADPCM decoder for specific WAV files that system codec refuses to process.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Dezember 2017, 16:20:06
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 1 (

ZitatThis is a major feature update, various parts of the user interface and the internals have received a major overhaul.

ZitatAdded preferences page to adjust priority order of installed decoders.
Greatly improved DSP manager dialog.
Added output mode switcher toolbar item to Default User Interface.
Converter improvements:
Keeping incomplete/problematic output files is now optional; they're deleted by default.
New and improved overwrite prompt dialog.
ReplayGain scanner improvements:
Apply gain to file content feature now runs in multiple threads and supports MP2 content.
Added command to manually manipulate Opus header gain field for both .opus and Matroska.
Playlist & Media Library search use a new text-matching algorithm similar to Unicode Asymmetric Search.
Reworked Default User Interface Preferences pages; improved options for minimize & close behaviors.
Cosmetic tweaks; prettier buttons attached to editboxes in various dialogs.
Cleaned up Opus header gain manipulation, reported value no longer offseted by 5 dB, made header gain respected when embedded in Matroska container.
Matroska support improvements, improved seeking performance on files without seektables.
Made possible to choose between alternate audio streams in MP4 and Matroska files.
Implemented WebM internet stream playback.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. Dezember 2017, 15:52:17
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 2 (

ZitatVarious beta 1 bugs have been addressed.

FDK AAC is now among the default presets (beta 2).
Made Album List remember expanded nodes (beta 2).
Raised track count limit for cue sheets from 99 to 999 (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Januar 2018, 20:43:25
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 3 (

ZitatVarious reported bugs have been fixed; missing screen reader support in new UI parts has been addressed.

ZitatFixed a bug causing incorrect tags being read from certain multi-chapter MP4 files (beta 3).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. Februar 2018, 19:39:44
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 4 (

ZitatImprovements to the ReplayGain Scanner component, as well as fixes for various reported issues.

ZitatReplayGain scanner improvements: New Preferences pages (beta 4).
Integration with Windows 10 Universal Volume Control (beta 4).
Playback controls in taskbar on Windows 7 and newer (beta 4).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Februar 2018, 14:32:20
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 6 (

ZitatBeta 4 regressions and reported bugs have been fixed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. März 2018, 16:01:59
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 7 (

ZitatConfiguration saving now uses transacted NTFS if available (beta 7).
New, different scheme of storing user's playlists in app data (beta 7):
Playlists now reside under playlists-v1.4, you can delete the playlists-v1.3 folder if you no longer need it.
Unchanged playlists are no longer rewritten on each app shutdown.
Merged networking features from foobar2000 mobile (beta 7):
FTP reader!
Refreshed HTTP/HTTPS reader; added the ability to read remote folder listings.
Improved handling of various file formats over HTTP, AIFF and Musepack in particular (beta 7).
New Default UI toolbar items for DSP presets and ReplayGain modes (beta 7).
More robust M3U/M3U8/PLS playlist handling (beta 7):
iTunes-created M3U8 playlists now load correctly.
Big fat warning when trying to save a M3U/PLS file that may not be readable correctly due to international characters.
New file format icons (beta 7).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. März 2018, 14:30:11
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 8 (

ZitatVarious beta 7 regressions have been fixed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. März 2018, 16:48:44
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 9 (

ZitatMore of beta 7 regressions have been fixed; Media Library search performance has been improved for large libraries.

ZitatNew file format icons (beta 7, beta 9).
Improved media library search performance (beta 9).
Made various playlist and search result sorting operations use multiple CPU cores (beta 9).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. März 2018, 18:44:25
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 11 (

ZitatMany long time bugs have been addressed; various v1.4 regressions have been fixed as well.

ZitatAll communication with foobar2000 website (troubleshooter, crash reporting, update checks) is now encrypted (beta 11).
Amended Matroska tagging, certain rare files that would fail to update before are now taggable (beta 11).
Improved recovery from removable audio output device unplug (beta 11).
Volume control now works if the device wasn't available during foobar2000 startup but got attached later.
Media Library now handles very long filenames correctly (beta 11).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. Mai 2018, 16:24:47
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 12 (

ZitatSupport for reading music files from FTP servers has been greatly improved and now covers FTPES/FTPS.
Various reported bugs have been addressed.

ZitatMerged networking features from foobar2000 mobile (beta 7):
FTP reader!
FTPES/FTPS now also supported (beta 12).

Configuration saving now uses transacted NTFS if available (beta 7).
... but only in standard (not portable) installs by default. (changed in beta 12).

Fixed a bug in CD drive configuration dialog - automatic drive offset lookup works again (beta 12).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Mai 2018, 17:35:50
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 13 (

ZitatVarious minor bugs and regressions reported on the forum have been corrected.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Mai 2018, 14:44:07
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 14 (

ZitatVarious bugs reported on the forum have been fixed.
The File Operations component has been updated; the presets are now stored in a plain text files that can be edited by hand or backed up.
The beta version expiration timeout has been relaxed, the popup is now dismissable but will re-appear on next startup.

ZitatFixed a bug in HTTPS reader causing incompatibility with Google websites (beta 14).
Refreshed File Operations preset management, now stored in a plain text files instead and possible to import/export/edit (beta 14).
Relaxed beta version timeout, now possible to dismiss the message and launch without updating (beta 14).
Updated FFmpeg to version 3.4.2 (beta 14).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. Mai 2018, 21:37:34
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 15 (

ZitatRecent regressions have been fixed.
New field has been added to the Default User Interface status bar.
Features for version 1.4 have been frozen, there will be no further 1.4 changes other than bug fixes.

ZitatCleaned up Default User Interface status bar, added a new field for count of selected tracks (beta 15).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Juni 2018, 11:23:38
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 17 (

Removed ReplaceFile() API use (introduced in earlier 1.4 series) due to error codes that do not let us retry-loop on file-in-use ( symptoms )
Improved visual feedback of button-in-editbox control, used in various parts of the app.
Default UI status bar segment width tweaks ( discussion ).
Worked around Preferences / DSP page crashes due to certain DSP component using broken modal dialogs - allowing the Preferences dialog to be closed while a DSP configuration dialog is still active.
Added probing of apparent MP3 streams in Matroska files to detect MP2 disguised as MP3. Note that we already do this for MP4, where many other apps incorrectly report audio codec as MP3 when the actual data is MP2.
Content Group metadata mapping fixes ( details )
In Default UI playlist, cursor-follows-playback now results in view centering on the newly focused track, if it's not visible before.
Skip Silence DSP bug fixes ( details )
Made possible to reorder decoder priority list via context menu.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Juni 2018, 12:59:52
foobar2000 v1.3.18 (

Aus der 1.3... Serie eine neue stabile Version.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Juni 2018, 18:17:40
foobar2000 v1.3.19 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Juli 2018, 23:21:13
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 20 (

ZitatAttempted fix for audio stutters on Windows 10 1803 - details. I want this one tested before 1.4 stable, which is really close now.
Fixed %directoryname% crash with certain URLs
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Juli 2018, 08:15:53
foobar2000 v1.4 beta 21 (

ZitatThis is the last beta, and the last moment to report any outstanding issues. Version 1.4 stable will be out early next week.

ZitatWorked around inability to check for fb2k & components updates on Windows XP systems over HTTPS.
Fixed a bug causing splitter UI element to change sizes of locked panes.
Amended workaround for audio stutters on Windows 10 1803.
Made changing ReplayGain mode through menu commands / keyboard shortctuts restart playback.
Fixed FTP reader bug causing certain files to fail to play.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. Juli 2018, 16:17:13
foobar2000 v1.4 (

ZitatAdded preferences page to adjust priority order of installed decoders.
Greatly improved DSP manager dialog.
Default User Interface improvements:
New toolbar items for switching output modes, ReplayGain modes and DSP presets.
Improved status bar: added optional display of selected track count.
Reworked Preferences pages; improved options for minimize & close behaviors.
Converter improvements:
Keeping incomplete/problematic output files is now optional; they're deleted by default.
New and improved overwrite prompt dialog.
FDK AAC is now among the default presets.
ReplayGain scanner improvements:
Greatly improved "Apply Gain to File Content" feature, with multi threading and more supported formats.
Added command to manually manipulate Opus header gain field for both .opus and Matroska.
New Preferences pages.
Playlist & Media Library search use a new text-matching algorithm similar to Unicode Asymmetric Search.
Cosmetic tweaks; prettier buttons attached to editboxes in various dialogs.
Cleaned up Opus header gain manipulation, reported value no longer offseted by 5 dB, made header gain respected when embedded in Matroska container.
Amended Matroska tagging, certain rare files that would fail to update before are now taggable.
Matroska support improvements, improved seeking performance on files without seektables.
Made possible to choose between alternate audio streams in MP4 and Matroska files.
Implemented WebM internet stream playback.
Compiled using dynamic VC runtime, raising the limit of how many component DLLs can be loaded.
Made Album List remember expanded nodes.
Raised track count limit for cue sheets from 99 to 999.
Integration with Windows 10 Universal Volume Control.
Playback controls in taskbar on Windows 7 and newer.
Configuration saving now uses transacted NTFS if available.
Changed the way playlists and media library data are stored to minimize the amount of rewriting on each app shutdown.
Merged networking features from foobar2000 mobile:
Refreshed HTTP/HTTPS reader; added the ability to read remote folder listings.
Improved handling of various file formats over HTTP, AIFF and Musepack in particular.
More robust M3U/M3U8/PLS playlist handling; shows a warning when trying to save a M3U/PLS file that may not be readable correctly due to international characters.
New file format icons.
Improved media library search performance.
Made various playlist and search result sorting operations use multiple CPU cores.
All communication with foobar2000 website (troubleshooter, crash reporting, update checks) is now encrypted.
Refreshed File Operations preset management, now stored in a plain text files instead and possible to import/export/edit.
Work around for DirectSound audio stutters with Windows 10 1803 (beta 19).
Fix implemented for splitter lock bug.
Workaround implemented for HTTPS issues on Windows XP.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Oktober 2018, 12:47:42
foobar2000 v1.4.1 beta 1 (

ZitatBetter error message when trying to open M4A file renamed to .aac.
Added %video_codec% info for Matroska and MP4 files.
Added support for PCM audio in MP4 container.
Made mouse wheel work in playlist view during a drag&drop operation.
Improved handling of classical music metadata for iTunes M4A files.
Added %bitspersample_extra% info to tell between int32/float32 PCM files.
Added support for ID3v2 iTunes Grouping field.
Converter: advanced-preferences option to encode to temp folder and move encoded-and-tagged files to the intended destination.
Made tag update operations not fail when another application has the file open for reading.
Corrected wrong bitrate shown for FLAC in Matroska container.
Corrected labels for F13-F24 keyboard shortcuts.
Fixed bugs with ReplayGain Scanner's automatic resampling of high sample rate content.
Bumped maximum allowed sample rate to deal with DSD1024 content.
Made Media Library respect 'include hidden files & folders' setting in Advanced Preferences.
Converter with "don't reset DSP between tracks" now respects DSP-reported latency for proper handling of gapless albums.
PPHS resampler bug fixes (inaccurate reported latency, crashing with extreme sample rates).
Fixed ReplayGain scan results showing zero peaks on near-silent 24-bit files.
New and improved buffering scheme for improved network streaming performance (ported from foobar2000 mobile).
Internet radio handling regressions from 1.4 fixed; added an Advanced Preferences setting for ShoutCast metadata codepage.
Fixed component auto update on Windows XP (1.4 regression).
Added an Advanced Preferences option to toggle asymmetric search, reverting search behaviors to 1.3 style.
Added title formatting fields for showing track/album peaks as decibel values.
Improved status feedback from batch attach album art tool.
Pressing "next" past the end of playlist now restarts the playlist even without "repeat" mode.
Made Converter "copy other files" feature respect parent folder (..\pattern) references.
Added EXTM3U info writing (enabled via advanced preferences).
Added 5.1 and 7.1 upmix DSPs.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Oktober 2018, 15:22:59
foobar2000 v1.4.1 beta 2 (

ZitatReworked batch attach album art dialog once again, no more obtrusive popups.
Internet radio codec info reported correctly again (beta 1 regression).
Repaint glitches with editbox/buttons of Media Library Search have been fixed.
Deleting the now playing track no longer shows error messages about missing file (1.4 regression).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Oktober 2018, 09:32:54
foobar2000 v1.4.1 beta 3 (

ZitatNow using libopus v1.3
Fixed a bug in Default UI playlist causing poor performance with tens of thousands of items.
Fixed incompatibility with certain HTTP servers, causing music files to fail to play from them with "object not seekable" message.
Fixed some more Internet radio metadata regressions.
Made DSP presets sorted in the toolbar dropdown list.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Oktober 2018, 14:46:31
foobar2000 v1.4.1 beta 4 (

ZitatFixed Default UI toolbar DSP switcher regressions from beta 3.
Added missing status bar "show selected track count" menu item description in Default UI.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. Oktober 2018, 16:13:36
foobar2000 v1.4.1 beta 5 (

ZitatWorkaround for the disappearing-window bug on Windows 10 1809. This is still a Windows bug, not ours.
Made technical info shown properly for various Ogg internet radio streams (Vorbis, FLAC, Opus).
Attempted fixes for reported proxy server bugs, added debug logging for proxy server detection.
Fixed PPHS resampler regression resulting in poor ReplayGain scan performance for some users.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. November 2018, 17:29:02
foobar2000 v1.4.1 beta 6 (

ZitatFixed 1.4 regressions in detection of Internet Explorer proxy server settings [details]
Fixed 1.4 regressions causing some tag updates to fail with 'access denied' [details]
Fixed odd behaviors during the installation when trying to install the regular version while running Microsoft Store version of foobar2000.
Fixed various glitches with 175% text size.
Fixed ReplayGain scanner preferences glitches.
Fixed conversion to full album image with embedded cuesheet/chapters not showing correct output tracks and not feeding the right thing to ReplayGain scanner (1.4.1 regression)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. November 2018, 18:21:45
foobar2000 v1.4.1 (

ZitatWorked around the disappearing window bug of Windows 10 1809.
Converter updates:
Advanced-preferences option to encode to temp folder and move encoded-and-tagged files to the intended destination.
"Don't reset DSP between tracks" now respects DSP-reported latency for proper handling of gapless albums.
Made Converter "copy other files" feature respect parent folder (..\pattern) references.
Better error message when trying to open M4A file renamed to .aac.
Added %video_codec% info for Matroska and MP4 files.
Added support for PCM audio in MP4 container.
Made mouse wheel work in playlist view during a drag&drop operation.
Improved handling of classical music metadata for iTunes M4A files.
Added %bitspersample_extra% info to tell between int32/float32 PCM files.
Added support for ID3v2 iTunes Grouping field.
Made tag update operations not fail when another application has the file open for reading.
Corrected wrong bitrate shown for FLAC in Matroska container.
Corrected labels for F13-F24 keyboard shortcuts.
Fixed bugs with ReplayGain Scanner's automatic resampling of high sample rate content.
Bumped maximum allowed sample rate to deal with DSD1024 content.
Made Media Library respect 'include hidden files & folders' setting in Advanced Preferences.
PPHS resampler bug fixes (inaccurate reported latency, crashing with extreme sample rates).
Fixed ReplayGain scan results showing zero peaks on near-silent 24-bit files.
New and improved buffering scheme for improved network streaming performance (ported from foobar2000 mobile).
Internet radio handling regressions from 1.4 fixed; added an Advanced Preferences setting for ShoutCast metadata codepage.
Fixed component auto update on Windows XP (1.4 regression).
Added an Advanced Preferences option to toggle asymmetric search, reverting search behaviors to 1.3 style.
Added title formatting fields for showing track/album peaks as decibel values.
Improved status feedback from batch attach album art tool.
Pressing "next" past the end of playlist now restarts the playlist even without "repeat" mode.
Added EXTM3U info writing (enabled via advanced preferences).
Added 5.1 and 7.1 upmix DSPs.
Deleting the currently playing files no longer shows error popups (1.4 regression).
Fixed repaint glitches in media library search edit box.
Updated Opus decoder to latest libopus 1.3.
Fixed a bug causing poor Default UI playlist performance with tens of thousands of item.
Fixed incompatibility with certain HTTP servers causing music files to fail to play from those servers.
Internet radio regression fixes.
Made DSP presets in the toolbar sorted.
Made technical info properly shown for various Ogg based internet radios (Vorbis, Opus, FLAC).
Fixed 1.4 regression causing incorrect detection of Internet Explorer proxy server settings.
Fixed 1.4 regression causing some tag updates to fail with 'access denied' when another app is accessing the files.
Fixed various 175% text size rendering glitches.
Fixed odd behaviors while installing regular foobar2000 alongside MS Store foobar2000.
Fixed ReplayGain scanner preferences page glitches.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. Januar 2019, 14:10:43
foobar2000 v1.4.2 beta 1 (

ZitatThis is a maintenanace update focused on addressing known bugs.
A major update with new features is being worked on separately.

ZitatAdded new iTunes ID3 classical fields.
Improved playlist behaviors when deleting the now playing file.
ReplayGain apply-gain-and-prevent-clipping no longer presumes 1.0 peak when peak is unknown.
Fixed occasional errors when saving configuration.
Converter: Improved behavior when output file names repeat.
Fixed HTTP client bugs (internet radio, network shares).
Made MP4 files with missing duration info playable.
Windows 10 Universal Volume Control integration disabled by default due to bugs. This should address "multimedia keys don't work" issues.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Januar 2019, 20:19:22
foobar2000 v1.4.2 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed a bug that would cause spurious rewrites of certain configuration files [beta 2].
Made default MP4 handler gracefully fail to decode files with no supported audio tracks - so another decoder lower on the list can handle them [beta 2].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Januar 2019, 19:02:13
foobar2000 v1.4.2 (

ZitatAdded new iTunes ID3 classical fields.
Improved playlist behaviors when deleting the now playing file.
ReplayGain apply-gain-and-prevent-clipping no longer presumes 1.0 peak when peak is unknown.
Fixed occasional errors when saving configuration.
Converter: Improved behavior when output file names repeat.
Fixed HTTP client bugs (internet radio, network shares).
Made MP4 files with missing duration info playable.
Windows 10 Universal Volume Control integration disabled by default due to bugs. This should address "multimedia keys don't work" issues.
Fixed a bug that would cause spurious rewrites of certain configuration files [beta 2].
Made default MP4 handler gracefully fail to decode files with no supported audio tracks - so another decoder lower on the list can handle them [beta 2].
Worked around an "Open..." dialog lockup with lots and lots of supported file formats provided by third party components [final].
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Februar 2019, 12:06:28
foobar2000 v1.4.3 beta 1 (

Zitat von: undefinedThis is a maintenanace update addressing known bugs.

Zitat von: undefinedFixed disappearing metadata and playlist content corruption with certain internet radio playlists.
Fixed high CPU usage with read-ahead options active.
Converter: Fixed broken save-as dialog with | character in encoder names.
Made foo_ui_std.dll and foo_input_std.dll report version number of the foobar2000 release that they came with, as some people seem to mix binaries from different releases then run into issues.
Made possible to fall back to another decoder with WMA files that standard WMA decoder doesn't accept.
Fixed disappearing and appearing 'version' file in library configuration folder.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.4.5.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. März 2019, 15:47:06
foobar2000 v1.4.3 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed certain AIFF files not playing (beta 2).
Restored foobar2000 version number in HTTP user-agent string (beta 2).
Added an option to force HTTP CONNECT with proxy servers (beta 2).
Fixed 1.4 regression causing odd behaviors when the currently playing track is removed from playlist (beta 2).
Fixed 1.4 regression causing certain combinations of shuffle and playlist operations to crash (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. März 2019, 10:58:47
foobar2000 v1.4.3 beta 3 (

ZitatFixed 1.4 regression with missing HTTP host field in proxy server requests (beta 3).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. März 2019, 20:21:29
foobar2000 v1.4.3 beta 4 (

ZitatFixed a bug causing random crashes when decoding Vorbis (possibly also MP3 and AAC) due to bad parameters fed to FFmpeg (beta 4).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. März 2019, 15:26:27
foobar2000 v1.4.3 beta 5 (

ZitatConverter: Made malformed UTF-8 in source file tags no longer cause conversion to FLAC to fail (beta 5).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. März 2019, 10:53:00
foobar2000 v1.4.3 (

Zitat von: undefinedFixed disappearing metadata and playlist content corruption with certain internet radio playlists.
Fixed high CPU usage with read-ahead options active.
Converter: Fixed broken save-as dialog with | character in encoder names.
Made foo_ui_std.dll and foo_input_std.dll report version number of the foobar2000 release that they came with, as some people seem to mix binaries from different releases then run into issues.
Made possible to fall back to another decoder with WMA files that standard WMA decoder doesn't accept.
Fixed disappearing and appearing 'version' file in library configuration folder.
Updated FFmpeg to 3.4.5.
Fixed certain AIFF files not playing (beta 2).
Restored foobar2000 version number in HTTP user-agent string (beta 2).
Added an option to force HTTP CONNECT with proxy servers (beta 2).
Fixed 1.4 regression causing odd behaviors when the currently playing track is removed from playlist (beta 2).
Fixed 1.4 regression causing certain combinations of shuffle and playlist operations to crash (beta 2).
Fixed 1.4 regression with missing HTTP host field in proxy server requests (beta 3, beta 5).
Fixed a bug causing random crashes when decoding Vorbis (possibly also MP3 and AAC) due to bad parameters fed to FFmpeg (beta 4).
Converter: Made malformed UTF-8 in source file tags no longer cause conversion to FLAC to fail (beta 5).
Fixed ReplayGain alter file content crash (final).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. April 2019, 11:19:26
foobar2000 v1.4.4 beta 1 (

ZitatThis is a maintenanace update addressing known bugs.

ZitatFixed drag&drop glitches on Windows 10 with multiple monitors having different pixel densities.
Fixed Default UI preferences groups & columns drag&drop glitches.
Fixed incorrect formatting of written EXTM3U playlists.
Fixed incorrect truncation of specific long filenames in File Operations.
Fixed unnecessary reopening of remote files being played.
Fixed playback marker in playlists not being correctly retained in some conditions.
Improved internal IMA ADPCM WAV decoder (fixed rounding errors, fixed incorrect output duration).
foobar2000 now refuses to open 24-bit WMA lossless files on Windows 10 - which would otherwise decode incorrectly.
You can work around it by feeding WMA files to foo_input_ffmpeg component.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Mai 2019, 16:59:41
foobar2000 v1.4.4 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Juni 2019, 17:22:58
foobar2000 v1.4.5 beta 1 (

ZitatWorkaround for WMA tag editing failing on long file paths.
Converter: Prefer user specified converter paths over %PATH%.
Fixed Resampler DSP using crashing on very old PCs due to a VS2017 compiler bug.
Various obscure crash bugs have been addressed (Converter, ReplayGain Scanner, Default UI).
MS Store: Fixed .FTH file type association; made MS Store mode reported to console on startup.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Juni 2019, 18:21:49
foobar2000 v1.4.5 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed crashing when exiting foobar2000 while playing an internet radio stream (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Juni 2019, 12:46:41
foobar2000 v1.4.5 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. Juni 2019, 20:44:03
foobar2000 v1.4.6 beta 1 (

ZitatMade Converter never overwrite the source files.
Fixed Properties autocomplete vs multiline edit box clash.
Fixed earlier 1.4 series regression with writing of ID3v2 COMMENT fields to TXXX frames instead of COMM.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. Juli 2019, 14:35:33
foobar2000 v1.4.6 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed incorrect Converter output with both "don't reset DSP between tracks" and "copy other files" features in use (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. Juli 2019, 13:32:49
foobar2000 v1.4.6 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Juli 2019, 13:42:41
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 1 (

ZitatNew and improved Properties dialog, with the ability to manipulate attached pictures as well as scan and modify ReplayGain values.
Greatly improved Selection Properties performance for large track lists.
Various prompts (such as delete/recycle) now come with a "do not show this again" checkbox.
Restored pre-1.4 behavior of main-window-hidden/notification-icon-only status being remembered after foobar2000 restart.
Added logging of Media Library scanning errors - "show errors" button in Media Library Preferences.
Added Advanced Preferences option for flushing playback queue on manual track change (default: on).
Made "Open containing folder" command work with tracks in archives - opens folder containing the archive.
Added an option to preserve last-modified timestamps of tracks when updating tags.
Additional safeguards against corrupted configuration in case of a system crash while saving (FlushFileBuffers).
File Operations: delete/recycle prompt always says "Delete" rather than "Recycle", since not every volume supports recycle action.
FFmpeg 3.4.6, now compiled with MS compiler, binary size reduced due to DLL runtime.
Implemented reading of cue+bin audio CD images.
Implemented asynchronous drag&drop, for less stalls when dragging tracks from foobar2000 to another program.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Juli 2019, 19:32:30
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 2 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Juli 2019, 22:25:52
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 3 (

ZitatProperties crash has been fixed.
Some changes in visual appearance have been introduced.
Enter key behavior should now make sense. If it's still mishandled in some dialog/page, please post about it and it will be fixed.
Various accessibility issues have been fixed, checkboxes should be presented to screen readers properly.
Add new field autocomplete no longer hides fields already present.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. Juli 2019, 15:45:51
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 4 (

ZitatSelection drawing regression has been fixed, column delimiters have been added as suggested.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Juli 2019, 21:15:54
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 5 (

Zitat von: undefinedProperties dialog: better auto sizing of columns in Metadata & Details.
Properties dialog: less glitchy embedding of tab content in tabs.
Properties dialog: re-styled '+ add new' button.
Restored enter key to open decoder configuration in Preferences / Decoding.
Fixed embedded cuesheet handling regressions (since 1.5 beta).
Screen reader compatibility fixes, made list group headers presented correctly.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Juli 2019, 17:26:06
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 6 (

ZitatFixed visual glitches when scrolling various lists (beta 5 regression).
Fixed incorrect automatic sizing of columns in Properties dialog.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. Juli 2019, 17:25:28
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 7 (

ZitatFixed incorrect shuffle behavior forum thread
Fixed Album List multi-selection regression forum thread
Attempted fix for DirectSound lockups after PC hibernation forum thread
Made Album Art Viewer picture loading+resizing asynchronous.
Removed the much hated behavior of nulling current selection info (album art, selection properties) when nothing has focus.
Fixed M4A album art handling regression forum thread
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. August 2019, 18:19:49
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 8 (

ZitatFixed keyboard shortcuts for Yes/No buttons etc not working in some of MessageBox-type dialogs forum thread
Fixed album art crash on malformed picture data (beta 7 regression).
Fixed selection properties not following playback when nothing is focused (beta 7 regression) forum thread
Improved performance of updating tags on the now-playing track.
Made show_preferences() and various methods accept advanced preferences item GUIDs alongside preferences page GUIDs. This means that components can now have 'configure' links/buttons open Advanced Preferences locations.
New programming interfaces: input_info_filter (for foo_external_tags) and input_playback_shim (for foo_skip), new SDK will be published shortly.
Fixed bugs in lyrics3 tag reader introduced with beta 7.
Converter: Added Opus encoder selection for --music / --speech modes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. August 2019, 15:18:35
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 9 (

ZitatFixed beta 8 crash regression.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. August 2019, 15:50:39
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 10 (

ZitatVarious issues related to reporting exact playback position have been fixed. Wave seekbar style components show exact position with skip silence DSP active and similar.
Fixed Default UI Playlist View last column layout glitch regression forum thread.
Fixes in new programming interfaces for foo_external_tags.
Removed lyrics3 tag support other than removal via 'Remove Tags' - as it was causing more trouble than it was worth.
Default UI Album Art view regression fixes.
Cuesheet handling regression fixes.
DirectSound output workarounds for stuck playback on disconnected/locked device.
Properties dialog album art manipulation fixes.
Properties dialog autocomplete behaviors changed.
Fixed a bug causing certain components built using old foobar2000 SDK to fail to decode audio if certain new components are installed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. August 2019, 17:35:10
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 11 (

ZitatFixed beta 10 regression causing File Integrity Verifier not to use multiple threads for scanning.
File size optimizations.
Library Preferences: fixed missing double-click-on-folder.
Support for latest External Tags component.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 04. September 2019, 16:11:21
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 12 (

Zitat von: undefined* Fixed preserve-file-timestamp bugs.
* Fixed missing file-not-found error message.
* Fixes for bad interaction between pre-1.4-SDK components and track info filters.
* Fixed possible rare shutdown crash with certain components installed.
* Playlist behavior fix.
* Fixed metadb edit callbacks not being fired in some conditions.
* Removed transacted filesystem support. There are no known benefits to it and even Microsoft documentation says not to use it.
* Fixed track info filters (foo_external_tags) vs MP3 remove-tags.
* Made track info filters (foo_external_tags) enabled by default once installed.
* FLAC 1.3.3
* Made WavPack/DSD MD5 visible - using another field so Verifier doesn't try to verify it.
* Enabled embedded cuesheet support for MP3 files.
* New list control in various Converter dialogs.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 10. September 2019, 12:04:18
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 13 (

Zitat* Prettier startup UI picker upon installation of a new UI component.
* Made possible to check for updates of components listed but not hosted on
* Changed Properties dialog autocomplete behaviors.
* Attempted workaround for reported shutdown lockup.
* Changed order of FLAC metadata block to mitigate bugs in Windows 10.
* Fixed non-decoding of specific Ogg Vorbis files.
* Workaround for slow seeking in Matroska files.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. September 2019, 12:10:40
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 14 (

ZitatFixed beta 13 regression causing Verifier to incorrectly flag MP3 files as problematic forum thread
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 16. September 2019, 12:20:46
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 15 (

Zitat* Fixed regressions in components updater dialog, manifesting themselves when you close & reopen the dialog.
* Fixed bad behavior of properties dialog when cancelling initial info load.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 18. September 2019, 11:58:04
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 16 (

Zitat* Fixed more regressions in components updater dialog.
* Fixed missing keyboard shortcuts in new yes/no/ok/cancel type dialogs
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 21. September 2019, 04:48:17
foobar2000 v1.4.7 (

ZitatThis version contains just bug fixes backported from the 1.5 series.

* File Operations: Fixed window order bugs with Windows 10 1809 and newer
* Fixed creation of crash reports from stack overflow crashes.
* Fixed some Ogg files being unplayable since version 1.4.
* Changed order of written FLAC metadata blocks to work around bugs in Windows Explorer.
* Misc bug fixes.

ACHTUNG: Die Version enthält einen Bug, der einigen Components, die mit einer älteren SDK erstellt wurden, offenbar den Zugriff zum Decoder verweigert!
An einem Bugfix wird aber bereits gearbeitet.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 21. September 2019, 15:09:01
foobar2000 v1.4.8 (

Zitat* Corrected a 1.4.7 regression causing certain old components to stop working correctly.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Oktober 2019, 13:40:12
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 17 (

Zitat von: undefined*The hopefully last beta.
*Reverted DirectSound changes that seem to cause trouble for some users.
*Improved playback position reporting accuracy with complex DSP configurations, for better operation of Wave Seekbar type components.
*Made strange/malformed MP4 files not refuse to play entirely if the first audio frame can't be decoded.
*List control behavior and screen reader compatibility fixes.

ACHTUNG: Die Version enthält einen Bug mit Direct Sound.
An einem Bugfix wird aber bereits gearbeitet.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: tedgo in 08. Oktober 2019, 15:58:28
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 18 (

Zitat* Fixed beta 17 DirectSound crash regression
* Screen reader compatibility improvements
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Oktober 2019, 17:47:46
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 19 (

Zitat* Made preserve-file-timestamp work with MP3 tag types operations.
* Fixed a long-time bug with erratic behavior of audio output device selection.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Oktober 2019, 15:27:06
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 20 (

Zitat* Fixed a regression causing incorrect playback time, or even incorrect playing track to be shown after changing DSP settings in mid-playback.
* Made preserve-file-timestamp work with old album art manipulation context menu commands.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. November 2019, 12:42:51
foobar2000 v1.5 beta 21 (

Zitat* Fixed beta 20 crash bug regressions related to changing DSP settings.
* Fixed resampler DSP crashing when asked to resample to 0 Hz.
* File Operations: added pause.
* File Operations: more consistent behaviors when cancelled while moving files.
* File Operations: made file modification time etc transferred when copying files.
* Fixed flashing current-item display in generic progress window.
* Included new Visual Studio runtime libraries.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. November 2019, 22:52:13
foobar2000 v1.5 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Dezember 2019, 13:24:43
foobar2000 v1.5.1 beta 1 (

Zitat* Reworked integration with Windows 10 Universal Volume Control. Enabled by default once again.
* Fixed a bug in upmix DSPs causing incorrect behavior when working with a mono source.
* Improved reading of certain malformed ID3 tags written by other software.
* Generic progress dialog now shows yellow pause status when paused.
* Generic progress dialog no longer remembers its last position.
* File Operations: improved removal of empty folders; should no longer leave empty folders behind when cancelled in mid-operation.
* Installed component DLLs should now retain original file modification time, rather than time at which they were installed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Dezember 2019, 22:07:51
foobar2000 v1.5.1 beta 3 (

ZitatBeta 2
Worked around a problem with EsPlaylist and playback queue operations since version 1.5.
Changed playback information behavior after editing tags of a now playing track, causing some components to think the track was played twice since version 1.5.
Beta 3
Amended playback queue changes from beta 2, fixing apparent infinite playback of one queued track.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. Dezember 2019, 13:44:01
foobar2000 v1.5.1 beta 4 (

ZitatConverter: No longer writes MP3 with embedded cuesheets.
Converter: Fixed missing select-newly-added-item with format list.
Converter: Improved feedback when trying to convert a multichannel source to MP3 or MPC.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. Dezember 2019, 16:02:11
foobar2000 v1.5.1 (

ZitatAdded sharing violation retry around opening of playing track, should work around apparent errors after retagging of now playing track.
Fixed wrong playback position shown after listening to internet radio.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Februar 2020, 15:25:45
foobar2000 v1.5.2 (

ZitatA particularly nasty bug causing extreme memory usage when reading tags from certain M4A files has been addressed. All users are encouraged to update.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. März 2020, 14:42:24
foobar2000 v1.5.3 beta 2 (

Zitat* Crash bug fixes.
* Made component autoupdate show change logs before updating.
* Made possible for components to provide alternate decoders for AAC format versions not supported by the internal decoder.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. März 2020, 11:32:14
foobar2000 v1.5.3 beta 3 (

Zitat* Made Default UI volume sliders alter volume in 0.5dB steps (beta 3).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. März 2020, 08:41:26
foobar2000 v1.5.3 beta 4 (

ZitatWith fb2k 1.5.3 beta 4, component auto update dialog is now resizable and can present multilevel bullet lists in change logs - two spaces before the asterisk to create a nested list.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. März 2020, 09:11:16
foobar2000 v1.5.3 beta 5 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. März 2020, 09:14:50
foobar2000 v1.5.3 (

Zitat* Improved responses to Windows Defender blocking tag update operations (beta 4-6).
* Fixed resampler crashing on exotic sample rates (final).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Mai 2020, 17:08:21
foobar2000 v1.5.4 beta 1 (

Zitat* Pointed freedb metadata lookup at, since original freedb is being shut down.
* Corrected a 1.5.3 regression causing certain very short MP4/M4A files to decode incorrectly.
* Internal changes to allow add-on components to correctly decode xHE-AAC format.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. Mai 2020, 12:02:39
foobar2000 v1.5.4 beta 2 (

Zitat* Pointed freedb metadata lookup at, since original freedb is being shut down.
  * Beta 2: more graceful import of custom server lists when upgrading from older version.
* Corrected a 1.5.3 regression causing certain very short MP4/M4A files to decode incorrectly.
* Internal changes to allow add-on components to correctly decode xHE-AAC format.
* Allowed multi-value ID3v2 TPUB (Publisher) tags (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Mai 2020, 17:46:36
foobar2000 v1.5.4 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Juni 2020, 06:32:20
foobar2000 v1.5.5 beta 1 (

ZitatComponent autoupdate dialog visual fixes.
Fixed an obscure bug in FPL playlist loader.
MP4 AAC/USAC compatibility fixes (additional component still required).
Fixed incorrect behavior of shared printf() function on large hex values.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Juni 2020, 13:28:23
foobar2000 v1.5.5 beta 2 (

ZitatMade creation time explicitly retained when a file needs to be rewritten during a tag update (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Juni 2020, 20:49:16
foobar2000 v1.5.5 beta 3 (

ZitatFixed lockup on dropped HTTPS internet radio connection (beta 3).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Juni 2020, 16:13:31
foobar2000 v1.5.5 beta 4 (

ZitatFixed lockup on dropped HTTPS internet radio connection (beta 3, beta 4).
Equalizer settings are no longer forgotten after disabling equalizer via the checkbox (beta 4).
Fixed missing seekbar with remote MP3 files containing embedded cuesheets (beta 4).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Juni 2020, 19:02:51
foobar2000 v1.5.5 beta 5 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Juni 2020, 07:32:00
foobar2000 v1.5.5 (

ZitatComponent autoupdate dialog visual fixes.
Fixed an obscure bug in FPL playlist loader.
MP4 AAC/USAC compatibility fixes (additional component still required).
Fixed incorrect behavior of shared printf() function on large hex values.
Made creation time explicitly retained when a file needs to be rewritten during a tag update.
Fixed lockup on dropped HTTPS internet radio connection.
Equalizer settings are no longer forgotten after disabling equalizer via the checkbox.
Fixed missing seekbar with remote MP3 files containing embedded cuesheets.
Audio CD ripper: removed outdated AccurateRip support based on outdated specification.
Proper AccurateRip support will be restored in a future update.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Juni 2020, 07:34:23
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 1 (

ZitatLowest supported Windows version is now Windows 7. Windows XP is no longer supported.
Default output mode is now WASAPI shared.
New fading capability that works with alternate output modes.
Default archive reader now supports 7-zip format.
Added support for WebP album covers (Default UI, Properties dialog). Settings need to be changed to look for folder.webp instead of folder.jpg.
Removed mixer volume sync feature due to bugs.
Cleaned up foo_rgscan alter-file-content & alter-opus-header methods.
Removed obsolete edit-replaygain-info menu command since Properties dialog does the same now.
Added an option to disregard mouse forward/back buttons (by default mapped to previous/next track).
Double clicking a line in Properties album art tab now opens a fullsize image viewer.
Fileops & Converter: Added alternate handling of invalid filename characters, toggled in Advanced Preferences.
Freedb component updated: now queries all configured servers and displays results grouped by server.
Updated File Operations & Converter file name pattern picker dialog, now auto selects current pattern on open if possible.
CDDA reading no longer requires admin privileges on Windows Server.
Updated autoplaylist editing dialogs, made resizable.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Juni 2020, 20:27:52
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 2 (

ZitatStandard DSP Array is no longer an optional component, as it's required for new WASAPI output to work correctly. (beta 2)
Converter: Added a toggle for encoding thru temp folder to custom command-line encoder setup, required for some encoders that don't support Unicode. (beta 2)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Juli 2020, 19:29:30
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 4 (

ZitatAdded alternate menu commands for opening Properties dialog with specific tab open, for mapping keyboard shortcuts only (beta 3).
Improved recovery from unplugged audio output device (beta 3).
beta 4: memory leak has been addressed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Juli 2020, 15:51:40
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 5 (

ZitatFixed incorrect behavior when repeatedly hitting prev/next with fading enabled.
Fixed resetting Output Preferences page not unchecking the fading checkbox.
Fixed visualisations being jerky in some cases with fading enabled.
Prevented "device in use" error from appearing when toggling fading with WASAPI exclusive.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Juli 2020, 12:24:09
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 6 (

ZitatAdditional editable Properties ReplayGain tab summary fields.
Fixed crash when trying to alter gain on a Matroska file with no recognized audio track.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Juli 2020, 17:19:50
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 7 (

ZitatFixed stuck foobar2000 process after playing very short files with fading enabled.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Juli 2020, 18:10:59
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 8 (

ZitatFixed jerky visualisation regression from earlier 1.6 betas.
New portable install now puts all configuration data in 'profile' subfolder of install folder instead of saving in the installation folder directly. Doesn't affect upgraded installs or non-portable.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. Juli 2020, 19:59:28
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 9 (

ZitatWASAPI output bug fixes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. August 2020, 14:38:10
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 10 (

ZitatMore WASAPI output bug fixes, fixed incompatibility with Windows 7.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. August 2020, 12:01:07
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 11 (

ZitatFixed crashing on old WebP format album art.
Smooth playback: lowest buffer length is now 200ms to prevent audio glitching with overkill settings.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. August 2020, 20:07:09
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 12 (

ZitatRemoving tags from raw AAC files now works properly.
Changed automatic resampling behaviors. Choice of output method no longer affects the visualisations.
The default output now works properly if fed sample rate different from what it expects, resamples on its own if needed (otherwise ABX component would not work).
If not overridden by user, the default resampler for automatic conversions is SSRC.
File Operations, Converter: Fixed file name sanitizer removing additional dots before the file extension.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. August 2020, 10:18:44
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 13 (

ZitatFixed ZIP reader memory leak bug. Thanks to djdron for reporting.
Improved behavior when audio output device is in exclusive use by another application.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. August 2020, 10:15:59
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 14 (

ZitatImproved handling of file modification timestamps in ZIP and RAR archives.
Fixed audio glitching when changing DSP settings - most apparent when dragging equalizer sliders.
Fixed a bug causing high CPU usage with some autoplaylists (force sorted with no sort pattern specified).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. August 2020, 17:02:32
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 15 (

ZitatFixed stuck WASAPI playback at the end of playlist.
Worked around device-in-use error when cycling smooth playback toggle while playing.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. August 2020, 17:12:30
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 16 (

ZitatRevised automatic resampling behaviors, addressing "unsupported stream format" playback errors.
Fixed a crash when trying to load album art from a cuesheet that references itself.
Fixed stuck playback when playing very short files with varying channel counts.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. August 2020, 18:49:58
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 17 (

ZitatFixed more stuck playback bugs with very short files.
Fixed installer flagging Columns UI as not working, if manually installed.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. September 2020, 10:50:30
foobar2000 v1.6 beta 18 (

ZitatFixed a long time bug causing files with very long names inside ZIP archives to be unplayable.
Internal changes in resampler management.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. September 2020, 16:13:30
foobar2000 v1.6 (

Endlich final.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. September 2020, 16:15:39
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 1 (

ZitatAdded support for HLS: HTTP Live Streaming. To use, add internet M3U8 file through Add Location dialog.
Enabled icy-metadata support for Ogg FLAC internet radio streams.
Updated Properties / ReplayGain page layout if editing a single file.
Improved Properties dialog performance, list of autocomplete entries is populated asynchronously.
Enabled embedded album art loading from raw .AAC files with ID3 tags.
Updated FFmpeg to 4.3.1.
Added support for playing Matroska A_MS/ACM content.
Fixes for rare AAC codec configurations that FFmpeg doesn't fully support - an add-on decoder can override the built-in one for such special cases.
Decoders are now made aware of output sample rate (from Windows Mixer settings) and can decode certain formats directly to the intended sample rate, skipping potential resampling steps.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. September 2020, 16:03:35
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 2 (

ZitatUpdated M3U #EXTINF behaviors
Added console logging of audio device mix format to troubleshoot audio device compatibility issues.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. September 2020, 17:10:42
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 3 (

ZitatFixed crash bug related to meta autocomplete (affecting tagbox component and possibly others).
Fixed channel remapping bugs with default audio output.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. September 2020, 13:37:49
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 4 (

ZitatFixed Converter & File Operations possibly creating folders that Windows Explorer cannot delete.
Fixed multi channel playback regressions from v1.6.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. September 2020, 21:07:07
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 5 (

ZitatReverted to old autocomplete code for existing component to prevent incorrect behaviors.
Improved handling of audio files with uncommon channel layout.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. September 2020, 18:38:17
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 6 (

ZitatFixed wrong fade used when changing tracks manually rather than seeking within a track.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. September 2020, 17:30:48
foobar2000 v1.6.1 beta 7 (

ZitatChanging volume no longer affects Windows Mixer sliders; restarting foobar2000 no longer resets Windows Mixer slider to 100%.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. September 2020, 18:30:12
foobar2000 v1.6.1 (

ZitatAdded support for HLS: HTTP Live Streaming. To use, add internet M3U8 file through Add Location dialog.
Enabled icy-metadata support for Ogg FLAC internet radio streams.
Updated Properties / ReplayGain page layout if editing a single file.
Improved Properties dialog performance, list of autocomplete entries is populated asynchronously.
Enabled embedded album art loading from raw .AAC files with ID3 tags.
Updated FFmpeg to 4.3.1.
Added support for playing Matroska A_MS/ACM content.
Fixes for rare AAC codec configurations that FFmpeg doesn't fully support - an add-on decoder can override the built-in one for such special cases.
Decoders are now made aware of output sample rate (from Windows Mixer settings) and can decode certain formats directly to the intended sample rate, skipping potential resampling steps.
Fixed "fade on manual track change" setting not being used since version 1.6. (beta 6)
Changing volume no longer affects Windows Mixer sliders; restarting foobar2000 no longer resets Windows Mixer slider to 100%. (beta 7)
Mitigated crash when initiating drag&drop of a very large number of songs (such as Album List "all music"). (beta 8 )
Enabled support for 7-zip archives using PPMd compression. (beta 8 )
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. September 2020, 16:26:09
foobar2000 v1.6.2 beta 1 (

ZitatHLS radio bug fixes.
Double clicking album covers in Default User Interface shows full-size picture.
Archive reader optimizations; much more efficient handling of uncompressed (store-mode) archives.
Drag-and-drop or copy-to-clipboard of large number of tracks no longer copies their plaintext titles.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. Oktober 2020, 19:01:27
foobar2000 v1.6.2 beta 3 (

ZitatFixed unresponsive Album List when selecting lots of items. (beta 2).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Oktober 2020, 11:05:41
foobar2000 v1.6.2 beta 4 (

ZitatAdded workarounds for wrong audio mix format reported by certain buggy soundcard drivers. (beta 3, beta 4)
Added workaround for too quiet playback since removal of Windows Mixer volume slider synchronization in previous versions. (beta 4)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Oktober 2020, 16:44:23
foobar2000 v1.6.2 beta 5 (

ZitatFixed crashing when attempting to read from 7-zip archive that does not exist. (beta 5)
Increased playback queue length limit to 256 tracks. (beta 5)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Oktober 2020, 19:07:34
foobar2000 v1.6.2 beta 6 (

ZitatFixed wrong error message/status when trying to open a non-existent RAR archive.
More default output error logging.
Crash if stuck trying to update tags of now playing file for more than one minute, in order to generate crash reports of an apparent rare bug. This change will be reverted for the final version.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. Oktober 2020, 19:30:11
foobar2000 v1.6.2 beta 7 (

ZitatFixed incompatibilities with certain bluetooth headsets introduced in 1.6.1.
Fixed incorrect handling of embedded pictures in Speex tags.
Fixed incorrect info shown for IMA ADPCM in Matroska.
Fixed no error message on failure to update embedded pictures if embedding of pictures is not supported for this file type. (beta 7)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Oktober 2020, 18:10:03
foobar2000 v1.6.2 (

ZitatRemoved nonsensical bit depth info shown with some Matroska files.
Cleaned up listed file types in various "import picture" dialogs.
Workaround for stuck process if attempting to update foobar2000 while running foobar2000 is busy.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. Dezember 2020, 22:12:37

foobar2000 v1.6.3 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed RAR reading crash bug introduced in 1.6.2.
Improved WASAPI compatibility with specific audio devices.

Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Januar 2021, 23:19:14
foobar2000 v1.6.3 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed playback queue being flushed when playing a song from library search result. (beta 2)
Now complains on startup if mixing files from different foobar2000 releases. (beta 2)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Januar 2021, 12:01:56
foobar2000 v1.6.3 beta 3 (

Zitat* Fixed wrong stream labels in "Select Stream" on Matroska if not all streams were readable by installed decoders. (beta 3)
* Made "Select Stream" dialog show more info about each stream. (beta 3)
* Fixed enter key behavior in "Select Stream" dialog list. (beta 3)
* Various obscure Matroska PCM configurations now decode correctly. (beta 3)
* Converter: Improved long filename support. (beta 3)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Januar 2021, 15:01:34
foobar2000 v1.6.3 (

ZitatFixed incorrect behavior of playlist_execute_default_action() method. (final)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Januar 2021, 13:38:01
foobar2000 v1.6.4 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed playback queue display glitch regression from 1.6.3 final.
Added mouse previous/next navigation in Preferences.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. Januar 2021, 13:50:41
foobar2000 v1.6.4 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed ctrl+backspace working incorrectly in some edit boxes. (beta 2)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. Februar 2021, 15:30:43
foobar2000 v1.6.4 (

ZitatFixed playback queue display glitch regression from 1.6.3 final.
Added mouse previous/next navigation in Preferences.
Fixed ctrl+backspace working incorrectly in some edit boxes. (beta 2)
Standard DSP Array is now loaded in safe mode - otherwise basic playback would fail. (beta 3)
Fixed a crash when decoding certain AAC streams introduced in 1.6.3. (beta 3)
Updated WavPack decoder to version 5.4.0. (beta 3)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 11. März 2021, 14:30:51

  Es gibt eine Neue Beta Version....
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. März 2021, 14:54:54

foobar2000 v1.6.5 beta 1 (

ZitatRewritten internal 7-zip support - now opens large files without running out of memory.
Updated ReplayGain scanner: improved speed, added classic ReplayGain scanning mode as an option.
Converter now warns about conversion of float32 to integer format, as it is not lossless if the source file isn't peak-normalized.
"Remove Tags" now retains Apple gapless (iTunSMPB) information on MP3 files.
Rationale: tag manipulation should not cause the file to decode differently.
Opt-out of this behavior in Advancd Preferences.
Fixed some M4A chapter titles not reading correctly.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. März 2021, 18:00:05
foobar2000 v1.6.5 beta 2 (

ZitatAdded support for itunescatalogid for M4A files. (beta 2)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. März 2021, 16:34:07
foobar2000 v1.6.5 beta 3 (

ZitatRestricted 7-zip reader memory usage to prevent instability. (beta 3)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. März 2021, 10:03:35
foobar2000 v1.6.5 beta 4 (

ZitatFixes for instability from extreme 7-zip reader memory usage. (beta 3, beta 4)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. März 2021, 15:15:31
foobar2000 v1.6.5 beta 5 (

ZitatFixed a glitch in ReplayGain scanner preferences. (beta 5)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 06. April 2021, 15:42:22

   Final ist da.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. April 2021, 15:46:20
foobar2000 v1.6.5 (

ZitatRewritten internal 7-zip support - now opens large files without running out of memory.
Updated ReplayGain scanner: improved speed, added classic ReplayGain scanning mode as an option.
Converter now warns about conversion of float32 to integer format, as it is not lossless if the source file isn't peak-normalized.
"Remove Tags" now retains Apple gapless (iTunSMPB) information on MP3 files.
Rationale: tag manipulation should not cause the file to decode differently.
Opt-out of this behavior in Advancd Preferences.
Fixed some M4A chapter titles not reading correctly.
Added support for itunescatalogid for M4A files.
Fixes for instability from extreme 7-zip reader memory usage.
Fixed a glitch in ReplayGain scanner preferences.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. April 2021, 17:29:01
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 1 (

ZitatMade Advanced Preferences searchable.
Added support for attaching pictures to Matroska files; fixed Matroska tag editing bugs.
More accurate reporting of Matroska bitrate (actual content is probed if needed).
Added itunesadvisory tag support for M4A.
Updated embedded cuesheet handling code.
Replaced PPHS resampler with much faster libretro resampler.
Added support for internet radio album art.
Converter: Encoded FLAC files are now updated with proper FLAC seektables, if FLAC.exe doesn't write them by itself.
Converter: Workarounds for clashes when writing to a Media Library indexed folder.
Converter: Added built-in profile for exhale AAC encoder.
Converter: Fixed some warning prompts not being possible to permanently disable.
Fixed slightly inaccurate bitrate reporting for Musepack and WavPack. Tags are now excluded from file size used to calculate the bitrate.
Now compiled with Visual Studio 2019 (was 2017 before).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. April 2021, 16:35:21
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 2 (

ZitatAlbum art related regressions fixed. (beta 2)
Worked around 7-zip reading crash. (beta 2)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. April 2021, 14:49:29
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 3 (

ZitatFixed missing no-artwork pic in some scenarios. (beta 3)
Fixed slower playlist & library search regression from earlier betas, apparently VS2019 compiler related. (beta 3)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. April 2021, 17:09:23
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 4 (

ZitatFixed slower playlist & library search regression from earlier betas. (beta 4)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. Mai 2021, 20:11:41
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 5 (

ZitatFixed failure to read some rare MP4/M4A files. (beta 5)
Converter: Added a toggle for FLAC seektable fix. (beta 5)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 04. Mai 2021, 21:44:14

  Neue Beta Version...
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Mai 2021, 07:50:55
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 6 (

ZitatFixed Default UI playlist rendering glitches with millions of items. (beta 6)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Mai 2021, 13:28:06
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 7 (

ZitatFixed decoding of 7-channel FLAC files. (beta 7)
Made FLAC channel mask not cleared with 'remove tags'. (beta 7)
Improved compatibility with badly configured HLS radio servers. (beta 7)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Mai 2021, 17:51:32
foobar2000 v1.6.6 beta 8 (

ZitatFixed odd samplerate autoresampling regression from earlier betas. (beta 8 )
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Mai 2021, 18:35:41
foobar2000 v1.6.6 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Mai 2021, 11:18:13
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 1 (

ZitatBuilt-in WASAPI exclusive output.
Added 'smart stop' option in Advanced Preferences; press stop key once to stop-after-current, twice to stop now.
Fixed WavPack lossy not working regression from 1.6.6.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Mai 2021, 12:39:09
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed glitches during playback in exclusive mode
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Mai 2021, 13:31:14
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 3 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. Mai 2021, 18:32:06
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 4 (
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 27. Mai 2021, 13:03:04
  Ich nutze schon 1.6.7. Beta 5
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Mai 2021, 13:19:51
Du bist (Ihr seid) eingeladen, eine neue Version auch zu posten.

[url=]foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 5[/url]

foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 5 (

ZitatMade Output preferences reflect output device changes made by output picker toolbar (beta 5).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Juni 2021, 14:20:10
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 6 (

ZitatAllowed per-track REM COMMENT in cuesheets. (beta 6)
HLS radio bug fixes. (beta 6)
Fixed crashing on failed paste operations in Properties dialog. (beta 6)
Fixed incorrect handling of UTF-8 file names inside ZIP archives. (beta 6)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. Juni 2021, 18:40:29
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 7 (

ZitatBuilt-in WASAPI exclusive output.
Rewritten entirely in beta 7, old beta1-6 bugs should be gone.
Removed 8-bit output option. (beta 7)
Fixed inaccurate preamp decibel formatting in Converter setup dialog. (beta 7)
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Juni 2021, 16:20:15
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 8 (

ZitatExclusive-mode output fixes.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Juni 2021, 09:52:36
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 10 (

ZitatBeta 9: Exclusive-mode output fixes; fixed "unsupported format" error regression.
Beta 10: Exclusive-mode output fixes; fixed high CPU usage when paused regression.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Juni 2021, 13:36:03
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 11 (

ZitatFixed a beta 7 regression causing glitched audio after a change of parameters (such as sample rate or channel count).
Re-enabled 32-bit floating-point output with exclusive mode, some devices seem to accept it.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Juni 2021, 16:04:31
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 12 (

ZitatFixed beta 11 regression which caused errors with some 24-bit devices.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. Juni 2021, 11:49:19
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 13 (

ZitatPrevented popup of Preferences page prompting for a valid output device if the audio device was unplugged with foobar2000 in background.
Re-added Advanced Preferences setting to override exclusive-mode hardware buffer length.
Added a special fix for FOSTEX cards that do not work with system-default buffer length.
Fixed missing remapping of 5.1 vs 5.1-side channel configurations with exclusive mode.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Juni 2021, 17:48:18
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 14 (

ZitatWorked around glitched playback after a buffer underrun.
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. Juni 2021, 13:58:59
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 15 (

ZitatAdded .weba (WebM audio) to recognized formats.
Attempted WASAPI exclusive compatibility fixes (timed polling instead of event, 50ms default hardware buffer).
Titel: Re: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. Juli 2021, 09:51:27
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 16 (

ZitatWASAPI compatibility fixes. Defaults are equivalent to well-behaved beta 13 (event instead of polling). You can override if your device doesn't agree.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Juli 2021, 15:04:56
foobar2000 v1.6.7 beta 17 (

ZitatRefactored exclusive mode overrides in Advanced Preferences.
Added a specific workaround for Intel SST Audio, so exclusive mode works without manual tweaks.
Prevented foobar2000 from starting up with foo_dsp_std.dll missing, or else normal playback fails. Note that this can only happen as a result of tampering with the installation, as foo_dsp_std.dll is always installed.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. August 2021, 14:57:56
foobar2000 v1.6.7 (

ZitatRemoved startup popups about old WASAPI component being outdated.
Improved exclusive mode compatibility with audio drivers that incorrectly report supported format list.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Oktober 2021, 01:30:54
foobar2000 v1.6.8 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed visual glitches when scrolling lists horizontally with mouse wheel through Logitech software.
Improved output format negotiation with exclusive output.
Fixed failure to install components from store-mode (uncompressed) zip archives.
Improved handling of malformed FLAC files, prevented crash from too many cuesheet entries.
Correct reporting of AC3 channel count in MP4 files even without AC3 component installed (before it would incorrectly report stereo).
Allowed UTF-8 cuesheets without UTF-8 header.
Fixed htmlspecialchars misuse in component update list / component page link.
Mapped MP4 @mvn field to "movement name".
Prevented the same folder from being added more than once to the Media Library.
Properties dialog: deferred logging of user-entered field names for the dropdown list until the tags are saved, effectively preventing typos from being remembered.
Fixed a bug causing alt+f4 (and possibly other keyboard events) to be disregarded if mouse pointer is above specific interactive portion of a window (list controls, buttons in editboxes).
Improved handling of files with malformed APE tags - some files were entirely unplayable.
More thorough 'remove tags' for Vorbis, Opus and Musepack.
Fixed text truncation in ReplayGain Scanner preferences page.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Oktober 2021, 14:23:37
foobar2000 v1.6.8 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed Properties crash regression from beta 1
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Oktober 2021, 20:58:28
foobar2000 v1.6.8 beta 3 (

ZitatMade possible to add attached pictures by drag and drop to relevant Properties dialog page. (beta 3)
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Oktober 2021, 13:20:05
foobar2000 v1.6.8 beta 4 (

ZitatAddressed large playlist scrolling bugs caused by Logitech software bug workaround introduced in beta 1.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Oktober 2021, 15:31:12
foobar2000 v1.6.8 beta 5 (

ZitatAddressed unnecessary album art reloads on tag edit, playcount increment, etc introduced in beta 1.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Oktober 2021, 18:12:24
foobar2000 v1.6.8 beta 6 (

ZitatAddressed failure to parse tag blobs in tag_processor since beta 1 caused by another fix, causing some add-ons to malfunction.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. November 2021, 15:44:55
foobar2000 v1.6.8 (
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Dezember 2021, 15:58:01
foobar2000 v1.6.9 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed Properties dialog glitches when scrolling content horizontally.
Fixed Converter setup dialog crash when using mouse forward/back buttons to navigate pages.
Fixed truncated text in Converter at 125% text size.
Fixed bad behavior of stricmp_utf8() function in shared.dll causing incorrect behavior of some components.
Fixed incorrect rendering of some Preferences page elements with Windows 7 classic theme.
Fixed a bug preventing some large folders from being added to playlist correctly.
Worked around apparent incorrect playback of audio tracks beginning with early drum hits with default output settings.
Updated middle-click-scroll marker.
Cleaned up various leftovers from old versions.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Dezember 2021, 18:30:18
foobar2000 v1.6.9 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed blank Properties content after some (but not all) of tag writes failed. (beta 2)
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 03. Januar 2022, 11:09:35
foobar2000 v1.6.9 beta 3 (

ZitatVisual consistency fixes in Preferences, mainly affecting Windows 7 in classic mode. (beta 3)
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. Januar 2022, 10:37:31
foobar2000 v1.6.9 (
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Januar 2022, 14:27:59
foobar2000 v1.6.10 beta 1 (
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Januar 2022, 14:27:51
foobar2000 v1.6.10 beta 2 (

ZitatFixed stuck now playing album art with many single tracks in one folder.
Workaround for certain radio serving .pls that 302-redirects to audio/mpeg stream.
Playlist Search: Don't reload view / drop selection if search refresh changed nothing.
Properly focus newly spawned UI Element popup - Library Search etc is now focused if invoked via global hotkey.
Implemented #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME for HLS internet radio.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Februar 2022, 13:40:39
foobar2000 v1.6.10 beta 3 (

ZitatFixed incorrect decoding of FLAC files with 3 channels and no explicit channel mask set. (beta 3)
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. Februar 2022, 23:48:55
foobar2000 v1.6.10 (

ZitatFixed stuck now playing album art with many single tracks in one folder.
Workaround for certain radio serving .pls that 302-redirects to audio/mpeg stream.
Playlist Search: Don't reload view / drop selection if search refresh changed nothing.
Properly focus newly spawned UI Element popup - Library Search etc is now focused if invoked via global hotkey.
Implemented #EXT-X-PROGRAM-DATE-TIME for HLS internet radio.
Fixed incorrect decoding of FLAC files with 3 channels and no explicit channel mask set. (beta 3)
Better formatting of HTTPS related error messages. (beta 4)
Fixed a rare shutdown crash. (beta 4)
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. April 2022, 07:16:12
foobar2000 v1.6.11 beta 1 (

ZitatFixed bugs in HTTP redirect behaviors.
Added more exclusive output tweaks.
Fixed incorrect reported duration of very long WavPack files.
Fixed a bug preventing parent folder from being added to playlist if a subfolder is inaccessible.
Fixed some very old bugs in Preferences / Shell Integration page.
Updated FLAC code to version 1.3.4.
Updated zlib to 1.2.12.
FFmpeg is now used to decode Apple Lossless format.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. April 2022, 16:37:36
foobar2000 v1.6.11 beta 2 (
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. Mai 2022, 15:37:43
foobar2000 v1.6.11 (
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 21. Juli 2022, 11:39:06
foobar2000 v1.6.12 beta 1 (

ZitatAdded support for playing Opus audio in MP4 container.
Fixed obscure UI glitches (list controls, Default UI splitter).
Suppressed repeating library scan error messages.
More consistent behavior of Properties dialog/element vs channel mask info on multi-selection.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 02. August 2022, 15:39:39
foobar2000 v1.6.12 beta 2 (

ZitatMade possible to autoupdate components larger than 16MB. (beta 2)
FTP protocol bug fixes. (beta 2)
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. August 2022, 15:17:28
foobar2000 v1.6.12 (

ZitatAdded support for playing Opus audio in MP4 container.
Fixed obscure UI glitches (list controls, Default UI splitter).
Suppressed repeating library scan error messages.
More consistent behavior of Properties dialog/element vs channel mask info on multi-selection.
Made possible to autoupdate components larger than 16MB.
FTP protocol bug fixes.
Improved media library compatibility with some read-only network shares.
Removed annoying 'legacy page' prompt for preferences pages not implementing apply/cancel logic.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. August 2022, 21:37:08
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 2 (

ZitatNow available as x86 32-bit (legacy), x86 64-bit. ARM 64-bit version coming soon. 64-bit versions require updated versions of add-on components.
Dark mode support on Windows 10 and 11. Add-on components need to be updated to utilize it.
Entirely new media library engine, backed by SQLite. Much faster startup and shutdown with large libraries, greatly reduced memory usage.
Greatly improved performance of media library search queries that don't use %patterns%.
Playback Statistics functionality is now built-in. Old foo_playcount data gets imported on first run. Please remove foo_playcount as instructed.
Added album art in Default User Interface playlist view.
Clickable rating stars in Default User Interface playlist view.
New Default UI element: ReFacets, reimplementing most of Facets functionality. Old Facets component doesn't work with new 64-bit foobar2000.
Improved Default UI splitter, now allows any number of panes.
Added 'remember per playlist layout' to Default User Interface playlist view.
Added 'stream selector' element to Default User Interface toolbar.
New audio output device management features - unwanted devices can be disabled, bit depth and DSP can be configured per-device.
New internal playlist format, changes instantly saved to disk, no more recent changes lost on crash.
New configuration data format, changes instantly saved to disk, no more recent changes lost on crash.
Can display file creation time (%file_created%) and attributes (%file_attributes%).
For non-portable installs, profile folder is now %appdata%\foobar2000-v2. There is no need to back up old profile before upgrading, your foobar2000 v1.x profile will be left untouched.
First run performs import of old configuration data (playlists, library).
More audio formats supported out of the box: TAK, APE, AC3, DTS.
Updated FFmpeg to version 5.1.
Improved Properties behavior if 'reload info' detects a change in number of chapters etc.
Rewritten built-in visualisations (VU/peak meters, spectrum, oscilloscope), now using hardware accelerated rendering.
Some Default UI Elements (ReFacets, Equalizer, visualisations) now also accessible as Columns UI panels.
Internet Radio dialog (File menu), remembers previously played Internet radio streams.
Modernized Explorer integration, no longer needs separate 32bit/64bit shell extension DLLs.
Properties dialog now follows theme colors of the active UI.
Utilized Windows Imaging Component for image parsing, removed libwebp dependency. Album covers in HEIF, AVIF, etc can now be viewed if system codecs are present.
Added %year% mapping, takes year part of %date%, discarding content past first four digits.
Changed default Album List patterns to use %year%.
Added sample rate exclusions to SSRC resampler.
Added crossfeed DSP from foobar2000 mobile.
New console logging system, writes per-instance log files to the specified folder.
New full config reset semantics - now clears profile folder (optionally leaving user-components intact) instead of asking all components to reset themselves.
These add-on components are now obsolete as their functionality is available out of the box: foo_benchmark, foo_bitcompare, foo_verifier, foo_input_monkey, foo_ac3, foo_sanitizer, foo_input_dts.
These components previously included with the installer are no longer optional (features always enabled): foo_rgscan, foo_cdda, foo_albumlist
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. August 2022, 15:44:09
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 3 (

ZitatComponent loader no longer probes menu command GUIDs, which was crashing some components. Was meant to prevent specific known incompatible components from loading.
Now shows CPU architecture (x86 or x64) in about box.
Fixed Media Library performing unnecessary tag reloads in some scenarios.
Crash bugs fixed.
Made Preferences / Output / Devices usable without a mouse.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. September 2022, 17:29:45
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 4 (

ZitatMP4 tagging: do not set Various Artists if itunescompilation is present but set to 0.
Crash bugs fixed.
Made installer refuse to upgrade old non-portable installs containing profile data in application folder, which is no longer supported.
Fixed metadb lock up with large queryInfoMulti() batches.
Fixed library search by rating not working.
Added ReFacets to library viewers list.
Fixed missing double click to fullscreen in Default UI visualisations.
Fixed disappearing live playback info on playback statistics update.
Fixed longer-than-necessary gap when reopening exclusive-mode output on format change.
Fixed seekbar & visualisation glitches when playing very short audio tracks with exclusive-mode output.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. September 2022, 13:20:14
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 5 (

ZitatFixed various crash bugs.
Improved rendering performance of very large playlists with grouping & album art enabled.
Made ReFacets sorting remembered.
Fixed inverted titles of "Add Files" vs "Open" dialogs.
Reduced output reopen delay when input format (channel count etc) changes.
Improved dark mode rendering of checkboxes.
Suppressed library error log lines about folder.jpg etc inside archive files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. September 2022, 15:21:39
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 6 (

ZitatFixed playlist layout glitch regression from beta 5.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. September 2022, 16:07:51
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 7 (

ZitatlibFLAC 1.4, made possible to decode 32 bits per sample FLAC files.
Upgrading from v1.x retains file timestamps of profile folder contents.
Fixed bad handling of user-components folder in upgraded legacy portable installs without a "profile" folder.
Playlist rendering and manipulation performance fixes.
DTS decode_postprocessor now works, for decoding DTS in WAV, FLAC, etc.
Fixed incorrect behavior after a watched media library folder disappears then reappears.
Allowed blank meta values in metadb.
Made possible to enable album art columns in Default UI playlist even without grouping enabled - the old behavior was confusing.
Added dark mode to Default UI toolbar buttons configuration dialog.
Made settings of old foo_albumlist & foo_sanitizer imported on startup, if present.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. September 2022, 15:24:52
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 8 (

ZitatFixed beta 7 regression with wrong handling of blank meta values.
Fixed some visual glitches in Converter.
Rare crash bug workarounds.
Improved crash log writer in 64-bit version.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. September 2022, 14:45:55
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 9 (

ZitatUpdated WavPack library to 5.5.0.
Updated Monkey's Audio library to 8.70.
Changed replacement for slash character in file naming.
Fixed a regression that made it impossible to play certain M4A HE-AAC files from remote (HTTP etc) sources.
Various ReFacets glitches fixed.
Made new library search implementation more robust.
Cleaned up Ogg reader, made possible to seek in remote (HTTP etc) Ogg files.
Crash bugs fixed.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. September 2022, 16:36:26
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 10 (

ZitatFixed Ogg seeking regressions from the previous beta.
Made column order correctly remembered per-playlist.
libFLAC 1.4.1.
Rewritten asymmetric library search feature.
Library search speed optimizations, made more queries utilize search index.
Restored multi-folder-selection for "add folder".
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Oktober 2022, 14:46:04
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 11 (

ZitatFixed incorrect MD5 verification of 32-bit FLAC files.
Fixed non-decoding of DTSHD files.
Added option to override DRC behavior on AC-3 audio.
Various crash bugs fixed.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Oktober 2022, 13:12:43
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 12 (

ZitatImproved behavior when watched library folders are on temporarily unavailable network shares.
Fixed audio glitching on screen resolution change in certain configurations.
Improved exclusive output behavior with uncommon channel layouts, 4.1/5.0 would not play on a device expecting 5.1-side.
Fixed failure to read specific odd FPL files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Oktober 2022, 15:43:45
foobar2000 v1.6.13 (

ZitatMaintenance release with changes backported from 2.0 series.Fixed an issue that caused audio stutters during screen resolution change in some configurations.Fixed incorrect behavior of exclusive mode output when playing files with uncommon channel layout.Fixed incorrect handling of M4A itunescompilation=0.libFLAC 1.4.1, made possible to decode 32 bits per sample FLAC file.WavPack 5.5.0.Compiled with Visual Studio 2022.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. November 2022, 15:41:39
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 13 (

ZitatFixed poor search performance with asymmetric search enabled.
Fixed dark mode in Converter overwrite prompt.
Reverted visualisations to GDI rendering by default. Use advanced preferences toggle to enable D2D. Too many systems fail at D2D rendering.
Mitigated media indexing crash on Wine by cutting down use of std::current_exception() / std::rethrow_exception().
libFLAC & zlib update.
Channel mask display fixes.
Fixed wrong length reporting in Binary Comparator.
No longer reports FLAC files with ID3 tags as corrupted.
Workarounds for poor performance of metadb_index operations compared to v1.x series (affects third party components only).
Programming interface extensions for components:
Made possible to apply DSP config changes without reinitializing affected DSPs.
Allowed DSPs to manipulate their shown name depending on preset data.
Addded non-blocking DSP configuration popups.
Added library_manager_v5 with extra status info methods (new SDK needed to utilize).
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. November 2022, 17:07:37
foobar2000 v1.6.14 (

ZitatMaintenance release with changes backported from 2.0 series.
Made possible to apply DSP config changes without reinitializing affected DSPs.
Allowed DSPs to manipulate their shown name depending on preset data.
libFLAC 1.4.2, made possible to decode 32 bits per sample FLAC file.
Worked around FLAC files with ID3 tags being reported as corrupted by new libFLAC.
zlib 1.2.13.
Added mitigations for apparent random crash on Wine (less C++ exceptions thrown when dealing with media indexing errors).
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. November 2022, 20:11:11
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 14 (

ZitatEnabled search indexing of file paths by default.
Because this somewhat affects performance and some people just don't care, an advanced option to turn it off has been added.
WavPack library update.
More compatible reading of exotic AIFF files.
Fixed a very old bug in 8-bit AU writer.
Added sanitization of internet radio metadata as certain station was serving nonsensical sample rate info.
Improved compatibility with MP4 files made with yt-dlp.
Improved compatibility with stripped down Windows 10 distributions.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. Dezember 2022, 16:04:21
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 15 (

ZitatFixed various library search expression handling bugs.
Made FLAC tag updater remove ID3v2 garbage prefixing FLAC stream.
Made ERROR_BAD_LENGTH condition crash to debug specific network share compatibility issue.
Made MP3 reader report MP3 frame count not matching Xing/LAME header info when verifying integrity.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. Dezember 2022, 09:57:21
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 16 (

ZitatImproved compatibility with network shares - worked around specific server refusing GetFileInformationByHandle() resulting in previous foobar2000 v2.0 betas being unable to play or index media from such.
More search regression fixes.
Fixed missing ES_AUTOHSCROLL in ReFacets search box - was limiting length of typed search pattern to size of the editbox.
Added lock toggle to Default UI splitter.
Rating field handling fixes - %rating% now looks up rating meta if no rating is present in the database.
Reverted larger font in Properties tabs as everyone seems to hate it.
Fixed 64-bit setup being unable to close running foobar2000 instance before updating.
Fixed archive content being invisible in Album List's folders view, possibly in other components too (library_manager::get_relative_path).
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Dezember 2022, 14:56:00
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 17 (

Zitatlibvorbis is once again used for decoding Vorbis format instead of FFmpeg, as some rare files continue to cause compatibility issues.
Default Playlist View: Fixed column size remembering bugs.
Updated Properties / Automatically Fill Values logic, better results if searched pattern appears more than once.
Fixed missing quotation mark recognition in new library search system.
Fixed bad import of old foo_playcount ratings (0.5 added), made first run clean up existing database and badly imported values from the old version.
Fixed Console not obeying color settings.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Dezember 2022, 02:31:57
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 18 (

ZitatMade all track info cached in memory like it was in old foobar2000 versions. The performance loss from keeping all info in SQLite only was not acceptable.
Rewritten search index. If you find a case where new foobar2000 search is slower than 1.x series, please let us know.
Removed internal playback statistics, made Playback Statistics component (foo_playcount) operational again. First run of new foo_playcount imports foobar2000 v2.0 beta database back.
64-bit version no longer moves user-components folder to user-components-x64 on first run.
Fixed playback of 8-channel Vorbis, beta 17 regression.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 28. Dezember 2022, 11:57:00
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 19 (

ZitatCrash regression fix.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 29. Dezember 2022, 18:25:08
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 20 (

ZitatAdded "low memory mode" in 32-bit build, restoring pre-beta18 style tag caching semantics.
Located in advanced preferences / general.
If foobar2000 cannot start up due to memory usage, it can be emergency-enabled by putting "enable_low_mem_mode" file in the profile folder.
Misc search bug fixes.
Playlist group layout optimizations reverted (no more scrollbar jumping around stupidly), unless in the new low memory mode.
Fixed various RIFF64 WAV reading bugs.
Fixed blank edit menu shown when no items are enabled.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Januar 2023, 17:11:06
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 21 (

ZitatFixed accidental twin Peak Meters.
Fixed a bug resulting in nonsensical channel mask being passed around.
No longer recreates all DSPs when manually cycling tracks in playlist.
Removed untested code for float16 & float24 audio reading. If you run into actual samples of such files, please let me know.
Worked around ages old problem with external changes to file tags causing loss of foo_playcount data (needs new foo_playcount).
Added 'icon' column in default playlist view.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 10. Januar 2023, 16:57:20
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 22 (

ZitatFixed total playback time not being remembered since beta 18.
Fixed problems with accessing some non-UTF8-compliant FTP servers.
DSP bug fixes.
Fixed FPL writer regression causing some of written playlists to be unreadable.
Fixed a bug that prevented some internet radio station names from being shown.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Januar 2023, 13:24:31
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 23 (

ZitatFixed missing CListControl accessibility support in 64-bit version.
Fixed crash after loss of audio output device while playing.
Fixed random shutdown crash when using Album List or ReFacets with filters.
Fixed wrong content shown in left pane of File Operations pattern picker.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 13. Januar 2023, 13:27:50
foobar2000 v1.6.15 (

ZitatMaintenance release with changes backported from 2.0 series.
Less DSP reinitializing when cycling played tracks etc.
Fixed crash after loss of audio output device while playing.
RIFF64 format reading bug fixes.
Fixed playlist column layout changes not being remembered in certain scenarios.
Converter: Fixed very old bugs in AU writer.
Less strict reading of AIFF format.
Media Library: Don't report non-audio files (such as pictures or text) inside archives as indexing errors.
Fixed problems with accessing some non-UTF8-compliant FTP servers.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. Januar 2023, 10:58:18
foobar2000 v1.6.16 (

ZitatReverted 1.6.15 optimization with fast DSP reinitialization on manual track change.
This behavior breaks many third party components and can't be enabled by default.
It's now available as an option because it improves performance when using heavy-to-initialize DSPs such as new VST adapter.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. Januar 2023, 00:58:08
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 24 (

ZitatMade fast DSP reset (introduced in previous version) opt-in, as it breaks certain third party DSPs.
File Operations: Dark mode bug fixes.
Preferences / Shell: changed default target playlist name.
Fixed outdated info shown after editing tags in low-memory mode.
Properties Autofill logic amended.
Album List & ReFacets: improved handling of | character in tags.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 24. Februar 2023, 13:15:46
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 25 (

ZitatFixed portable mode relative paths not being respected by playlist load/save operations.
Fixed bad MD5 verification of AIFF sourced WavPacks.
Reworked fb2k::configStore, now less prone to silly errors saving random configuration bits, should recover from momentary problems with the configuration file instead of crashing.
Slightly better communication between output device checkboxes vs output picker toolbar.
Better console logging if internet stream reconnect events.
Workaround for disappearing windows when dismissing certain DSP dialogs.
Dark Mode: Fixed some prompt headers having odd color.
Dark Mode: Fixed tri-state checkboxes.
Darkened classic MP3 utility dialogs.
Reworked first run & import of old foobar2000 settings. Import of old foobar2000 configuration is now optional.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Februar 2023, 18:37:49
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 26 (

ZitatPortable install playlist save lag regression from beta 25 fixed.
Made more edit boxes recognize ctrl+backspace.
Better info reporting for lossless DTS filies.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. März 2023, 13:03:45
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 27 (

ZitatFixed playlist layout glitch causing unwanted scrolling during certain events.
Implemented fb2k::playlistColumnProvider::flag_alignCenter, was missing until now.
Disabled slow meta autocomplete in low-memory mode.
Properties: Log tag update errors to console.
Dark mode: fixed listbox scrollbars.
Worked around foo_input_dvda bugs, no longer crashes on null album art data returned.
Disabled behind-the-scenes unicode normalization of metadata, caused bugs with playback statistics pinning.
First run will rebuild index for playback statistics, might stall for a few seconds on startup. This is due to the above, corrects potential bad data.
New API: metadb_pre_update_callback, mainly intended to reliably notify foo_playcount about meta changes preventing data loss in corner cases.
ReFactes: Added multi value columns similar to original Facets.
ReFacets: Enter key in search box sends results to playlist.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 23. März 2023, 15:04:46
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 28 (

ZitatNative foobar2000 for ARM is finally available.
Supports ARM builds of components but doesn't actually require them, can transparently load x64 code.
Native ARM version requires Windows 11. If you run Windows 10, you can still run legacy 32-bit foobar2000 through x86 emulation.
FFmpeg updated to 6.0.
Built-in Monkey's Audio support now uses FFmpeg. As Monkey's Audio is under rapid development, it's once again available as a separate component that can be updated separately from foobar2000 itself. The component has just been updated to latest Monkey's Audio library and fully supports modern CPU architectures.
Added extra sanity checks to tag update operations in built-in codecs: made sure that attempts to remove covers from files that didn't have them in first place don't alter files at all.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. März 2023, 17:00:58
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 29 (

ZitatConverter fixes in 64-bit build, made possible to write 32-bit fixed-point and 64-bit floating-point output.
Converter vs LAME: allowed 32-bit floating-point pass-thru, as current LAME version supports it.
Fixed Windows logoff/shutdown causing foobar2000 not to save playback position.
Fixed main window position/size not respecting system DPI settings.
Updated exclusive output device-specific workarounds.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 31. März 2023, 15:28:24
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 30 (

ZitatFixed beta 29 regression, maximized main window state is remembered again.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. April 2023, 08:53:57
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 31 (

ZitatFixed glitching when seeking with smooth playback and CPU-heavy DSPs active.
Made image viewer maximized state remembered again.
Fixed status bar dark mode bugs with dim/highlight formatting.
Fixed File Operations dark mode glitching.
Fixed Converter bit depth vs lossy codec regression.
Verifier: Don't use decode postproc for AccurateRip checking.
Switched to 32-bit x86 installer for ARM foobar2000, was using 64-bit before. Fixes stall during install / regsrv32.exe forkbomb.
Removed the ability to toggle low-memory mode in 32-bit build, due heavy performance issues that it causes if toggled accidentally. Another way to toggle it will be added later, for now it's a hidden setting.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. April 2023, 12:46:51
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 32 (

ZitatFixed dark mode in "Batch attach pictures" dialog.
Resolved a disagreement with foo_openlyrics resulting in startup crashing.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. April 2023, 07:02:09
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 33 (

ZitatRelease candidate build.
Removed FFmpeg Monkey's Audio decoder which was incorrectly playing specific files, included latest Monkey's Audio library instead.
Made installer remember last used portable installations per CPU architecture.
Removed obsolete/meaningless verifier option for verbose AccurateRip output.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. April 2023, 13:37:24
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 34 (

ZitatRelease candidate build.
Fixed a timer manipulation issue that resulted in missing search query & autoplaylist refresh events when using time-based queries.
Fixed wrong scrollbar context menus in various places.
Fixed an internal regression that prevented Classic User Interface playlist from live-tracking title formatting configuration changes.
Added ctrl+del handling to various edit boxes.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. April 2023, 14:37:03
foobar2000 v2.0 beta 35 (

ZitatRelease candidate build.
Better detection of non-dark-mode-supported systems. Dark mode features disabled on Windows 10 older than 1809.
Dark mode: fixed scroll bars in dropdown lists not being darkened.
Fixed startup lockup with certain library viewer configurations.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 26. April 2023, 16:24:34
foobar2000 v2.0 (

ZitatFixed Converter beta 29 regression, an internal logic error caused 32bit fixedpoint audio being sent to some encoders instead of floatingpoint, mainly causing lossy-to-lossy transcoding errors.
That's it. I hope you all enjoy using foobar2000 v2.0.

Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. Mai 2023, 23:23:25
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-05-09 ( (nur 64-bit)

ZitatPublic beta versions are now called "preview" and have dates instead of numbers.
Preview builds for Windows will be x64 only for now. Other CPU archs will be included when nearing a stable release.
Worked around specific internet radio server serving malformed Ogg FLAC headers.
Worked around specific internet radio server serving HLS segments with wrong both extension and content type.
Dark mode refinements, fixed inplace edit boxes in various controls.
Fixed screen reader accessibility issues in Preferences / Context Menu and Preferences / Advanced.
Made possible to list WebDAV folders added via 'Add Location'.
HTTP client efficiency tweaks. If using HTTPS to access a password-protected resource, password is sent preemptively - old versions would send it only in response to server asking for it.
libopus v1.4
Made libFLAC and libopus versions shown in components list.
Improved FTP playback & listing, fewer connections used.
Made FLAC seektable tool also rewrite oversized seektables.
Fixes to startup "new UI detected" dialog, obeys system dark mode as foobar2000 UI isn't running yet.
Default UI: Fixed toolbar font getting reverted to system default in response to certain events, such as system theme change.
Default UI: Fixed media library & playlist search edit boxes being too small if a large font is selected.
Added startup console message if profile folder appears to be on a spinning hard drive.
Made file format registration check on startup asynchronous, faster and less buggy this way.
Properties: Fixed misbehavior of "Clear ReplayGain information" if the dialog was opened for just one track.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 17. Mai 2023, 23:55:00
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-05-17 ( (nur 64-bit)

ZitatAdded 32-bit build for 32-bit people.
Fixed non-working extraction of .RSN (renamed .RAR).
ReFacets layout fixes.
FLAC decoder: log premature EOF, mark partially encoded files as bad even if they don't appear corrupted otherwise.
Fixed first run dialog text truncation at 175% text size.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 22. Mai 2023, 15:44:59
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-05-22 (

ZitatFixed FLAC decoder regression, no more falsely reported truncation after seeking.
Fixed FTP compatibility regression, modland FTP works again.
Fixed WS_VISIBLE bugs in Columns UI adapter (caused console warnings in some scenarios).
Fixed some rendering glitches with big primary font selected.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 25. Mai 2023, 15:06:51
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-05-24 (

ZitatAdded dsp_entry_v4, made possible for DSPs to know their context (playback, conversion, etc).
More aggressive HLS segment prebuffering.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Mai 2023, 16:01:18
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-05-30 (

ZitatArchive reader fixes: Added archive_v4, fb2k::fsItem interop with archives, fixed missing shortname/filename+ext retrieval methods on standard archive reader.
Rewritten HLS reader, removed lots of hacks, made remote read-ahead setting used properly.
Improved HTTP connection reuse, similar to recent FTP optimizations.
Rewritten full file buffer feature, no longer blocks until whole file has been read. Large FLAC files for an example should now open with no delay.
Fixed glitchy focus behavior with Default UI tabs container.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 05. Juni 2023, 13:33:31
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-06-05 (

ZitatFixed a bug that caused current track restart in certain scenarios, such as rapidly changing playback settings.
Fixed a bug causing audio glitching near the end of last song with WASAPI Exclusive.
Added standard %codec_long% field to properly display detailed names of all codecs.
Improved reporting of AAC & DTS codec/profile info.
Added decoding of xHE-AAC via Media Foundation on Windows 11.
Fix for "DTS 96/24", made bit depth reported as 24-bit.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. Juni 2023, 21:03:01
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-06-07 (

ZitatFixed last build regression causing audio glitching with WASAPI Exclusive in specific scenarios.
Updated Monkey's Audio to 10.16.
Internet radio regression fixes.
Made "Internet Radio" dialog pick HLS streams.
Restored old behavior of Converter with .bat files, using full paths to start.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 15. Juni 2023, 14:38:50
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-06-14 (

ZitatLots of FTP issues fixed. Encrypted FTP now works properly.
Applied dark mode to tooltips.
Disabled MS xHE-AAC decoder for now. MS AAC decoder appears to use Dynamic Range Correction with no apparent way to turn it off, breaking ReplayGain etc.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 01. Juli 2023, 12:17:31
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-06-24 (

Fixed use-after-free bug in HTTP error handling.
HLS amended, ID3 in MP4 DASH work.
Album List vs tabs focus cycling fix.
Forcefully suppressed Dark Mode if High Contrast is active.
HLS radio fixes, segmented MP4 DASH now plays.
Networking improvements, better read-ahead buffering performance.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. Juli 2023, 14:37:28
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-07-10 (

ZitatTurned Internet Radio dialog into UI Element / Columns UI Panel. Moved from File menu to View.
Implemented radio-browser integration with Internet Radio panel.
HTTP connection reuse regression fix.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Juli 2023, 09:47:43
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-07-19 (

ZitatInternet Radio tech & frontend updates.
Another HTTP connection reuse regression fix.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 20. Juli 2023, 23:45:26
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-07-20 (

ZitatBumped radiobrowser allowed JSON size, 4MB in last build wasn't good enough for all radio stations returned for some criteria.
Removed WebDAV folder listing support. It was causing endless bugs in HTTP reader (no obvious way to tell if WebDAV is supported on some URL or not). Will be restored along with ability to add WebDAV folders to library, and restricted to known WebDAV locations.
Crash log writer added timestamps to recent events.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. Juli 2023, 20:27:20
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-07-27 (

ZitatFixed a very old bug with bad behavior of null output during audio buffer underrun.
Added "station details" in radio search.
WebDAV sources can now be accessed via webdav-http:// or webdav-https:// URLs.
Converter: Added support for encoding Monkey's Audio through MAC.exe
Converter: Various cosmetic fixes.
Fixed a very old typo in titleformat_help.html $meta_sep() example.
Improved recovery from corrupted configuration files.
Fixed seekbar & volume bar flickering in Default UI.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 04. August 2023, 16:33:31
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-08-01 (

ZitatFTP client now forces IPv4 (we don't currently implement IPv6 specific extensions).
Made possible to sort & reorder radio bookmarks.
Improved behavior of programmatically opening advanced preferences branches.
Fixed radio search regression, radio-browser link works again.
Converter cosmetic fixes.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 12. August 2023, 12:54:30
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-08-11 (

ZitatFixed a race condition bug sometimes causing a slight delay before now playing track info appears.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 19. August 2023, 08:31:59
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-08-19 (

ZitatAdded built-in Converter profile for TAK.
Made TAK MD5 checksums read without TAK decoder component, allowing audio integrity verification.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 14. September 2023, 19:01:48
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-09-13 (

ReFacets filtering performance improved.
Installer update.
Made possible to decode float16 & float24 WAVs again.
Stability fixes.
Fixed media library memory leak regression from a month ago.
Fixed wrong zlib DLL bundled, causing 32-bit version to crash.
Fixed loss of autoplaylist content order when upgrading from v1.x.
Made autoplaylist sort logic work more consistently with v1.x, that is, sort by just date/album/etc implicitly applies default sort criteria to date/album/etc groups.
Made search query GREATER/LESS/EQUAL treat numbers as floating-point rather than integer.
Updated zlib to v1.3.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 21. September 2023, 14:44:23
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-09-14 (

ZitatVarious performance optimizations.
Suppressed unnecessary playlist rewrite on autoplaylist startup.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 25. September 2023, 13:39:08
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-09-22 (

ZitatPlaylist search regression fix, return key wasn't handled.
Made possible to read ReplayGain info from Musepack APE tags (normally it's supposed to be in Musepack headers).
Improved recovery from corrupted configuration files.
Less forced info reloading on played tracks.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 28. September 2023, 22:15:03
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-09-28 (

ZitatImproved corrupted profile recovery (radio bookmarks database).
Changed how DSP settings are applied when playing through a high-latency output such as UPnP.
Updated Monkey's Audio to 10.23.
Fixed missing component version info in crash reports.
Renamed "Notification Area" to "System Tray" everywhere.
Fixed dragging of WebP images to Properties dialog artwork tab.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 11. Oktober 2023, 17:59:39
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-10-11 (

ZitatReFacets accessibility issues fixed.
Rewrote external album art lookup code, wildcard lookup now works where it didn't before.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 13. Oktober 2023, 15:12:30
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-10-13 (

ZitatImproved behavior if multiple components have the same name. In recent 2.1 builds, neither would get loaded, leading in some cases to completely non-working foobar2000 install.
Fixed DTS codec info for DTS in Matroska.
Fixed bug in Media Library preventing previously-unplayable files from being reindexed after installation of new decoders.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 30. Oktober 2023, 15:26:49
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-10-30 (

ZitatUpdated RAR unpacker code to the latest RAR library version.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 07. November 2023, 17:28:15
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-11-07 (

ZitatFixed an embarrassing RAR regression that caused content of RAR archives to be extracted to the current directory while reading, failing to read archive if not possible to extract.
ReFacets sorting changed to match playlist & album list sorting.
ReFacets fixed unwanted scrolling on focus change.
Fixed incorrect handling of HTTP redirects with spaces in path.
Made not flash main window if started with /hide switch.
WASAPI exclusive channel mask negotiation logic update - 5.1-side could be preferred over 7.1, causing unwanted channel remapping.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 08. November 2023, 19:25:01
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-11-08 (

ZitatFixed PCM-in-MP4 decoding error regression.
Fixed specific cases of HTTP redirects being incorrectly handled.
Fixed missing "encoding" info field for AC3.
Fixed inverted sort indicators in Internet Radio Search.
Additional debug logging for specific app-fails-to-start issue.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 09. November 2023, 20:10:39
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-11-09 (

ZitatFixed bad behavior when rewinding MP4 DASH files.
Fixed HTTP redirect handling regression which broke some radio stations.
Converter: Changed FDK AAC link to rarewares.
Updated exclusive output channel remapping logic again.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 22. November 2023, 23:09:12
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-11-22 (
ZitatMade possible to read & write itunesalbumid & itunesartistid tags in M4A/MP4.
Implemented reading of multiplexed Ogg files.
Fixed bad handling of undefined-length chunks in WAV files.
Fixed stack overflow with specific archive files in indexed music folders.
Made MP3 VBRI delay reported and skipped correctly. Note that VBRI files are still not gapless.
Bitcompare: "dBTP" renamed to "dBFS", as there's no true peak math involved.
Monkey's Audio updated to 10.27.
ReFacets sorting behavior updated again.
Internet Radio keyboard accessibility fixes.
Fixed bad handling of preferences page creation errors (wrong message, broken dark mode).

Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 27. November 2023, 23:56:11
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-11-27 (

ZitatFixed playlist layout infinite update loop with column auto sizing and album art.
Fixed missing HE-AAC delay compensation, breaking gapless playback of HE-AAC.
Monkey's Audio updated to 10.28.
Internal performance optimizations.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 06. Dezember 2023, 18:44:05
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-12-06 (

ZitatAdded support for tagging Wave64 & RF64 formats.
Report LC-AAC codec long name as just "AAC".
Last HE-AAC fix fixed Apple/FDK but broke Nero AAC gapless. This has now been corrected.
Fullscreen size of visualisations is no longer stored as last window size (was 2.0 regression);
Made possible to play Vorbis muxed into MP4.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 11. Dezember 2023, 20:06:08
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-12-11 (

ZitatFixed internet radio search failing to play stations where referenced M3U playlist links multiple alternate streams.
Internet radio search accessibility fixes.
Ignore malformed radio stream title returned by specific streams.
Fixed various table views no longer recognizing keyboard shortcuts (F2 etc) since the introduction of dark mode support.
Added an option to toggle additional decoding (DTS, HDCD, etc) during playback, so you can play DTS-WAV without decoding DTS.
Made possible to play plain MP4 (not DASH) files from HTTP servers that don't report content-length.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 16. Dezember 2023, 12:47:03
foobar2000 v2.1 Preview 2023-12-15 (

ZitatFixed incorrect handling of certain rare Monkey's Audio configurations.
Converter: Fixed bad encoding of AIFF 8-bit (unsigned insteaad of signed).
Fixed missing decode postprocessor (DSD/HDCD etc) for TAK.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 18. Dezember 2023, 19:31:48
foobar2000 v2.1 (
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. Januar 2024, 18:48:23
foobar2000 v2.1.1 (

ZitatFixed ReFacets not tracking playlist tag changes.
Fixed 64-bit installer crashing on Wine.
Fixed Album List tree selection manipulation regressions on Windows 7.
Internet radio compatibility improvements.
Added reading & writing of discnumber/totaldiscs tags in cuesheets.
Restored ability to read external album art from hidden files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 30. Januar 2024, 19:23:57
foobar2000 v2.1.2  (

ZitatPreferences / Advanced: Fixed bad behavior when pressing space on non-checkbox items.
Fixed poor performance of adding lots of items to Playback Queue.
Worked around memory leaks in specific graphics drivers with hardware-accelerated visualisations.
ReFacets: multi-filter mode is now remembered between runs.
Restored correct behavior of Album List selection colors, when dark mode isn't active.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 05. Februar 2024, 20:29:57
foobar2000 v2.2 Preview 2024-02-05 (

ZitatImplemented Ogg chapter support. Converter can write multichapter Ogg files after disabling Ogg chaining support.
New major revision of bitcompare code, improved performance of 64-bit build.
Allow local M3U referencing remote M3U to be both read as playlists, prevent HLS reader being used on non-HLS content.
Updated File Operations recycle bin detection logic, mitigating lag/lockup occurring for some users.
Made network encryption error messages more useful.
Stop decoding ADTS AAC when running into APE tags, instead of reporting errors.
Report zero-length WAV files as broken.
Wine compatibility fixes.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 12. Februar 2024, 14:51:07
foobar2000 v2.2 Preview 2024-02-12 (

ZitatImproved ReFacets performance.
Fixed erratic behavior if ID3v2 tag contains multiple date fields.
Suppressed advancing to the next playlist item if internet radio playback stops due to a network error.
File Operations: Added an option to overwrite existing files.
Suppressed repeating console messages about decoder shims used.
More thorough error reporting for blank WAV files.
Added video_codec info for Windows Media Video.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 19. Februar 2024, 20:03:26
foobar2000 v2.2 Preview 2024-02-19 (

ZitatFixed regression preventing internet radio album covers from being shown.
Applied dark mode to component license popup.
Updated zlib to 1.3.1.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 29. Februar 2024, 15:13:53
foobar2000 v2.2 Preview 2024-02-28 (

ZitatPlayback CPU usage optimizations.
Small chunks returned by decoder are merged into one to reduce amount of wakeup cycles during playback.
Made possible to store peak information in Opus files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: feNINAlix in 04. März 2024, 16:13:41
foobar2000 v2.2 Preview 2024-03-04 (

ZitatWorked around audio glitches with very low output buffer size introduced in previous build.
Fixed glitchy seekbar movement in certain scenarios.
Prevented nonsensical video codec names from being reported for certain MP4 files.
Fixed regressions in ASX playlist loader.
Converter: More detailed error messages for specific file creation errors.

Kein Support für Prewiew Versionen!
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 09. März 2024, 11:31:34
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-03-08 (

Zitat=== 2024-03-08 ===
* Mitigation for Converter failures when writing to Google Drive volume.
* Opus decoder updated to 1.5.1
* WavPack decoder updated to 5.7.0; made WavPack library version shown in components list.
* Monkey's Audio decoder updated to 10.52
* Cleaned up and bugfixed detection of MP4 video codec names.
* Prevented nonsense sample rate & channel count from being shown on MP4 files with no audio track.
* File Operations: Defer info reload to prevent bugged display of cuesheets after moving whole folder.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 16. März 2024, 11:34:05
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-03-14 (

Zitat=== 2024-03-14 ===
* Playback CPU usage reduced.
* Fixed exclusive output lagging in specific scenarios.
* Add Location now strips extra non-text characters from the entered URL.
* Made Ogg chapters beginning from CHAPTER001 recognized.
* Allowed absolute paths in cue sheets.
* Extended MP4 chapter manipulation commands to work with other formats that support chapterizer interface, such as Ogg or Musepack.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 18. März 2024, 18:38:54
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-03-18 (

Zitat=== 2024-03-18 ===
* Fixed foobar2000 v2.0 regression causing folder watch events to be dropped without triggering full rescan if there's too many of them pending.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 21. März 2024, 15:33:49
foobar2000 v2.1.3 (

ZitatFixed foobar2000 v2.0 regression causing folder watch events to be dropped without triggering full rescan if there's too many of them pending.
Stop decoding ADTS AAC when running into APE tags, instead of reporting errors.
ReFacets performance improved.
Fixed bugs in MP4 video codec name reporting.
Fixed regressions in ASX playlist loader.
Some of CPU usage tweaks backported from 2.2 series.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 21. März 2024, 20:08:03
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-03-21 (

Zitat=== 2024-03-21 ===
* Made stream selector show long codec names.
* Media Library: made track add & remove events triggered in groups, resulting in much faster autoplaylist updates.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 27. März 2024, 20:50:25
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-03-27 (


    Create "disable-foocrash" in install folder to kill crash reporting (dump files still get written).
    Run with /nocrashinfo to suppress generation of crash reports.
    File Operations: Suppressed useless secondary progress bar if renaming files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 28. März 2024, 20:33:29
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-03-28 (

* Fixed 2024-03-21 regression causing unnecessary Media Library disk access.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 08. April 2024, 12:31:22
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-04-07 (

* Fixed very old and very rare Album List lock up bug.
* Pause / resume playback on system sleep / resume.
* Installer script update.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 11. April 2024, 14:45:31
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-04-10 (

* ReFacets playlist interaction bug fixes.
* ReFacets added "Last Modified" stats column.
* Removed system sleep / resume handlers, didn't properly suppress errors with internet radio.
* Made disconnected internet radio streams resumed quietly, without showing error popups.
* 32-bit build: Removed tone generator assembly optimizations, tone:// should produce identical output in all versions now.
* Updated to NSIS 3.10.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: Herzog in 13. April 2024, 10:19:20
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-04-13 (

* Fixed crash if freedb/gnudb server returns more tracks than asked for (regression since 2.0).

foobar2000 v2.1.4 (


    Fixed crash if freedb/gnudb server returns more tracks than asked for (regression since 2.0).
    Fixed very old and very rare lockup when opening Album List.
    Some CPU usage optimizations backported from 2.2 series.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 26. Juni 2024, 13:28:25
foobar2000 v2.1.5 (

Zitat2.1.5 released on 2024-05-04

*Removed gnudb from default online tagger settings, as gnudb now demands users to input their actual email addresses.
        If you wish to use gnudb, you can configure it manually, but we strongly recommend against it.
        Online tagger now defaults to which works once again.
        Changed storage of freedb-compatible server list settings, to a text file in profile folder.
*Reverted compiler to Visual Studio 2019, as current version of Visual Studio 2022 outputs AVX opcodes when explicitly configured not to, making foobar2000 crash on old PCs.
*ReFacets added "last modified" column, fixed playlist interaction bugs.
*Converter: Fail harder if "don't reset DSP between tracks" is on and one of files can't be converted - output past the point of failure wasn't valid anymore anyway.
*Fixed WASAPI Exclusive timing glitches with exotic settings.

foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-06-24 (

ZitatSeit 2024-04-13


*No longer drops DLLs for other CPU architectures than the running one when installing components.
*Internal changes to deal with wildcard characters in filenames on filesystems other than standard Windows one. Windows version should not be affected by this.


*Mitigated poor performance of "Visualize with VST" and equivalent features since CPU usage optimizations in previous beta builds.


*Fixed nonsensical messages in Converter log when copying non audio files over.
*Updated MP4 tmpo tag manipulation, restored ability to write which was lost a few years ago.


*Improved compatibility with multi-value MP4/M4A tags.
*Fixed 2024-05-17 regression causing bad substitution of | character in Album List / ReFacets.
*Fixed JXL/AVIF/HEIC external album covers not being recognized, even if relevant system image codecs are present.


*Reverted to VS2019 compiler, unintended AVX requirement has been removed.
*Made fact chunk in PCM WAV files ignored.
*Updated VS runtime DLLs to the latest version.


*ReFacets & Album List: Improved processing of %<field>% expressions, artist and artist sort should be split together properly.
*Added tweak options for ReplayGain thread counts.
*Made Properties ReplayGain scan not try to scan Audio CD in multiple threads.
*Removed arbitrary limit of items per "apply gain to file content" pass.


*Prevented all MP4 tag fields prefixed with replaygain_ from being treated as technical information, only actual ReplayGain fields are now such.
*Workaround for ReplayGain scanner attempting to scan Audio CD in multiple threads.
*Removed arbitrary denial of reading of cuesheets over FTP/HTTP/etc.


*Removed gnudb from default online tagger settings, as gnudb now demands users to input their actual email addresses.
*If you wish to use gnudb, you can configure it manually, but we strongly recommend against it.
*Online tagger now defaults to which works once again.
*Changed storage of freedb server list settings, to a text file in profile folder.
*Added toggle to disable tooltips in Album List.


*Fixed WASAPI exclusive regression from last build.


*Cleaned up interaction with what's left of freedb.
        Made more apparent which freedb-compatible service is in use.
        If there are multiple providers configured, you can specifically choose one from CD Ripper dialog.
        Discarded malformed server replies.
*Fixed WASAPI Exclusive timing glitches with exotic settings.
*Prevented Media Library search from clearing other playlists with enter key if library selection playlist feature is active.
*Fixed regression in File Operations recycle bin detection, causing unwanted delete prompts when recycling.
*Converter: Fail harder if "don't reset DSP between tracks" is on and one of files can't be converted - output past the point of failure wasn't valid anymore anyway.


*Fixed stuck drag&drop scrolling mode in various list controls after receiving external drag&drop.
*Made list control obey system drag threshold values, making it easier to register clicks if mouse moves slightly between mouse down and mouse up events.
*Opus decoder updated to 1.5.2.

Final: v1.6.18 (

Zitatreleased on 2024-05-21

*Hot fix of foobar2000 v1.6.x series.
*Codec library updates.
*Fixed bugs with reading of MP4 video codec names.
*Fixed bugs with itunescompilation=0.
*Made Add Location dialog trim whitespace.
*Converter: Fixed incorrect writing of 8-bit AIFF.
*Fixed playback queue performance issues with lots of items.
*Mitigation for Converter failures when writing to a Google Drive volume
*Latest version of exclusive output code with improved compatibility.
*Removed libwebp, utilized Windows Imaging Component for decoding album cover pictures.
*Reverted compiler to VS2019.

Final for Windows XP & no-SSE CPU: v1.5.12 (

Zitatreleased on 2024-05-21

*Hot fix of foobar2000 v1.5.x for Windows XP.
*Removed unintended SSE CPU requirement present in most of 1.5.x releases.
*Codec library updates.
*Fixed bugs with reading of MP4 video codec names.
*Fixed bugs with itunescompilation=0.
*Made Add Location dialog trim whitespace.
*Converter: Fixed incorrect writing of 8-bit AIFF.
*Made correctly verify integrity of AIFF-sourced WavPack.
*Removed Windows 10+ UVC integration, not needed on Windows XP.
*Fixed playback queue performance issues with lots of items.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 01. Juli 2024, 13:45:25
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-06-30 (


*Added %channel_mask% title formatting field, on top of on $info(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE_CHANNEL_MASK).
*Utilized proper hashmap for metadb_display_field_provider lookup, should speed title formatting up somewhat on heavy configs.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 13. Juli 2024, 13:59:18
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-07-07 (


*Amended title formatting regression fix.


*Fixed title formatting regression from build 2024-06-30, causing some fields to disappear.
*Amended AccurateRip log formatting, added track number info to lines where it was missing before.
*Made https:// used for links.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 12. August 2024, 11:42:36
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-08-08 (


*Fixed different builds using different rounding for float >> integer audio conversion, mainly affecting 24-bit output (least significant bit differences only).
*MP4/M4A/M4B: Prefer QT chapters over chpl if more than 255 chapters found.
*MP4/M4A/M4B: Fixed very rare tag update failures if exceeding 4GB boundary. Note that previous versions would just leave the file untouched and report an error if running into this scenario, never corrupt files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 15. August 2024, 15:46:17
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-08-14 (


*Complex mitigation for corrupted config.sqlite - fresh config.sqlite is created, all readable content is transferred over.
*Made refuse to retag MP4/M4A/M4B files with QT chapters if chapter count exceeds 255, to prevent erratic behavior. Please remux such files to another container to allow tagging.
*Made WMA tag writing behave less erratically if fed tags read by FFmpeg decoder wrapper.
*Improved performance of float>>int24 audio conversion.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 22. August 2024, 13:44:44
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-08-22 (


*Further mitigation for issues caused by corrupted configuration files.
*Fixed bugs with urlencoding in HTTP redirects.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 29. August 2024, 19:02:45
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-08-29 (


*Internal changes (C++ noexcept specifier) to improve usefulness of crash reports.
*Refactored Matroska chapter handling. If a multichapter Matroska file is played as a whole (from remote URL etc), chapter names will be shown as dynamic track titles.
*Fixed a bug causing dynamic track titles (internet radio etc) to be possibly discarded.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 31. August 2024, 11:05:48
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-08-31 (


*Fixed selection tracking regression from 2024-08-29.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 03. September 2024, 11:08:58
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-09-02 (


*Mitigation for extreme column width causing CListControl (Playlist, Verifier, possibly others) to go off the rails.
*Fixed false MD5 verification errors on exotic bit depth FLAC files.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 11. September 2024, 19:01:40
foobar2000 v2.2 preview 2024-09-11 (


*Fixed opening of webm audio renamed to .opus being very slow to open.
*Fixed more odd behaviors of tag editing on MP4/M4A with QT chapters.
Titel: Aw: foobar2000 - Updates
Beitrag von: mexx in 20. September 2024, 10:52:17
foobar2000 v2.1.6 (

Zitat2.1.6 released on 2024-09-19

*Prevented all MP4 tag fields prefixed with replaygain_ from being treated as technical information, only actual ReplayGain fields are now such.
*Fixed ReplayGain scanner attempting to scan Audio CD in multiple threads.
*Fixed webm audio renamed to .opus being very slow to open.
*Fixed FLAC files with exotic bit depths incorrectly failing audio MD5 verification.
*24-bit rounding issues fixed, performance improved.
*Fixed nonsensical messages in Converter log when copying non audio files over.
*No longer drops DLLs for other CPU architectures than the running one when installing components.
*Mitigated very long tag fields causing playlist view to behave erratically.