foobar2000 auf Deutsch

foobar2000 => Plugins => Thema gestartet von: download123 in 16. April 2006, 18:52:21

Titel: Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: download123 in 16. April 2006, 18:52:21
Versioninfo, was ist das eigentlich?

Also eigentlich ganz einfach, eine Versioninfo ist die Auskunft,
welche Plugins ihr gerade am laufen habt, und welche Version davon.

Wofür brauche ich diese Versioninfo?

Eine Versionsinfo wird oft benötigt wenn ihr Fragen im Forum postet,
damit ander User wissen was euch eventuell fehlt, was nicht mehr aktuell ist oder welche Plugins Probleme verursachen könnten.

Wie erstelle ich eine Versionsinfo?

Öffnet im Hauptmenü (auf das foobar Icon im Tray rechtsklicken) den Unterpunkt Preferences, nun öffnet sich euer Optionsdialog. Unter dem Punkt Components sind alle Plugins die installiert wurden aufgelistet. Unten rechts findet sich der Button "Copy report" (roter Kreis), wenn ihr diesen anklickt wir eure Versionsinfo in der Zwischenablage abgelegt.


Wenn sich die Versionsinfo nun in der Zwischenablage befindet müsst ihr nur auf dieses Thema antworten und die Versionsinfo mit einem Rechtsklick einfügen.

Wie poste ich eine Versionsinfo?

Beachtet bitte das es nicht hilfreich ist seine Versionsinfo überall neu zu posten, da die Suche nach einem Problem zu einem bestimmten Plugin dann unzählige Themen zum Vorschein bringt die der Hilfesuchende eventuell garnicht lesen möchte da sie nichts mit seinem Problem zu tun haben. Postet eure Versionsinfo einmal hier (diese kann ja dann aktualisiert werden) und verlinkt den Link zu eurer Versionsinfo dann wenn ihr eine Frage habt, oder ihr nach der Versionsinfo gefragt werdet.

Ihr könnt den Link auch in eure Signatur setzen!

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: fooamp in 26. Oktober 2007, 00:10:59
Nicht alle hier aufgeführten Komponenten werden auch aktiv genutzt. So manches dient nur zum Kennenlernen und Testen.

Stand: 17. 05. 2019
CPU: AMD A 10 9600P [Bristol Ridge]
System: Windows 10 Home x64

Core (2019-05-06 13:05:24 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.4.4
foo_abx.dll (2018-08-03 10:56:01 UTC)
    ABX Comparator 2.0.5
foo_AdvancedControls.dll (2012-01-10 13:41:09 UTC)
    Foobar2000 Advanced Controls
foo_albumlist.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:46 UTC)
    Album List 4.6
foo_autoupdate.dll (2010-04-19 23:21:14 UTC)
    Automatic Updater 1
foo_benchmark.dll (2018-08-03 10:56:01 UTC)
    Decoding Speed Test 1.2.5
foo_binpack.dll (2008-10-25 14:42:42 UTC)
    BinPack Playlist Generator 1.1.0
foo_bitcompare.dll (2017-05-04 12:06:54 UTC)
    Binary Comparator 2.1.1
foo_bpm.dll (2014-07-25 13:32:22 UTC)
    BPM Analyser
foo_burninate.dll (2011-03-22 08:00:04 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 3.0.3
foo_cdda.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:50 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2011-08-07 11:58:12 UTC)
    Channel Mixer
foo_converter.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:50 UTC)
    Converter 1.5.3
foo_convolve.dll (2006-08-04 19:57:26 UTC)
    Convolver 0.3
foo_cursor_tracker.dll (2011-01-14 23:49:08 UTC)
    Cursor Tracker
foo_dbsearch.dll (2007-01-25 19:58:48 UTC)
    Database Search 1.4
foo_discogs.dll (2018-06-17 17:15:11 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 2.14
foo_dsp_centercut.dll (2008-11-01 11:58:08 UTC)
    Center Cut 1.0.1
foo_dsp_continuator.dll (2007-04-11 09:29:04 UTC)
    Continuator 0.4.1
foo_dsp_crossfader.dll (2010-01-13 19:46:10 UTC)
    Gapless Crossfader
foo_dsp_delta.dll (2012-01-19 22:51:41 UTC)
    Noise Sharpening DSP 1.0.0
foo_dsp_echo.dll (2010-06-05 17:07:36 UTC)
    Echo DSP 1.0
foo_dsp_effect.dll (2018-10-18 15:45:08 UTC)
    Effect DSP 0.32
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:40 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.1
foo_dsp_eqsplit.dll (2015-11-21 11:19:29 UTC)
    Split equalizer v0.0.1
foo_dsp_fakegapless.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    Fake Gapless DSP 0.4
foo_dsp_freeverb.dll (2010-01-25 10:37:55 UTC)
    Freeverb 0.3
foo_dsp_meiercf.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    Meier Crossfeed 1.1.1
foo_dsp_prvb.dll (2017-05-04 12:06:54 UTC)
    Programmable reverb DSP 1.3
foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll (2010-01-16 10:32:48 UTC)
    Acro Skip Silence 1.1
foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll (2010-01-14 19:08:06 UTC)
    SoundTouch DSP 1.1
foo_dsp_span.dll (2009-04-07 11:35:31 UTC)
    Surround Pan 1.3
foo_dsp_std.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:40 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.3.2
foo_dsp_tube.dll (2007-02-06 23:17:55 UTC)
    Tube Sound 0.8
foo_dsp_xfeed.dll (2012-01-12 16:06:32 UTC)
    Crossfeed 0.1.3
foo_dsp_xgeq.dll (2012-02-07 09:53:07 UTC)
    Graphic Equalizer 0.3.7
foo_dynamic_range.dll (2012-01-12 12:06:13 UTC)
    Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
foo_fileops.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:46 UTC)
    File Operations 2.3
foo_flv.dll (2013-03-24 18:41:25 UTC)
    Flash Video Decoder 0.9.6
foo_freedb2.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:46 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_httpcontrol.dll (2011-08-14 20:01:08 UTC)
    HTTP Control 0.97.12
foo_input_reverse.dll (2018-03-28 15:07:46 UTC)
    Reverse Player 1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2019-05-06 13:05:16 UTC)
    FFmpeg Decoders 3.4.5
    Standard Input Array 1.4.4
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 09:01:36 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_menu_addons.dll (2010-01-16 09:18:34 UTC)
    Menu Addons 1.4.2
foo_midi.dll (2018-10-18 15:45:08 UTC)
    MIDI Player 2.1.5
foo_musicbrainz.dll (2017-05-04 12:06:54 UTC)
    MusicBrainz Tagger 0.3.1
foo_nds.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    No Display Standby 1.1.2
foo_noss.dll (2007-01-11 03:04:27 UTC)
    No ScreenSaver 1.0
foo_np_simple.dll (2009-01-10 17:11:51 UTC)
    Now Playing Simple 1.8
foo_osd.dll (2017-05-04 12:06:54 UTC)
    On-Screen Display 1.74
foo_playcount.dll (2011-08-06 09:01:38 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_playlist_attributes.dll (2013-09-25 17:28:05 UTC)
    Playlist Attributes 0.5.2
foo_playlist_bind.dll (2009-04-30 14:43:54 UTC)
    Playlist Bind 4.1
foo_playlist_manager.dll (2007-01-22 12:05:12 UTC)
    Playlist Manager 1.0.2
foo_playlist_revive.dll (2012-04-04 22:01:59 UTC)
    Playlist Revive 0.2
foo_playlisthistory.dll (2011-06-09 19:38:17 UTC)
    Playlist History 0.1.6
foo_popup_panels.dll (2012-02-21 23:51:10 UTC)
    Popup Panels 0.1.4
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 17:02:54 UTC)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_preview.dll (2008-12-22 20:41:11 UTC)
    Preview 1.4
foo_queuecontents.dll (2012-05-04 11:34:50 UTC)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1
foo_quicksearch.dll (2015-11-21 11:12:36 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.6
foo_quicktag.dll (2011-01-14 23:49:08 UTC)
    Quick Tagger 1.0.3
foo_r128norm.dll (2017-05-04 12:06:54 UTC)
    EBU R128 Normalizer 1.12
foo_random.dll (2009-06-30 22:06:58 UTC)
    Randomized Playlist Entry 1.3.0
foo_random_pools.dll (2015-06-29 13:04:24 UTC)
    Random Pools 0.1.5
foo_record.dll (2011-06-09 19:38:17 UTC)
    Recorder 0.1
foo_removeplayed.dll (2007-09-02 11:15:30 UTC)
    Remove played Files 1.4.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:48 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.3
foo_run.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.8
foo_runcmd.dll (2010-01-07 18:32:34 UTC)
    Run Command 1.1
foo_scheduler.dll (2015-11-21 11:12:36 UTC)
    Scheduler 4.14
foo_seek.dll (2012-02-28 10:14:07 UTC)
    Seek 1.1
foo_seek_box.dll (2010-04-21 13:03:30 UTC)
    Seek box 0.0.3
foo_sendtodevice.dll (2010-05-12 20:18:35 UTC)
    Send to Device 1.1.2 [Nov 28 2007 - 10:13:31]
foo_skip.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.9.10
foo_stop_on_current.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    Stop on Current 0.6.1
foo_stop_on_error.dll (2018-06-17 17:15:11 UTC)
    Stop on Error 0.6
foo_stopafteralbum.dll (2011-12-20 19:58:00 UTC)
    Stop after album 3.4
foo_taskbar_playback_progress_bar.dll (2012-06-13 13:57:01 UTC)
    Taskbar Playback Progress Bar 1.1
foo_texttools.dll (2011-01-14 23:49:08 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.0.5
foo_trackpos.dll (2015-11-21 11:19:34 UTC)
    Track Positioner 1.1
foo_tts.dll (2012-01-13 15:59:46 UTC)
    Text to Speech 1.0.4
foo_ui_columns.dll (2017-06-12 09:45:32 UTC)
    Columns UI 0.5.1
foo_ui_std.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:56 UTC)
    Default User Interface 1.4.4
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2018-03-28 15:07:40 UTC)
    Album list panel 0.4.0-beta.2
foo_uie_console.dll (2017-06-12 09:45:54 UTC)
    Console panel 0.5
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2017-05-04 12:06:54 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.5
foo_uie_statistics.dll (2011-01-14 23:49:08 UTC)
    Statistics 0.4
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2009-05-13 13:46:00 UTC)
    Tabbed Panel Modified 0.2.8
foo_uie_tagger_mod.dll (2012-10-26 13:36:30 UTC)
    Tagger Panel 1.2.10
foo_uie_trackinfo.dll (2008-11-01 11:24:02 UTC)
    Track info panel 0.8
foo_uie_typefind.dll (2017-06-12 09:45:59 UTC)
    Typefind 0.3.1
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 01:02:12 UTC)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_lineart.dll (2009-04-03 00:29:36 UTC)
    Line Art 0.0.4
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_unpack.dll (2019-05-06 13:04:54 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.8
foo_utils.dll (2011-01-14 23:49:08 UTC)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_verifier.dll (2018-03-28 14:58:13 UTC)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.2.1
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-09-28 10:32:16 UTC)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
foo_vis_vumeter.dll (2010-09-02 22:03:40 UTC)
    VU Meter 2010-06-07
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2014-02-18 17:23:19 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.45
foo_whatsnew.dll (2014-09-03 13:30:14 UTC)
    Feature Watcher 1.1.1

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: mexx in 26. Oktober 2007, 10:32:14

da ich hier wahrscheinlich noch oft Hilfe brauchen werde  :) mal meine benutzten Plugins

Core (2023-08-11 20:02:42 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_burninate.dll (2022-09-25 12:11:46 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 3.1.1
foo_converter.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:32 UTC)
    Converter 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:26 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.3
foo_dsp_std.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:26 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_dynamic_range.dll (2011-11-12 22:18:36 UTC)
    Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
foo_fileops.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:26 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_freedb2.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:28 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.9
foo_input_ht.dll (2020-09-01 22:12:36 UTC)
    Highly Theoretical 2.0.53
foo_input_sacd.dll (2023-02-07 10:13:12 UTC)
    Super Audio CD Decoder 1.5.4
foo_input_std.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:32 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
    FFmpeg Decoders 6.0
    FLAC Decoder 1.4.3
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 10.16
    Opus Decoder 1.4
    Standard Input Array 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_jscript_panel3.dll (2023-07-10 05:48:16 UTC)
    JScript Panel 3 3.3.1
foo_masstag.dll (2022-09-19 10:01:54 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.9
foo_quicktag.dll (2022-09-22 18:42:02 UTC)
    Quick Tagger 1.1.1
foo_run.dll (2022-09-19 10:12:20 UTC)
    Run services 0.4.5
foo_ui_columns.dll (2023-07-24 17:00:42 UTC)
    Columns UI 2.1.0-beta.3
foo_ui_std.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:36 UTC)
    Album List 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
    Decoding Speed Test 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
    Default User Interface 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
    File Integrity Verifier 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2023-05-06 19:34:40 UTC)
    Album list panel 1.0.0
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2022-10-24 09:16:56 UTC)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2015-03-28 21:35:52 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.10
foo_unpack.dll (2023-08-11 20:02:34 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 2.1 preview 2023-08-11
foo_vis_vumeter.dll (2013-02-16 09:44:26 UTC)
    VU Meter 2013-02-16

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Neromaus in 01. November 2007, 17:27:38
Auf Wunsch nochmal hier:

Core (2006-10-14 11:12:04)
    foobar2000 core v0.9.4.1
foo_abx.dll (2006-10-14 11:10:40)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2006-10-14 11:10:30)
    Album List 3.2.0
foo_albumlist_autoupdate.dll (2006-08-25 00:08:42)
    Albumlist autoupdate 0.1
foo_autoplaylist.dll (2006-08-04 20:56:56)
    Autoplaylist Manager 1.0
foo_burninate.dll (2006-08-04 21:56:44)
    Audio CD Writer 2.0.1
foo_cdda.dll (2006-10-14 11:10:20)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.1
foo_converter.dll (2006-10-14 11:10:00)
    Converter 1.0.1
foo_cuesheet_creator.dll (2006-04-18 02:27:48)
    Cuesheet Creator 0.4.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2006-10-14 11:10:32)
    Standard DSP array 1.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2006-08-29 19:43:04)
    freedb Tagger 0.5.2a
foo_infobox.dll (2006-10-09 14:17:12)
    Special file info box 2.0.4
foo_input_std.dll (2006-10-14 11:09:58)
    FLAC Decoder 1.1.0
    Standard Input Array 1.0
    WMA Decoder 1.1
foo_masstag.dll (2006-10-14 11:09:20)
    Masstagger 1.6
foo_prettypop.dll (2006-06-17 16:25:48)
    Pretty Popup 1.2.3
foo_rgscan.dll (2006-10-14 11:09:04)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2
foo_run.dll (2006-06-15 22:08:10)
    Run services 0.3.2
foo_sendtodevice.dll (2006-05-17 13:21:24)
    Send to Device 1.0.4 [May 17 2006 - 13:21:17]
foo_trackfinder.dll (2006-06-16 12:36:26)
    Track Finder 2.1.1 [Jun 16 2006 - 12:36:15]
foo_ui_columns.dll (2006-04-29 21:48:01)
    Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1v5
foo_ui_std.dll (2006-10-14 11:08:58)
    Default User Interface 0.9acc
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2006-05-26 22:55:58)
    Album Art Panel 0.175
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2006-04-28 13:15:07)
    Album list panel 0.2.1 beta 4
foo_uie_bookmarks.dll (2006-10-19 19:45:18)
    Bookmarks 0.0.9
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2006-07-06 21:43:30)
    Explorer Tree 1.04.6b
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2006-10-15 18:56:24)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8j
foo_uie_single_column_playlist.dll (2006-11-03 14:03:34)
    Single Column Playlist Display 0.4 beta [Nov  3 2006 - 14:03:22]
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2006-07-08 04:18:32)
    Tabbed panel modifyed 0.2.1
foo_uie_trackinfo.dll (2006-11-21 10:07:39)
    Track info panel 0.8
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2006-10-24 22:49:02)
    Track info panel mod 0.7.1 beta [Oct 24 2006 - 22:48:54]
foo_unpack.dll (2006-10-14 11:10:56)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Gen. Bully in 03. November 2007, 12:13:40
Core (2010-08-21 11:42:56 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2010-06-04 07:27:04 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_autoupdate.dll (2010-04-19 23:21:14 UTC)
    Automatic Updater 1
foo_burninate.dll (2010-01-18 21:10:44 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 3.0.2
foo_cdda.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:04 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dsp_crossfader.dll (2010-01-13 20:46:10 UTC)
    Gapless Crossfader
foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll (2010-01-16 10:32:48 UTC)
    Acro Skip Silence 1.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_facets.dll (2008-11-11 17:36:20 UTC)
    Facets 2008-02-25
foo_fileops.dll (2010-08-21 11:39:48 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:00 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_alac.dll (2010-08-31 17:48:28 UTC)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0.6
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 13:40:52 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 08:01:36 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_playcount.dll (2010-08-27 16:48:52 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_quicktag.dll (2010-09-07 08:15:30 UTC)
    Quick Tagger 1.0.3
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:44 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_texttools.dll (2010-09-07 08:15:30 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.0.5
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:10 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:10 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_verifier.dll (2009-10-05 09:39:00 UTC)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.1
foo_w7shell.dll (2010-01-17 03:09:20 UTC)
    Windows 7 integration
foo_whatsnew.dll (2008-08-30 14:45:00 UTC)
    Feature Watcher 1.0.6
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Horst Fux in 13. November 2007, 00:02:20
Core (2007-11-03 22:59:36)
    foobar2000 core 0.9.5 beta 3
foo_abx.dll (2006-12-16 13:52:46)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.1
foo_AdvancedControls.dll (2007-08-03 12:11:20)
    FooBar2000 Advanced Controls
foo_albumlist.dll (2007-11-02 01:05:02)
    Album List 4.1
foo_cdda.dll (2007-10-23 22:36:06)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.2
foo_converter.dll (2007-11-02 01:04:44)
    Converter 1.0.1
foo_cwb_hooks.dll (2007-06-12 15:14:24)
    cwbowron's title format hooks 1.2.5 [Jun  8 2007 - 08:49:42]
    Tagger Panel Window 1.0.5 [Jun 12 2007 - 15:14:00]
foo_dsp_std.dll (2007-11-02 01:05:20)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_facets.dll (2007-10-29 16:18:47)
    Facets 2007-10-21
foo_freedb2.dll (2007-08-16 16:27:44)
    freedb Tagger
foo_input_std.dll (2007-10-25 22:56:28)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_playcount.dll (2007-10-16 02:08:06)
    Playback Statistics 2.0
foo_popupplus.dll (2007-10-25 18:22:21)
    PopUp Plus 20071025
foo_pqview.dll (2007-10-29 15:40:46)
foo_quicktag.dll (2007-10-16 17:46:18)
    Quick Tagger 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2007-11-02 01:04:04)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2
foo_scheduler.dll (2007-01-09 21:33:46)
    Scheduler 3.53
foo_ui_std.dll (2007-11-03 18:37:38)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-10-23 22:39:18)
    Album Art Panel 0.2.7
foo_unpack.dll (2006-11-04 14:17:06)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_utils.dll (2007-10-29 14:03:18)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 3
foo_whatsnew.dll (2007-10-29 15:41:22)
    Feature Watcher 1.0.4
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Manuel in 24. Januar 2008, 17:23:50
Core (2008-01-20 14:15:14)
    foobar2000 core 0.9.5
foo_abx.dll (2006-12-16 13:52:46)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-01-18 15:06:02)
    Album List 4.1
foo_cdda.dll (2007-12-13 23:38:24)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.2
foo_converter.dll (2008-01-18 15:05:52)
    Converter 1.0.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2007-11-22 22:20:02)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2008-01-18 15:06:18)
    File Operations 2.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2007-08-16 16:27:44)
    freedb Tagger
foo_input_std.dll (2008-01-18 15:07:14)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-01-18 15:05:30)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-01-19 14:52:12)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2008-01-18 15:05:04)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Miccovin in 21. Februar 2008, 14:22:28
ZitatCPU: AMD Sempron(tm) 2300+ [x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1]
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP [version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2]
Installed RAM: 1536 MBytes
Free disk space on foobar2000 partition: 9465 MBytes
foobar2000 path: C:\Programme\foobar2000\
Core version: foobar2000 v0.9.4.2
Build time: 16:21:35 on 25 November 2006

Active components (48):

Core.dll v0.9.4.2 [] - foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll v1.3.1 [25 November 2006] - ABX Comparator
foo_albumlist.dll v3.2.0 [25 November 2006] - Album List
foo_cdda.dll v2.1.1 [25 November 2006] - CD Audio Decoder
foo_common.dll v0.1 [22 January 2007] - Common services
foo_converter.dll v1.0.1 [25 November 2006] - Converter
foo_dockable_panels.dll v1.0.7b [Mar 28 2007 - 09:18:48] [28 March 2007] - Dockable Panels
foo_dsp_continuator.dll v0.4.0 [11 April 2006] - Continuator
foo_dsp_crossfeed.dll v0.92 [22 March 2006] - Crossfeed
foo_dsp_std.dll v1.0 [25 November 2006] - Standard DSP array
foo_freedb2.dll v0.5.2a [29 August 2006] - freedb Tagger
foo_highlightplaying.dll v0.1.0 [13 August 2006] - Highlight playing
foo_info_samurize.dll v1.64 [14 May 2006] - Samurize Info Server (AMPI)
foo_input_std.dll v1.1 [25 November 2006] - WMA Decoder
foo_input_std.dll v1.1.0 [25 November 2006] - FLAC Decoder
foo_input_std.dll v1.0 [25 November 2006] - Standard Input Array
foo_lnk.dll v1.2 [29 April 2006] - Shell Link Resolver
foo_masstag.dll v1.6 [25 November 2006] - Masstagger
foo_navigator.dll v0.6 [04 November 2006] - Navigator
foo_osd.dll v1.52 [26 January 2007] - On-Screen Display
foo_playcount.dll v1.3.2 [16 September 2006] - Playback Statistics
foo_preview.dll v1.2 [] - Preview
foo_rg_trn.dll v0.1.1 [10 February 2007] - ReplayGain override
foo_rgscan.dll v2.0.2 [25 November 2006] - ReplayGain Scanner
foo_run.dll v0.3.2 [15 June 2006] - Run services
foo_shutdown.dll v0.9 [01 June 2006] - Foo Shutdown
foo_skip.dll v0.2 [06 July 2006] - foo_skip
foo_trackpos.dll v1.0 [13 December 2006] - Track Positioner
foo_ui_columns.dll v0.1.3 beta 1v7 [22 November 2006] - Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll v0.9acc [25 November 2006] - Default User Interface
foo_uie_albumlist.dll v0.2.1 [22 November 2006] - Album list panel
foo_uie_bookmarks.dll v0.2.3 [10 April 2007] - Bookmarks
foo_uie_console.dll v0.2.1 [22 November 2006] - Console panel
foo_uie_explorer.dll v1.04.6b [06 July 2006] - Explorer Tree
foo_uie_lyrics.dll v0.3.1.1 [12 March 2007] - Lyric Show Panels
foo_uie_peakmeter.dll v0.0.1 [05 June 2007] - Peakmeter Panel
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll v0.5.7.5 [09 June 2006] - Playlists Dropdown
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll v2.8k [03 January 2007] - Quick Search Toolbar
foo_uie_tabs.dll v0.2.1 [07 July 2006] - Tabbed panel modifyed
foo_uie_trackinfo.dll v0.8 [03 May 2006] - Track info panel
foo_uie_vis_egoh.dll v1.1.2 [12 March 2007] - Egoh Spectrum analyser (uie)
foo_unpack.dll v1.1 [25 November 2006] - RAR reader
foo_unpack.dll v1.0 [25 November 2006] - ZIP/GZIP reader
foo_utils.dll v0.5.9 [22 January 2007] - Playlist Tools
foo_utils_playback.dll v1.0 [09 March 2007] - Playback Utilities
foo_version.dll v0.3 [18 July 2006] - Components versions viewer
foo_vis_samurize2.dll v1.64 [14 May 2006] - Samurize Visualization Server (AMPI)
foo_whatsnew.dll v1.0.2 [31 January 2007] - Feature Watcher
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Erikthetrve in 15. März 2008, 15:36:58
ZitatCore (2007-04-20 20:36:34)
    foobar2000 core
foo_albumlist.dll (2007-04-20 20:34:58)
    Album List 3.2.0
foo_cdda.dll (2007-04-20 20:34:44)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.1
foo_converter.dll (2007-04-20 20:34:28)
    Converter 1.0.1
foo_cwb_hooks.dll (2008-01-02 15:51:10)
    cwbowron's title format hooks 1.2.6 [Jan  2 2008 - 15:50:05]
    Tagger Panel Window 1.0.6 [Jan  2 2008 - 15:50:49]
foo_dsp_std.dll (2007-01-20 00:36:56)
    Standard DSP array 1.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2007-01-22 12:07:44)
    freedb Tagger 0.5.2a
foo_info_samurize.dll (2006-05-14 14:49:40)
    Samurize Info Server (AMPI) 1.64
foo_input_std.dll (2007-04-20 20:34:22)
    FLAC Decoder 1.1.0
    Standard Input Array 1.0
    WMA Decoder 1.1
foo_playcount_mod.dll (2007-03-04 23:38:36)
    Play Count Mod 1.0.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2007-04-20 20:33:22)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2
foo_ui_columns.dll (2006-11-22 13:05:24)
    Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1v7
foo_ui_panels.dll (2007-06-12 12:28:20)
    Panels UI 0.13.8 beta [Jun 12 2007 - 12:28:00]
foo_ui_std.dll (2007-04-20 20:33:14)
    Default User Interface 0.9acc
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-07-14 14:33:37)
    Album Art Panel 0.151
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2007-06-11 14:13:53)
    Album list panel 0.2.3 beta
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2007-03-12 14:32:45)
    Lyric Show Panels
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2007-09-29 03:03:32)
    Playlists Dropdown 0.6 alpha 4
foo_uie_powerpanels.dll (2007-08-05 13:32:38)
    Seek Panel 0.1
    Volume Panel 0.1
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 13:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2007-08-29 21:55:54)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.07
foo_vis_samurize2.dll (2006-05-14 14:50:34)
    Samurize Visualization Server (AMPI) 1.64
foo_winamp_spam.dll (2006-08-21 16:31:44)
    Winamp API Emulator 0.90
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: flohmann in 06. April 2008, 16:14:44
Core (2008-01-20 15:15:14)
    foobar2000 core 0.9.5
foo_abx.dll (2006-12-16 14:52:46)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-01-18 16:06:02)
    Album List 4.1
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2006-12-20 20:53:36)
    Audioscrobbler 1.3.5
foo_burninate.dll (2006-08-04 22:56:44)
    Audio CD Writer 2.0.1
foo_cdda.dll (2007-12-14 00:38:24)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.2
foo_converter.dll (2008-01-18 16:05:52)
    Converter 1.0.2
foo_cwb_hooks.dll (2007-06-12 15:14:24)
    cwbowron's title format hooks 1.2.5 [Jun  8 2007 - 08:49:42]
    Tagger Panel Window 1.0.5 [Jun 12 2007 - 15:14:00]
foo_dbsearch.dll (2007-01-25 21:58:48)
    Database Search 1.4
foo_dsp_std.dll (2007-11-22 23:20:02)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2008-01-18 16:06:18)
    File Operations 2.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2007-08-16 17:27:44)
    freedb Tagger
foo_input_shorten.dll (2007-01-22 13:05:40)
    Shorten decoder 0.4.2a
foo_input_std.dll (2008-01-18 16:07:14)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lnk.dll (2007-01-22 13:05:16)
    Shell Link Resolver 1.2
foo_masstag.dll (2007-04-20 21:33:44)
    Masstagger 1.6
foo_osd.dll (2007-01-25 13:58:30)
    On-Screen Display 1.52
foo_playcount.dll (2006-09-16 17:55:54)
    Playback Statistics 1.3.2
foo_playlist_manager.dll (2007-01-22 13:05:12)
    Playlist Manager 1.0.2
foo_pqview.dll (2007-01-22 13:02:24)
foo_random.dll (2006-03-13 11:35:02)
    Randomized playlist entry 1.2.3
foo_rgscan.dll (2007-04-20 21:33:22)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2
foo_tradersfriend.dll (2007-01-25 22:34:04)
    Live Show Tagger 0.6.1
foo_ui_columns.dll (2007-10-12 01:02:04)
    Columns UI 0.2
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-01-19 15:52:12)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-01-15 17:04:44)
    Album Art Panel 0.2.6
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2006-07-06 22:43:30)
    Explorer Tree 1.04.6b
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-01-03 14:18:46)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8k
foo_unpack.dll (2008-01-18 16:05:04)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Strictly4me in 17. Juni 2008, 11:25:45
Core (2008-11-29 11:59:40)
    foobar2000 core 0.9.6
foo_abx.dll (2008-05-24 16:23:50)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:34)
    Album List 4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:26)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_converter.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:26)
    Converter 1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:38)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_facets.dll (2008-07-12 09:42:57)
    Facets 2008-02-25
foo_fileops.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:02)
    File Operations 2.1.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2008-05-24 16:24:02)
    freedb Tagger 0.6
foo_history.dll (2006-03-31 10:50:34)
    History 0.2
foo_input_std.dll (2008-11-29 11:59:04)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_locktest.dll (2006-03-12 23:23:32)
    Playlist Lock Test 1.0
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2007-02-26 17:42:02)
    foo_lyricsdb 0.0.7 beta 5
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-09-27 19:01:32)
    Lyrics Grabber 0.2.2 Beta
foo_playcount.dll (2006-08-01 23:19:40)
    Play Count 1.9.2
foo_playlist_manager.dll (2007-01-22 12:05:12)
    Playlist Manager 1.0.2
foo_quicktag.dll (2008-05-01 18:39:02)
    Quick Tagger 1.0.1
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:24)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_runcmd.dll (2007-08-16 19:08:42)
    Run Command 1.0 beta 3
foo_texttools.dll (2008-05-18 16:40:42)
    Text Tools 1.0
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-06-13 19:06:38)
    Columns UI 0.3 beta 2 preview 9
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-11-29 11:58:44)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-12-15 23:22:24)
    Album Art Panel
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2007-06-11 14:13:52)
    Album list panel 0.2.3 beta
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2006-07-06 21:43:30)
    Explorer Tree 1.04.6b
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-09-23 07:16:00)
    Lyric Show Panel [Sep 23 2008 - 14:15:11]
foo_unpack.dll (2008-05-24 16:23:10)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-08 22:26:58)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_whatsnew.dll (2008-01-05 02:51:30)
    Feature Watcher 1.0.4
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: hal2003 in 10. August 2008, 06:18:14
Core (2008-08-04 00:16:48)
    foobar2000 core
foo_ac3.dll (2006-08-21 10:06:02)
    AC3 decoder 0.7
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-08-04 00:04:30)
    Album List 4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2008-06-25 19:18:24)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_converter.dll (2008-08-04 00:04:34)
    Converter 1.1.2
foo_dsp_continuator.dll (2007-04-11 10:29:04)
    Continuator 0.4.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2008-08-04 00:10:54)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2008-06-07 21:15:10)
    freedb Tagger 0.6
foo_input_alac.dll (2006-08-04 21:57:02)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0
foo_input_monkey.dll (2006-08-04 21:57:18)
    Monkey's Audio decoder 2.1.1
foo_input_std.dll (2008-08-04 00:04:56)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_midi.dll (2006-08-21 10:42:26)
    MIDI synthesizer host 1.7
foo_notaskbar.dll (2006-09-07 12:49:22)
    Taskbar Button Remover 0.1
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-06-11 20:30:18)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-07-22 22:20:50)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-08-04 14:09:14)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_trackinfo.dll (2006-09-07 12:30:14)
    Track info panel 0.8
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: grimes in 16. August 2008, 12:59:35
Core (2024-01-30 11:54:40 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 2.1.2
foo_burninate (2022-09-25 12:10:00 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 3.1.1
foo_converter (2024-01-30 11:55:10 UTC)
    Converter 2.1.2
foo_dsp_effect (2022-12-24 16:56:10 UTC)
    Effect DSP 0.50 beta 7
foo_dsp_eq (2024-01-30 11:55:12 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.3
foo_dsp_std (2024-01-30 11:55:16 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 2.1.2
foo_enhanced_spectrum_analyzer (2023-05-06 16:54:08 UTC)
    Enhanced Spectrum analyzer
foo_fileops (2024-01-30 11:55:20 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2 (2024-01-30 11:55:22 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.9
foo_input_std (2024-01-30 11:55:04 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.2
    FFmpeg Decoders 6.0
    FLAC Decoder 1.4.3
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 10.30
    Opus Decoder 1.4
    Standard Input Array 2.1.2
foo_loop (2023-04-30 14:11:30 UTC)
    Loop 1.6
foo_loudness_peakmeter (2023-05-19 19:52:34 UTC)
    Loudness Peakmeter
foo_masstag (2022-09-19 10:01:44 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.9
foo_metronome (2022-11-02 08:19:02 UTC)
    Metronome 1.3
foo_playcount (2023-03-14 13:04:18 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.1.5
foo_playlist_attributes (2023-05-21 18:24:06 UTC)
    Playlist Attributes 1.0.3
foo_playlisttour (2023-12-25 22:46:52 UTC)
    Playlist Tour 1.16
foo_preview (2023-05-27 09:44:12 UTC)
    Preview 1.24
foo_queue_viewer (2023-04-27 20:43:14 UTC)
    Queue Viewer 1.0.22
foo_quicktag (2022-09-22 18:42:30 UTC)
    Quick Tagger 1.1.1
foo_run (2022-09-19 09:14:04 UTC)
    Run services 0.4.5
foo_session (2023-04-22 00:19:30 UTC)
    Session 1.4
foo_sqlite (2023-05-01 18:02:18 UTC)
    SQLite Utilities 3.0.4
foo_startpaused (2022-11-01 23:25:22 UTC)
    Start paused 1.0
foo_statistics (2022-11-02 08:39:08 UTC)
    Statistics 1.3
foo_stop_after_queue (2023-03-16 12:06:48 UTC)
    Stop After Queue 1.2.3
foo_stopafteralbum (2022-11-02 08:16:54 UTC)
    Stop after album 1.5
foo_taskbar_playback_progress_bar (2022-09-25 08:01:16 UTC)
    Taskbar Playback Progress Bar 1.1.3
foo_texttools (2022-09-16 08:57:40 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.1
foo_timebomb2 (2023-05-08 04:38:46 UTC)
    Timebomb2 1.6
foo_ui_columns (2023-09-26 20:19:32 UTC)
    Columns UI 2.1.0
foo_ui_std (2024-01-30 11:54:52 UTC)
    Album List 2.1.2
    Decoding Speed Test 2.1.2
    Default User Interface 2.1.2
    File Integrity Verifier 2.1.2
foo_uie_albumlist (2023-11-09 18:53:02 UTC)
    Album list panel 2.0.2
foo_uie_console (2023-05-06 19:46:38 UTC)
    Console panel 3.0.0
foo_uie_sql_tree (2023-05-21 19:37:34 UTC)
    SQL Tree 4.0.6
foo_unpack (2024-01-30 11:55:32 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 2.1.2
foo_wave_minibar_mod (2024-01-16 12:24:36 UTC)
    Waveform Minibar (mod) 1.2.58
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: perdition in 28. November 2008, 13:04:10
Core (2008-09-22 13:31:58)
    foobar2000 core
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:20)
    Album List 4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2008-09-22 18:41:36)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_converter.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:16)
    Converter 1.1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:24)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2008-09-22 18:42:04)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2008-12-06 11:55:50) Radio 0.5.2
foo_menu_addons.dll (2007-10-29 20:42:10)
    Menu Addons 0.4 (Intel SSE)
foo_playback_custom.dll (2008-10-21 07:16:24)
    Playback Statistics Custom 1.4.3
foo_playcount.dll (2008-11-23 16:34:37)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.6
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-06-11 19:30:18)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   
foo_run.dll (2008-01-17 19:32:42)
    Run services 0.3.4
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-11-27 22:02:46)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:40)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2007-06-08 14:58:42)
    Album list panel 0.2.2
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2008-11-23 01:52:30)
foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll (2008-04-19 20:37:53)
    Graphical Browser rev015
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-11-11 13:44:47)
    Lyric Show Panel [Nov 11 2008 - 19:42:37]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2008-11-09 00:14:46)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 13:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 12:36:20)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 03:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll (2008-09-20 17:57:32)
    WSH Panel (uie) 0.7.2
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2008-12-01 12:49:43)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: BayerSe in 22. Januar 2009, 23:59:07
Core (2008-09-22 13:31:58)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2008-05-24 16:23:50)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:20)
    Album List 4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2008-09-22 18:41:36)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_converter.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:16)
    Converter 1.1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:24)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_dsp_winamp.dll (2006-07-30 12:01:18)
    Winamp DSP Bridge 1.4.1
foo_highlightplaying.dll (2006-08-13 19:57:05)
    Highlight playing 0.1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2008-09-22 18:42:04)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2007-02-26 17:42:02)
    foo_lyricsdb 0.0.7 beta 5
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-10-22 09:54:46)
    Lyrics Grabber 0.2.3 Beta
foo_notaskbar.dll (2008-10-18 14:16:42)
    Taskbar Button Remover 0.1
foo_np_simple.dll (2009-01-10 18:11:51)
    Now Playing Simple 1.8
foo_out_asio.dll (2008-02-09 13:52:42)
    ASIO support 1.2.6
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-06-11 19:30:18)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   
foo_trackpos.dll (2006-12-13 20:04:58)
    Track Positioner 1.0
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-07-22 21:20:48)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-09-22 12:45:40)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-09-23 07:16:01)
    Lyric Show Panel [Sep 23 2008 - 14:15:11]
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2008-12-08 02:43:24)
    Playlists Dropdown 0.7 beta 1
foo_uie_queuemanager.dll (2006-12-17 03:21:36)
    Queue manager panel 0.2.3
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_single_column_playlist.dll (2006-11-24 21:31:56)
    Single Column Playlist Display 0.5.4 beta [Nov 24 2006 - 21:31:48]
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 12:36:20)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_winamp_spam.dll (2007-03-26 17:37:48)
    Winamp API Emulator 0.96
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Computer-Profi in 28. Januar 2009, 16:28:45

Core (2008-12-31 16:54:20)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2008-05-24 16:23:50)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-12-22 21:06:20)
    Album List 4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2008-12-31 13:00:20)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_converter.dll (2008-12-11 23:36:36)
    Converter 1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2008-12-11 23:36:40)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2008-12-11 23:36:30)
    File Operations 2.1.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2008-12-11 23:36:42)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.1
foo_input_std.dll (2008-12-31 13:00:48)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_masstag.dll (2008-11-29 20:46:18)
    Masstagger 1.7.1
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-12-24 20:25:50)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-12-27 20:15:16)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-12-12 22:05:28)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-12-16 00:22:24)
    Album Art Panel
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2008-11-08 20:11:29)
    Album list panel 0.3.3
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2008-12-10 23:06:50)
    Tabbed Panel Modified 0.2.7
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 13:36:20)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_unpack.dll (2008-11-13 20:08:10)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: tlow in 04. Februar 2009, 22:48:08
Core (2009-01-30 19:58:10)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2008-05-24 16:23:50)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-01-30 19:57:06)
    Album List 4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2009-01-30 19:57:00)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_converter.dll (2009-01-30 19:56:54)
    Converter 1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-01-30 19:57:12)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2009-01-30 19:56:36)
    File Operations 2.1.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2009-01-30 19:57:18)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.1
foo_input_alac.dll (2008-06-04 20:29:06)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0.1
foo_input_monkey.dll (2008-05-31 22:39:34)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_input_std.dll (2009-01-30 21:47:40)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_msnalt.dll (2009-01-20 18:55:31)
    MSN Now Playing (alt) 2.4
foo_out_asio.dll (2008-02-09 14:52:42)
    ASIO support 1.2.6
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-01-30 19:56:56)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-01-30 19:57:08)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2008-11-13 20:08:10)
    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: tedgo in 05. Februar 2009, 09:20:35
Hier mal meine Liste.
Sind aber sicherlich auch einige "Leichen" dabei, die ich gar nicht nutze.

Core (2013-02-13 11:26:10 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.2.3
foo_abx.dll (2010-11-27 12:53:34 UTC)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:52 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_benchmark.dll (2012-11-27 11:53:27 UTC)
    Decoding Speed Test 1.2
foo_bitcompare.dll (2010-11-27 12:53:50 UTC)
    Binary Comparator 1.2
foo_bpm.dll (2010-11-27 12:57:49 UTC)
    BPM Analyser
foo_cdda.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:22 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:22 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_convolve.dll (2010-11-27 12:54:02 UTC)
    Convolver 0.3
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:54 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_skip_silence.dll (2010-11-27 12:54:13 UTC)
    Acro Skip Silence 1.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:44 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.2
foo_fileops.dll (2013-02-13 11:23:12 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2013-02-13 11:22:46 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_input_monkey.dll (2012-06-15 07:00:20 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.6
foo_input_ofr.dll (2012-12-03 10:20:36 UTC)
    OptimFROG Lossless/DualStream Decoder 1.30
foo_input_std.dll (2013-02-13 11:23:54 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_input_tak.dll (2012-12-03 10:27:52 UTC)
    TAK Decoder 0.4.5
foo_masstag.dll (2010-11-27 12:59:45 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_playcount.dll (2011-07-13 11:54:47 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_quicksearch.dll (2013-01-12 16:24:15 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.4
foo_rgscan.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:30 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.1.2
foo_run.dll (2010-11-27 13:00:00 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_skip.dll (2013-03-24 09:48:27 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.7.7
foo_ui_columns.dll (2011-02-27 20:23:00 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2013-02-13 11:23:58 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-12-13 20:38:26 UTC)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2011-01-06 09:07:35 UTC)
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2011-05-29 09:36:21 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2013-03-08 13:23:52 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2010-05-27 11:03:02 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2010-03-07 08:23:55 UTC)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2010-03-07 08:24:47 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2013-03-14 00:33:28 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_unpack.dll (2013-02-13 11:24:22 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_verifier.dll (2013-03-20 20:36:23 UTC)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.1.1
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2013-03-26 06:01:29 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.33

Update 2013-03-26
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: dadaml2 in 18. Februar 2009, 20:32:51
Core (2008-09-22 14:31:58)
    foobar2000 core
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-09-22 13:45:20)
    Album List 4.3
foo_bubble_coverflow.dll (2008-10-25 19:48:00)
    Cover Flow 0.19
foo_cdartdisplay.dll (2008-08-26 00:03:52)
    CD Art Display Interface 2.0 final 174
foo_cdda.dll (2008-09-22 19:41:36)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 21:13:20)
    COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2008-09-22 13:45:16)
    Converter 1.1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2008-09-22 13:45:24)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2008-09-22 19:42:04)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_out_asio.dll (2008-02-09 14:52:42)
    ASIO support 1.2.6
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-06-11 20:30:18)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   
foo_run.dll (2008-01-17 20:32:42)
    Run services 0.3.4
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-09-12 00:44:30)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-09-22 13:45:40)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-12-16 00:22:24)
    Album Art Panel
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2007-06-08 15:58:44)
    Album list panel 0.2.2
foo_uie_explorer.dll (2008-11-11 10:29:52)
    Explorer Tree 1.04.7b
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Bubi in 03. März 2009, 11:24:45
WinXp SP3, interne Festplatte.

Core (2009-02-25 18:28:28)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2008-05-24 16:23:50)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.3
foo_AdvancedControls.dll (2009-01-28 12:16:12)
    FooBar2000 Advanced Controls
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-02-24 00:06:48)
    Album List 4.3
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2008-05-13 15:36:16)
    Audioscrobbler 2.3.1
foo_cdda.dll (2009-02-24 00:06:42)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_cdtext.dll (2007-12-29 01:38:40)
    CD-TEXT Reader 0.2
foo_chronflow.dll (2008-04-13 23:16:00)
    Chronial's Coverflow 0.3.0
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 20:13:20)
    COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2009-02-24 00:06:38)
    Converter 1.2
foo_discogs.dll (2008-11-16 15:03:31)
    Discogs Tagger 1.15
foo_dock.dll (2009-02-23 17:38:40)
foo_dockable_panels.dll (2007-03-28 08:19:02)
    Dockable Panels 1.0.7b [Mar 28 2007 - 09:18:48]
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-02-24 00:07:00)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2009-02-24 00:06:12)
    File Operations 2.1.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2009-02-24 00:07:04)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.1
foo_input_monkey.dll (2008-05-31 21:39:34)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_input_std.dll (2009-02-24 00:07:38)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2009-01-09 20:41:10)
    Autosave 0.0.2
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2009-02-21 12:36:52) Radio 0.5.5
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2007-02-26 18:42:02)
    foo_lyricsdb 0.0.7 beta 5
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-12-11 19:27:07)
    Lyrics Grabber Beta
foo_masstag.dll (2008-11-29 12:13:26)
    Masstagger 1.7.1
foo_menu_addons.dll (2008-02-16 07:53:34)
    Menu Addons 0.4 (SSE)
foo_playcount.dll (2008-11-13 11:04:28)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.7
foo_playlist_tree_mod.dll (2009-03-01 21:12:08)
    Playlist Tree Mod Panel Scheme [Mar  1 2009 - 21:11:38]
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 19:02:54)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_prettypop.dll (2008-12-01 19:48:22)
    Pretty Popup 1.2.4
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-02-24 00:06:40)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_run.dll (2009-02-11 22:44:52)
    Run services 0.3.5
foo_runcmd.dll (2007-08-16 20:08:42)
    Run Command 1.0 beta 3
foo_scrobblecharts.dll (2007-03-31 16:36:48) Chart Player 0.2.3
foo_skip.dll (2009-01-03 17:04:18)
    Skip Track 0.4
foo_texttools.dll (2009-01-31 14:23:38)
    Text Tools 1.0.3
foo_ui_columns.dll (2009-02-21 18:19:34)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-02-24 00:06:56)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2008-11-08 20:11:29)
    Album list panel 0.3.3
foo_uie_bookmarks.dll (2008-07-19 18:29:50)
    Bookmarks 0.2.6
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2008-12-14 00:06:50)
foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll (2008-04-19 20:37:53)
    Graphical Browser rev015
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-12-12 10:39:20)
    Lyric Show Panel [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2008-11-09 00:14:46)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_queuemanager.dll (2006-12-17 02:21:36)
    Queue manager panel 0.2.3
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2008-08-20 23:48:22)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 02:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll (2008-09-20 17:57:32)
    WSH Panel (uie) 0.7.2
foo_unpack.dll (2009-02-24 00:05:58)
    RAR reader 1.2
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-08 22:26:58)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_verifier.dll (2009-01-30 19:54:44)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.0.4
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Licmeth in 04. März 2009, 14:05:09
Win XP SP3

Active components (38):
Core.dll v0.9.6.2 [] - foobar2000 core
foo_AdvancedControls.dll v0.5.11.5 [28 January 2009] - FooBar2000 Advanced Controls
foo_abx.dll v1.3.3 [24 May 2008] - ABX Comparator
foo_albumlist.dll v4.3 [30 January 2009] - Album List
foo_audioscrobbler.dll v2.3.1 [13 May 2008] - Audioscrobbler
foo_burninate.dll v2.0.1 [04 August 2006] - Audio CD Writer
foo_cdda.dll v2.1.4 [30 January 2009] - CD Audio Decoder
foo_comserver2.dll v0.7 alpha 6 [31 July 2006] - COM Automation server
foo_converter.dll v1.2 [30 January 2009] - Converter
foo_cwb_hooks.dll v1.0.6 [Jan  2 2008 - 15:50:49] [02 January 2008] - Tagger Panel Window
foo_cwb_hooks.dll v1.2.6 [Jan  2 2008 - 15:50:05] [02 January 2008] - cwbowron's title format hooks
foo_dsp_std.dll v1.0 [30 January 2009] - Standard DSP Array
foo_fileops.dll v2.1.1 [30 January 2009] - File Operations
foo_freedb2.dll v0.6.1 [30 January 2009] - freedb Tagger
foo_input_alac.dll v1.0.1 [04 June 2008] - ALAC Decoder
foo_input_dts.dll v0.1.7 [22 July 2006] - DTS decoder
foo_input_monkey.dll v2.1.3 [31 May 2008] - Monkey's Audio Decoder
foo_input_std.dll v1.0 [30 January 2009] - Standard Input Array
foo_input_wma.dll v0.1.7.2 (SSE) [05 January 2009] - Acro WMA decoder
foo_lastfm_radio.dll v0.5.5 [21 February 2009] - Radio
foo_playcount.dll v2.1.7 [13 November 2008] - Playback Statistics
foo_rgscan.dll v2.0.8 [30 January 2009] - ReplayGain Scanner
foo_run.dll v0.3.4 [17 January 2008] - Run services
foo_ui_columns.dll v0.3.6.4 [27 December 2008] - Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll v0.9.5 [30 January 2009] - Default User Interface
foo_uie_albumlist.dll v0.3.3 [08 November 2008] - Album list panel
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll v0.6.4.2(beta) [13 December 2008] - ELPlaylist
foo_uie_lyrics.dll v0.3.3.9 [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01] [12 December 2008] - Lyric Show Panel
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll v0.3.6.2(alpha) [08 November 2008] - Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll v2.8l [18 May 2007] - Quick Search Toolbar
foo_uie_tabs.dll v0.2.7 [10 December 2008] - Tabbed Panel Modified
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll v0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12] [05 January 2007] - Track info panel mod
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll v0.17.2 [17 May 2008] - Channel Spectrum panel
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll v0.2.0.0 beta [19 April 2008] - Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation
foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll v0.7.2 [21 July 2007] - WSH Panel (uie)
foo_unpack.dll v1.0 [13 November 2008] - ZIP/GZIP reader
foo_unpack.dll v1.1 [13 November 2008] - RAR reader
foo_version.dll v0.3 [18 July 2006] - Components versions viewer

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: stefle in 01. August 2009, 23:45:37
Core (2009-06-07 14:28:34)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 14:25:26)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_ac3.dll (2009-05-09 17:27:36)
    AC3 decoder 0.9.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:58)
    Album List 4.3.1
foo_bitcompare.dll (2008-12-05 16:08:02)
    Binary Comparator 1.2
foo_burninate.dll (2009-06-21 23:17:14)
    Audio CD Writer 3.0
foo_cdda.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:40)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2008-03-12 11:37:47)
    Channel Mixer
foo_converter.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:38)
    Converter 1.2.1
foo_dbsearch.dll (2007-01-25 22:58:48)
    Database Search 1.4
foo_dbsearch_api_demo.dll (2007-01-22 14:01:38)
    Database Search Toolbar Demo 1.0
foo_discogs.dll (2009-06-19 01:48:30)
    Discogs Tagger 1.19
foo_dsp_atsurround.dll (2009-04-08 18:35:18)
    AndrewLabs ATSurround 1.0.0
foo_dsp_bs2b.dll (2009-04-07 09:57:26)
    bs2b 3.0.0
foo_dsp_crossfeed.dll (2009-02-11 03:18:24)
    Crossfeed 1.1.1
foo_dsp_delta.dll (2008-10-24 15:57:16)
    Noise Sharpening DSP 1.0.0
foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll (2008-12-04 22:37:20)
    Dolby Headphone Wrapper 1.3.1
foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll (2009-01-05 20:43:40)
    SoundTouch DSP 0.1 (SSE)
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:54)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_facets.dll (2008-10-26 05:39:28)
    Facets 2008-02-25
foo_fileops.dll (2009-06-07 14:25:30)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2009-06-07 14:25:50)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.1
foo_input_alac.dll (2009-03-22 15:15:46)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0.3
foo_input_dts.dll (2009-05-02 13:58:30)
    DTS decoder 0.2.4
foo_input_dvda.dll (2009-07-14 10:44:40)
    DVD-Audio Decoder 0.2.1
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 14:40:52)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_reverse.dll (2009-01-05 20:47:00)
    Reverse Playback 0.1.4 (SSE)
foo_input_shorten.dll (2007-08-21 12:56:16)
    Shorten decoder
foo_input_std.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:30)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-12-11 20:27:07)
    Lyrics Grabber Beta
foo_masstag.dll (2009-06-21 23:04:00)
    Masstagger 1.8.2
foo_masstag_addons.dll (2009-02-10 22:54:08)
    Masstagger Addons 0.3.5 (SSE)
foo_menu_addons.dll (2009-01-05 20:44:56)
    Menu Addons 0.4.1 (SSE)
foo_midi.dll (2009-06-14 12:26:32)
    MIDI synthesizer host 1.81
foo_musicbrainz.dll (2009-04-10 22:27:28)
    MusicBrainz Tagger 0.2
foo_out_wasapi.dll (2009-05-19 22:45:18)
    WASAPI output support 2.1
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 20:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 20:02:54)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_quicktag.dll (2008-05-01 20:39:02)
    Quick Tagger 1.0.1
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:22)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_textdisplay.dll (2008-07-08 20:45:26)
    Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3
foo_texttools.dll (2009-01-31 15:23:38)
    Text Tools 1.0.3
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-06-07 14:27:04)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2009-06-07 14:25:18)
    RAR reader 1.2
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2009-05-09 17:48:44)
    7-Zip unpacker 1.1
foo_verifier.dll (2009-06-21 23:03:56)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.0.5
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: mongole in 16. August 2009, 03:47:27
Core (2009-06-07 14:28:34)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 14:25:26)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_cdda.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:40)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_converter.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:38)
    Converter 1.2.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:54)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_input_alac.dll (2009-03-22 15:15:46)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0.3
foo_input_dts.dll (2009-05-02 13:58:30)
    DTS decoder 0.2.4
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 14:40:52)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_std.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:30)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_midi.dll (2009-06-14 12:26:32)
    MIDI synthesizer host 1.81
foo_out_ks.dll (2006-08-04 22:54:58)
    Kernel Streaming Output 1.2.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-06-07 14:26:22)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-06-07 14:27:04)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_upnp.dll (2009-08-16 03:59:04)
    UPnP/DLNA Media Server and Browser 0.99.8
foo_vis_projectM.dll (2009-04-04 13:27:05)
    projectM visualization
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-05-20 23:43:46)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.5
foo_xspf.dll (2006-09-11 21:56:41)
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: dippes in 03. Oktober 2009, 16:21:28
Hier meine Plugins

Core (2009-05-21 17:00:50)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2009-05-21 16:57:38)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-05-21 16:59:10)
    Album List 4.3.1
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2009-08-20 22:15:56)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.2
foo_cdda.dll (2009-05-21 16:58:54)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_converter.dll (2009-05-21 16:58:58)
    Converter 1.2.1
foo_DeleteCurrent.dll (2008-06-30 17:00:02)
    FooBar2000 Delete Current Track
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-05-21 16:59:10)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2009-05-21 16:57:42)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2009-05-21 16:58:00)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.1
foo_input_std.dll (2009-05-21 16:58:46)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2009-02-25 22:05:24) Radio 0.5.6b
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 10:01:36)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_menu_addons.dll (2009-01-05 21:44:56)
    Menu Addons 0.4.1 (SSE)
foo_out_asio.dll (2009-03-22 15:15:46)
    ASIO support 1.2.7
foo_playback_custom.dll (2009-05-10 14:01:44)
    Playback Statistics Custom 1.5.1
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 20:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_podcatcher.dll (2009-10-01 01:14:44)
    Podcatcher 0.0.7e (alpha)
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-05-21 16:58:30)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_run.dll (2009-02-11 23:44:52)
    Run services 0.3.5
foo_skip.dll (2009-01-03 18:04:18)
    Skip Track 0.4
foo_ui_columns.dll (2009-08-30 17:21:36)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-05-21 16:59:16)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-14 00:49:19)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2009-09-09 22:07:44)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2009-09-05 18:38:50)
foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll (2008-04-19 21:37:54)
    Graphical Browser rev015
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-12-12 11:39:20)
    Lyric Show Panel [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01]
foo_uie_lyrics_panel.dll (2007-08-17 23:56:36)
    Lyrics panel 0.35
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-06-07 22:36:54)
    Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.8(alpha)
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 14:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 13:36:20)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 04:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll (2008-09-20 18:57:32)
    WSH Panel (uie) 0.7.2
foo_unpack.dll (2009-05-21 16:57:34)
    RAR reader 1.2
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2009-08-12 22:16:58)
    7-Zip reader 1.1
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-09 00:26:58)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-10-03 16:08:28)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: juon in 15. November 2009, 20:09:13
Core (2009-06-07 13:28:34)
    foobar2000 core
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-06-07 13:26:58)
    Album List 4.3.1
foo_cdda.dll (2009-06-07 13:26:40)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_converter.dll (2009-06-07 13:26:38)
    Converter 1.2.1
foo_dsp_bs2b.dll (2009-06-08 11:30:06)
    bs2b 3.1.0
foo_dsp_delta.dll (2006-03-21 17:16:22)
    LPCM <--> delta-PCM converter 0.1.1
foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll (2008-12-04 20:37:20)
    Dolby Headphone Wrapper 1.3.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-06-07 13:26:54)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_input_std.dll (2009-06-07 13:26:30)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_msn_now_playing.dll (2009-06-22 11:17:33)
    MSN Now Playing 0.5
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 19:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_rg_trn.dll (2007-10-27 21:13:20)
    ReplayGain override 0.1.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-06-07 13:26:22)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8
foo_sendtodevice.dll (2009-08-14 15:56:08)
    Send to Device 1.1.2 [Nov 28 2007 - 10:13:31]
foo_ui_columns.dll (2009-08-30 16:21:36)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-06-07 13:27:04)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 23:49:19)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2009-09-09 21:07:44)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2009-09-05 17:38:50)
foo_uie_library_tree.dll (2009-07-25 00:18:14)
    Library Tree
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-12-12 10:39:20)
    Lyric Show Panel [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-06-07 21:36:54)
    Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.8(alpha)
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2009-05-13 20:42:26)
    Tabbed Panel Modified 0.2.8
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 13:36:20)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 02:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2009-10-02 06:30:21)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.1.10
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Dorm619 in 27. November 2009, 00:21:18
Die Plugins:

Active components (27):

foo_input_usf.dll [11 April 2008] - 64th Note
foo_abx.dll 1.3.4 [07 June 2009] - ABX Comparator
foo_albumlist.dll 4.3.1 [22 August 2009] - Album List
foo_uie_albumlist.dll 0.3.5 [14 June 2009] - Album list panel
foo_burninate.dll 3.0.1 [24 June 2009] - Audio CD Writer
foo_audioscrobbler.dll 1.4.2 [20 August 2009] - Audioscrobbler
foo_uie_biography.dll [09 September 2009] - Biography View
foo_cdda.dll 2.1.4 [22 August 2009] - CD Audio Decoder
foo_chronflow.dll 0.3.0 [14 April 2008] - Chronial's Coverflow
foo_ui_columns.dll [30 August 2009] - Columns UI
foo_version.dll 0.4 [16 April 2009] - Components versions viewer
foo_converter.dll 1.2.1 [22 August 2009] - Converter
foo_ui_std.dll 0.9.5 [22 August 2009] - Default User Interface
foo_verifier.dll 1.1 [05 October 2009] - File Integrity Verifier
foo_fileops.dll 2.1.2 [07 June 2009] - File Operations
foo_lastfm_radio.dll 0.5.6b [26 February 2009] - Radio
foo_uie_library_tree.dll [10 June 2009] - Library Tree
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll Beta [11 December 2008] - Lyrics Grabber
foo_uie_lyrics_panel.dll 0.35 [17 August 2007] - Lyrics panel
foo_playcount.dll 2.1.7 [13 November 2008] - Playback Statistics
foo_unpack.dll 1.2 [07 June 2009] - RAR reader
foo_rgscan.dll 2.0.9 [22 August 2009] - ReplayGain Scanner
foo_dsp_std.dll 1.0 [22 August 2009] - Standard DSP Array
foo_input_std.dll 1.0 [22 August 2009] - Standard Input Array
foo_unpack.dll 1.0 [07 June 2009] - ZIP/GZIP reader
foo_freedb2.dll 0.6.1 [07 June 2009] - freedb Tagger
foo_dop.dll [26 July 2008] - iPod manager
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: tocothetronic in 03. Dezember 2009, 16:36:56
windows vista, 32bit. intel core 2 duo (2x2,4 GHz)

Core (2009-08-22 11:25:22)
    foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 13:25:26)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:44)
    Album List 4.3.1
foo_burninate.dll (2009-06-24 19:14:28)
    Audio CD Writer 3.0.1
foo_cdartdisplay.dll (2008-08-26 00:03:52)
    CD Art Display Interface 2.0 final 174
foo_cdda.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:34)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 20:13:20)
    COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:26)
    Converter 1.2.1
foo_covers.dll (2009-08-23 01:26:11)
    Locate Covers 0.04
foo_dbsearch.dll (2007-01-25 20:58:48)
    Database Search 1.4
foo_discogs.dll (2009-09-26 20:27:20)
    Discogs Tagger 1.19
foo_dop.dll (2009-09-20 00:46:58)
    iPod manager
foo_dsp_silence.dll (2009-08-10 00:32:54)
    Post-track silence 0.0.3
foo_dsp_std.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:48)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_exvar.dll (2008-06-13 23:42:55)
    Extended Variables 0.3.1
foo_fileops.dll (2009-08-22 11:22:36)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2009-08-22 11:22:52)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.1
foo_input_alac.dll (2009-03-22 14:15:46)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0.3
foo_input_std.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:28)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2009-03-21 22:41:12)
    Autosave 0.0.3
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2009-11-23 16:14:17) Radio 0.5.4
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2009-10-05 12:35:38)
    foo_lyricsdb 0.0.8 beta 0
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-12-11 19:27:07)
    Lyrics Grabber Beta
foo_managedWrapper.dll (2008-08-01 08:20:34)
    foo_managedWrapper 0.5
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 09:01:36)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_musicbrainz.dll (2009-04-10 21:27:28)
    MusicBrainz Tagger 0.2
foo_navigator.dll (2007-08-04 11:36:46)
    Navigator 0.63
foo_osd.dll (2007-01-25 13:58:30)
    On-Screen Display 1.52
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 19:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_playlist_attributes.dll (2009-11-16 20:33:44)
    Playlist Attributes 0.2.2 [Nov 16 2009 - 20:33:31]
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 18:02:54)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_queuecontents.dll (2009-07-28 07:33:04)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.1.1
foo_quicktag.dll (2008-05-01 18:39:02)
    Quick Tagger 1.0.1
foo_rg_trn.dll (2007-10-27 21:13:20)
    ReplayGain override 0.1.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:20)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 14:15:18)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_runcmd.dll (2007-08-16 19:08:42)
    Run Command 1.0 beta 3
foo_scheduler.dll (2007-01-09 21:33:46)
    Scheduler 3.53
foo_scrobblecharts.dll (2007-03-31 15:36:48) Chart Player 0.2.3
foo_trackpos.dll (2006-12-13 20:04:58)
    Track Positioner 1.0
foo_ui_columns.dll (2009-08-30 16:21:36)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2009-08-22 11:23:54)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 23:49:19)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2009-11-06 21:09:00)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2009-11-07 00:00:00)
foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll (2008-04-19 20:37:53)
    Graphical Browser rev015
foo_uie_library_tree.dll (2009-01-10 00:58:52)
    Library Tree 0.1
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-12-12 10:39:20)
    Lyric Show Panel [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-11-06 21:47:00)
    Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.8(alpha)
foo_uie_ptb.dll (2008-02-16 07:45:34)
    Playback Toolbars 0.2
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2009-05-13 20:42:26)
    Tabbed Panel Modified 0.2.8
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 13:36:20)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 02:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2009-10-02 06:30:21)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.1.10
foo_unpack.dll (2009-08-22 11:22:20)
    RAR reader 1.2
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2009-08-12 21:16:58)
    7-Zip reader 1.1
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-08 22:26:58)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: dj atrac in 05. Januar 2010, 20:06:39
hi, hier meine liste:  :liebe:

Core (2010-04-10 23:21:50 UTC)
   foobar2000 core
foo_abx.dll (2009-05-17 11:00:26 UTC)
   ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:56 UTC)
   Album List 4.4
foo_autoupdate.dll (2010-04-19 23:21:00 UTC)
   Automatic Updater 1
foo_bpm.dll (2010-04-20 12:35:07 UTC)
   BPM Analyser
foo_burninate.dll (2010-01-18 21:10:00 UTC)
   Audio CD Writer 3.0.2
foo_cdda.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:48 UTC)
   CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:30 UTC)
   Converter 1.4
foo_dbsearch.dll (2007-01-25 20:58:00 UTC)
   Database Search 1.4
foo_dbsearch_api_demo.dll (2007-01-22 12:01:00 UTC)
   Database Search Toolbar Demo 1.0
foo_discogs.dll (2010-01-10 19:43:52 UTC)
   Discogs Tagger 1.23
foo_dsp_continuator.dll (2009-04-18 07:54:38 UTC)
   Continuator 0.6.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-04-10 23:20:02 UTC)
   Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:08 UTC)
   File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:10 UTC)
   freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_std.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:50 UTC)
   Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2010-04-20 20:59:46 UTC)
   Autosave & Autobackup 9
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 09:01:00 UTC)
   Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_menu_addons.dll (2010-01-16 10:18:34 UTC)
   Menu Addons 1.4.2
foo_playlist_attributes.dll (2009-11-16 19:33:44 UTC)
   Playlist Attributes 0.2.2 [Nov 16 2009 - 20:33:31]
foo_preview.dll (2008-12-22 20:41:12 UTC)
   Preview 1.4
foo_queuecontents.dll (2010-04-22 08:28:00 UTC)
   Queue Contents Editor 0.3.3
foo_quicksearch.dll (2010-04-21 22:46:00 UTC)
   Quick Search Toolbar 1.7
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-04-10 23:19:38 UTC)
   ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_scheduler.dll (2010-04-10 08:19:48 UTC)
   Scheduler 4.03
foo_texttools.dll (2009-12-23 20:00:00 UTC)
   Text Tools 1.0.4
foo_trackpos.dll (2006-12-13 18:04:00 UTC)
   Track Positioner 1.0
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-03-20 23:43:13 UTC)
   Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-04-10 23:20:12 UTC)
   Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:20 UTC)
   Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-03-17 20:18:00 UTC)
   Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2010-04-01 20:13:00 UTC)
foo_uie_lyricsplugin.dll (2009-10-12 20:15:00 UTC)
   Lyricsplugin UI Panel 0.2
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-12-09 23:16:12 UTC)
   Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2009-09-23 23:44:00 UTC)
   Playlists Dropdown 0.7.6
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 02:02:12 UTC)
   Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll (2008-09-20 16:57:32 UTC)
   WSH Panel (uie) 0.7.2
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2010-04-07 01:04:37 UTC)
   WSH Panel Mod 1.3.3
foo_unpack.dll (2010-04-10 23:18:56 UTC)
   RAR reader 1.3
   ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2010-01-13 16:52:00 UTC)
   7-Zip reader 1.4
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-08 22:26:58 UTC)
   Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_verifier.dll (2009-10-05 10:39:00 UTC)
   File Integrity Verifier 1.1
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2010-04-21 13:34:00 UTC)
   Waveform seekbar 0.2.8

lyrics2 hab ich im moment ausgeschlossen: absturzgefahr!  :polizei:
lg frank

und sieht etwas so aus: defekter link entfernt - grimes
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: vanMiez in 09. Februar 2010, 12:16:05

weil ich wohl noch so einige fragen haben werde und mir mit den folgenden Infos schneller geholfen werden kann poste ich hier meine versionsinfos:

config: tedgo's "Dark One 1.6" (tut für mein problem wohl nichts zur sache, aber diese großartige Arbeit wollte ich nochmal erwähnen)
Core (2010-01-09 12:47:00)
    foobar2000 core 1.0
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:46)
    Album List 4.4
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2009-10-25 20:30:02)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.3
foo_cdartdisplay.dll (2008-08-26 00:03:52)
    CD Art Display Interface 2.0 final 174
foo_cdda.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:42)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:32)
    Converter 1.4
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:48)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:32)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:34)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:24)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2009-12-17 12:52:38) Radio 0.5.7
foo_logitech_lcd.dll (2009-11-09 11:53:30)
    Logitech LCD Display 0.4.0
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 19:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_playlist_manager.dll (2007-01-22 13:05:12)
    Playlist Manager 1.0.2
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 19:02:54)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:24)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_shutdown.dll (2006-12-06 08:59:24)
    Foo Shutdown 0.9.3
foo_softplaylists.dll (2010-02-05 14:38:37)
    Soft Playlists 2009-12-30.2
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-01-09 15:40:28)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-01-09 12:44:52)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-12-16 00:22:24)
    Album Art Panel
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 23:49:19)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-01-03 21:14:04)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2009-12-12 18:47:18)
foo_uie_library_tree.dll (2010-01-31 00:17:14)
    Library Tree
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-12-12 10:39:20)
    Lyric Show Panel [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-12-12 18:47:06)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 02:02:12)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 19:18:50)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2009-12-11 03:49:17)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.2.1
foo_unpack.dll (2010-01-09 12:43:20)
    RAR reader 1.3
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_upnp.dll (2010-02-05 14:33:15)
    An UPnP/DLNA Media Renderer, Media Server and Control Point
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Berti in 20. März 2010, 14:42:29
Foobar Version 1.17

Core (2011-06-05 09:16:20 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1.7
foo_albumlist.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:24 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2011-01-13 20:37:48 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_cdda.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:20 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 19:13:20 UTC)
    COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:50 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_discogs.dll (2011-09-06 18:58:54 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 1.30
foo_dsp_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:22 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_dsp_winamp.dll (2010-11-16 19:26:42 UTC)
    Winamp DSP Bridge 1.4.7
foo_fileops.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:12 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:14 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.4
foo_input_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:58 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2011-01-22 15:58:50 UTC) Radio 0.5.7e
foo_masstag.dll (2010-11-16 19:25:58 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_out_wasapi.dll (2010-11-16 19:25:05 UTC)
    WASAPI output support 2.1
foo_playcount.dll (2011-09-06 18:58:54 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_quicksearch.dll (2011-06-06 16:10:00 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:54 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.1.2
foo_skip.dll (2011-09-06 18:58:54 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.7.4
foo_softplaylists.dll (2011-02-05 20:56:09 UTC)
    Soft Playlists 2011-02-05
foo_textdisplay.dll (2011-09-06 18:58:54 UTC)
    Text Display UI Element 1.1 beta 1
foo_texttools.dll (2011-01-13 20:39:27 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.0.5
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-05-03 13:38:32 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:24 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-12-13 20:38:26 UTC)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2011-01-06 09:07:35 UTC)
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2010-12-02 21:30:28 UTC)
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2010-05-27 11:03:02 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2011-02-21 20:03:41 UTC)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2010-03-07 08:24:47 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2010-12-27 08:57:24 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.4.1
foo_unpack.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:24 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2011-09-06 18:58:53 UTC)
    7-Zip reader 1.8
foo_upnp.dll (2011-06-06 16:10:01 UTC)
    UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point 0.99.34
foo_verifier.dll (2011-01-13 20:34:28 UTC)
    File Integrity Verifier 1.1
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2010-11-16 19:34:10 UTC)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2010-11-22 11:37:26 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.12

Foobar Skin DarkOne

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Firefly in 12. April 2010, 23:06:28
Hier aktuell meine Plugins

Core (2010-01-09 13:47:00)   foobar2000 core 1.0
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:46)   Album List 4.4
foo_amipwrapper.dll (2010-01-13 16:02:30)    AMIP Wrapper 1.00
foo_cdda.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:42)    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:32)    Converter 1.4
foo_dop.dll (2010-04-02 19:09:34)    iPod manager
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:48)    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-01-09 13:43:34)    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 15:40:52)    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_std.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:24)    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:24)    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-01-09 13:44:52)    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_winamp_spam.dll (2007-03-26 18:37:48)    Winamp API Emulator 0.96
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Voidi in 16. April 2010, 19:10:35
Hier meine Plug-ins

Core (2010-03-06 14:44:16)
    foobar2000 core 1.0.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:18)
    Album List 4.4
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2008-05-13 15:36:16)
    Audioscrobbler 2.3.1
foo_cdda.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:14)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:12)
    Converter 1.4
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:26)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2010-03-06 14:41:12)
    File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-03-06 14:41:22)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_std.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:00)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-12-11 20:27:07)
    Lyrics Grabber Beta
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 21:09:32)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-03-06 14:41:56)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-03-06 14:42:34)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2010-03-06 14:40:52)
    RAR reader 1.3
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: kumbbl in 06. September 2010, 13:56:29
Mit User fooamp gemeinsame Components (wegen "..display friert ein..."-Problem):

Foobar 1.1:

foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 12:25:26 UTC) - 1.3.4
foo_ac3.dll (2010-04-13 06:00:12 UTC) - 0.9.5
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC) - 4.5
foo_autoupdate.dll (2010-04-19 23:21:14 UTC) - 1
foo_burninate.dll (2010-01-18 20:10:44 UTC) - 3.0.2
foo_cdda.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:04 UTC) - 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC) - 1.5
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC) - 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2010-08-21 11:39:48 UTC) - 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:00 UTC) - 0.6.2
foo_input_dts.dll (2010-09-06 10:39:16 UTC) - 0.3.0
foo_input_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC) - 1.0
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 08:01:36 UTC) - 1.8.4
foo_quicktag.dll (2010-09-01 11:27:59 UTC) - 1.0.3
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:44 UTC) - 2.0.9
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 13:15:18 UTC) - 0.3.7
foo_texttools.dll (2010-09-01 11:27:59 UTC) - 1.0.5.
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-05-03 13:38:32 UTC) -
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:10 UTC) - 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC) - 0.3.5
foo_uie_console.dll (2009-08-29 16:06:24 UTC) - 0.4
foo_unpack.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:10 UTC) - 1.6
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2010-09-02 15:06:20 UTC) - 1.4

Komplette Componentenliste - Foobar 1.1:

foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 12:25:26 UTC)
foo_ac3.dll (2010-04-13 06:00:12 UTC)
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
foo_autoupdate.dll (2010-04-19 23:21:14 UTC)
foo_burninate.dll (2010-01-18 20:10:44 UTC)
foo_cdda.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:04 UTC)
foo_converter.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
foo_dop.dll (2010-08-05 19:28:40 UTC)
foo_dsp_fsurround.dll (2010-03-30 18:17:48 UTC)
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
foo_dsp_stereoconv.dll (2007-05-17 22:19:46 UTC)
foo_fileops.dll (2010-08-21 11:39:48 UTC)
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:00 UTC)
foo_input_alac.dll (2010-09-01 11:27:59 UTC)
foo_input_dts.dll (2010-09-06 10:39:16 UTC)
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 12:40:52 UTC)
foo_input_shorten.dll (2009-11-15 19:46:36 UTC)
foo_input_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
foo_jesus.dll (2010-04-20 20:59:46 UTC)
foo_lyricsgrabber2.dll (2010-09-06 09:28:38 UTC)
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 08:01:36 UTC)
foo_quicktag.dll (2010-09-01 11:27:59 UTC)
foo_rating.dll (2007-02-27 22:52:46 UTC)
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:44 UTC)
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 13:15:18 UTC)
foo_texttools.dll (2010-09-01 11:27:59 UTC)
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-05-03 13:38:32 UTC)
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:10 UTC)
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
foo_uie_console.dll (2009-08-29 16:06:24 UTC)
foo_uie_peakmeter.dll (2007-06-05 19:12:42 UTC)
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2009-09-23 22:44:46 UTC)
foo_uie_vis_egoh.dll (2007-01-13 03:20:06 UTC)
foo_unpack.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:10 UTC)
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2010-09-02 15:06:20 UTC)
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: huber71 in 07. September 2010, 22:54:16
Core (2010-08-21 11:42:56 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1
foo_ac3.dll (2008-06-02 10:24:00 UTC)
    AC3 decoder 0.9.1
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_benchmark.dll (2006-08-04 19:56:00 UTC)
    Decoding Speed Test 1.0
foo_bitcompare.dll (2006-08-04 19:56:00 UTC)
    Binary Comparator 1.1
foo_burninate.dll (2006-08-04 19:56:00 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 2.0.1
foo_cdda.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:04 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2007-02-27 11:15:52 UTC)
    Channel Mixer
foo_converter.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dop.dll (2010-07-11 12:27:36 UTC)
    iPod manager
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_dsp_winamp.dll (2009-04-18 16:53:00 UTC)
    Winamp DSP Bridge 1.4.5
foo_exvar.dll (2008-06-13 22:42:56 UTC)
    Extended Variables 0.3.1
foo_fileops.dll (2010-08-21 11:39:48 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:00 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_alac.dll (2008-06-04 18:29:00 UTC)
    ALAC Decoder 1.0.1
foo_input_dvda.dll (2010-02-17 15:41:36 UTC)
    DVD-Audio Decoder and Watermark Detector 0.3.5
foo_input_monkey.dll (2008-05-31 20:39:00 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.3
foo_input_shorten.dll (2007-08-21 10:56:00 UTC)
    Shorten decoder
foo_input_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_input_tta.dll (2008-10-20 17:20:00 UTC)
    TTA Audio Decoder (unofficial) 2.4.2
foo_masstag.dll (2008-11-02 21:01:00 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.7
foo_menu_addons.dll (2008-02-16 06:53:00 UTC)
    Menu Addons 0.4 (SSE)
foo_out_asio.dll (2009-03-22 13:15:46 UTC)
    ASIO support 1.2.7
foo_playcount.dll (2008-11-13 10:04:28 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.7
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:44 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_skip.dll (2010-07-04 10:39:06 UTC)
    Skip Track 1.2
foo_textdisplay.dll (2008-10-24 10:26:16 UTC)
    Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3
foo_texttools.dll (2009-01-31 12:23:38 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.0.3
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-11-27 21:02:48 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:10 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2008-11-08 19:11:30 UTC)
    Album list panel 0.3.3
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2008-11-23 00:52:00 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-11-11 12:44:48 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel [Nov 11 2008 - 19:42:37]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-12-09 22:16:12 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 11:31:00 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_tabs.dll (2008-12-10 20:08:00 UTC)
    Tabbed Panel Modified 0.2.6
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 13:36:20 UTC)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 01:02:00 UTC)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 18:18:00 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel.dll (2008-11-17 17:23:52 UTC)
    WSH Panel (uie) 0.7.2
foo_unpack.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:10 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-08 21:26:58 UTC)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_winamp_spam.dll (2010-06-17 20:17:46 UTC)
    Winamp API Emulator 0.98
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: zaede in 08. September 2010, 15:53:48
Core (2010-08-21 11:42:56 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1
foo_abx.dll (2009-05-21 14:57:38 UTC)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_autoupdate.dll (2010-04-19 23:21:14 UTC)
    Automatic Updater 1
foo_bpm.dll (2010-04-20 12:35:07 UTC)
    BPM Analyser
foo_cdda.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:04 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 19:13:20 UTC)
    COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_discogs.dll (2010-07-20 08:15:38 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 1.25
foo_dop.dll (2010-08-05 19:28:40 UTC)
    iPod manager
foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll (2010-01-22 11:40:28 UTC)
    Dolby Headphone Wrapper 1.4.1
foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll (2010-01-14 19:08:06 UTC)
    SoundTouch DSP 1.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:12 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_dsp_vlevel.dll (2010-01-02 13:18:10 UTC)
    VLevel 20080302.0
foo_exvar.dll (2008-06-13 22:42:55 UTC)
    Extended Variables 0.3.1
foo_fileops.dll (2010-08-21 11:39:48 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:00 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_ds.dll (2009-07-01 10:13:42 UTC)
    DirectShow input 0.1
foo_input_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:42 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2010-04-20 20:59:46 UTC)
    Autosave & Autobackup 9
foo_lyricsgrabber2.dll (2010-08-28 07:13:04 UTC)
    Lyrics Grabber 2 beta
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 08:01:36 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_playcount.dll (2009-04-29 18:09:32 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 2.1.9
foo_playcount_sql.dll (2009-06-18 21:12:48 UTC)
    Playback statistics SQL
foo_playlist_attributes.dll (2010-05-23 19:22:21 UTC)
    Playlist Attributes 0.3.0
foo_plorg.dll (2010-08-21 08:58:50 UTC)
    Playlist Organizer 1.3
foo_pqview.dll (2008-03-11 17:02:00 UTC)
    Playback Queue Viewer 0.2
foo_queuecontents.dll (2010-05-20 08:18:58 UTC)
    Queue Contents Editor 0.3.9
foo_quicksearch.dll (2010-09-03 10:55:43 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.0
foo_random_pools.dll (2010-06-21 19:44:24 UTC)
    Random Pools
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:44 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 13:15:00 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_scheduler.dll (2010-07-18 19:37:36 UTC)
    Scheduler 4.05
foo_stopaftercuralbum.dll (2009-06-01 07:50:42 UTC)
    foo_stopaftercuralbum 0.2
foo_talktome.dll (2010-07-19 20:48:49 UTC)
    TalkToMe 0.6
foo_texttools.dll (2010-08-24 07:49:52 UTC)
    Text Tools 1.0.5
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-06-17 20:49:12 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-08-21 11:41:10 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
    Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-06-27 19:50:10 UTC)
    Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2010-07-29 22:24:50 UTC)
foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll (2008-04-19 10:37:00 UTC)
    Graphical Browser rev015
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2009-07-02 10:58:43 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel [Dec 12 2008 - 17:39:01]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2009-11-06 20:47:18 UTC)
    Panel Stack Splitter 0.3.8(alpha)
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2010-09-03 10:56:38 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod.dll (2007-01-05 12:36:20 UTC)
    Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 01:02:12 UTC)
    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2008-04-19 18:18:50 UTC)
    Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2010-06-19 10:52:06 UTC)
    WSH Panel Mod 1.3.6
foo_unpack.dll (2010-08-21 11:40:10 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-09-28 09:32:00 UTC)
    Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2010-04-24 22:35:42 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.12
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: foobarPES in 28. Juni 2011, 22:39:21
Das hier?

Core (2011-06-05 09:16:20 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1.7
foo_AdvancedControls.dll (2007-03-09 14:27:54 UTC)
    FooBar2000 Advanced Controls
foo_albumlist.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:24 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_cdda.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:20 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:50 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dsp_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:22 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:12 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:14 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.4
foo_input_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:58 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:54 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.1.2
foo_ui_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:24 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:24 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Danyrail in 08. September 2011, 16:33:03
Core (2011-06-05 09:16:20 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1.7
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 12:25:26 UTC)
    ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:24 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2010-06-04 08:27:04 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_bookmarks.dll (2011-01-23 13:46:40 UTC)
foo_burninate.dll (2011-02-24 08:40:34 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 3.0.3
foo_cdda.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:20 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_channel_mixer.dll (2011-06-01 17:18:00 UTC)
    Channel Mixer
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 19:13:20 UTC)
    COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:50 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_discogs.dll (2011-06-19 22:36:22 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 1.29
foo_dop.dll (2010-11-24 18:50:46 UTC)
    iPod manager
foo_dsp_bs2b.dll (2009-06-08 10:30:06 UTC)
    bs2b 3.1.0
foo_dsp_centercut.dll (2011-02-10 18:28:26 UTC)
    Center Cut 1.0.1
foo_dsp_mm.dll (2008-06-06 05:29:10 UTC)
    Matrix Mixer 0.3
foo_dsp_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:22 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_dynfil.dll (2011-02-18 23:46:40 UTC)
    Dynamic Fields 1 beta 4
foo_facets.dll (2011-07-09 01:37:26 UTC)
    Facets 1.0 beta 7
foo_fileops.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:12 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:14 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.4
foo_input_dts.dll (2010-09-03 10:18:04 UTC)
    DTS decoder 0.3.0
foo_input_dtshd.dll (2011-03-19 22:41:12 UTC)
    DTS-HD Decoder 0.1.3
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 13:40:52 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:58 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2010-02-17 20:21:28 UTC) Radio 0.5.7e
foo_playcount.dll (2011-07-13 09:47:18 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_playlisthistory.dll (2011-05-04 13:14:38 UTC)
    Playlist History 0.1.6
foo_plorg.dll (2011-09-08 14:02:05 UTC)
    Playlist Organizer 2.4
foo_podcatcher.dll (2011-03-12 12:13:36 UTC)
    Podcatcher 0.2.5 (beta, Mar 12 2011)
foo_preview.dll (2008-12-22 20:41:11 UTC)
    Preview 1.4
foo_quicksearch.dll (2011-05-29 08:26:56 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:54 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.1.2
foo_softplaylists.dll (2011-02-05 02:04:50 UTC)
    Soft Playlists 2011-02-05
foo_textdisplay.dll (2011-05-29 14:03:58 UTC)
    Text Display UI Element 1.1 beta 1
foo_ui_columns.dll (2010-05-03 13:38:32 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2011-06-05 09:14:24 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-12-11 06:47:22 UTC)
    Biography View
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2011-05-28 22:06:46 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2011-08-21 15:43:06 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.1.4
foo_unpack.dll (2011-06-05 09:13:24 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
foo_upnp.dll (2011-06-26 19:25:05 UTC)
    UPnP/DLNA Renderer, Server, Control Point 0.99.34
foo_utils.dll (2008-02-08 21:26:58 UTC)
    Playlist Tools 0.6.2 beta 6
foo_w7shell.dll (2010-01-17 03:09:20 UTC)
    Windows 7 integration
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2010-04-24 22:35:42 UTC)
    Waveform seekbar 0.2.12
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Otherland in 07. Februar 2012, 22:03:11
Hier meine Komponenten:
Core (2012-02-04 13:05:48 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1.11
foo_albumlist.dll (2012-02-04 13:04:12 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_cdda.dll (2012-02-04 13:03:52 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2012-02-04 13:04:00 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dsp_std.dll (2012-02-04 13:04:14 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2012-02-04 13:03:02 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2012-02-04 13:03:02 UTC)
    freedb Tagger 0.6.4
foo_input_std.dll (2012-02-04 13:05:10 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2012-02-04 13:03:48 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.1.2
foo_ui_std.dll (2012-02-04 13:04:08 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2012-02-04 13:03:26 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Gerda_Mueller in 10. Mai 2012, 21:54:29

Core (2012-06-07 18:37:46 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.1.13
foo_AdvancedControls.dll (2011-02-04 11:33:44 UTC)
    Foobar2000 Advanced Controls
foo_albumlist.dll (2012-06-07 18:36:18 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_amipwrapper.dll (2010-01-29 21:32:26 UTC)
    AMIP Wrapper 1.01
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2011-12-07 10:09:31 UTC)
    Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_burninate.dll (2011-02-24 08:40:34 UTC)
    Audio CD Writer 3.0.3
foo_cdda.dll (2012-06-07 18:36:12 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2012-06-07 18:35:52 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dop.dll (2011-06-12 21:17:16 UTC)
    iPod manager
foo_dsp_std.dll (2012-06-07 18:36:20 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2012-06-07 18:35:14 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.3
foo_freedb2.dll (2011-09-10 21:45:28 UTC)
    freedb Tagger
foo_input_monkey.dll (2012-07-13 13:04:03 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.6
foo_input_std.dll (2012-06-07 18:35:58 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2012-03-25 00:22:45 UTC) Radio 0.5.7d
foo_lock.dll (2012-03-30 18:20:42 UTC)
    Pause on Lock 0.5
foo_out_asio.dll (2012-07-13 13:04:03 UTC)
    ASIO support 2.1.2
foo_playcount.dll (2011-07-13 09:47:18 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2012-06-07 18:35:56 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.1.2
foo_run.dll (2012-04-16 17:39:58 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_softplaylists.dll (2012-01-29 21:19:40 UTC)
    Soft Playlists 2011-02-05
foo_textdisplay.dll (2008-07-08 17:45:26 UTC)
    Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3
foo_ui_columns.dll (2011-04-10 09:34:08 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2012-06-07 18:36:16 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2012-07-13 13:04:03 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3

Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Michaels in 13. Januar 2014, 08:21:38
Core (2013-12-27 11:08:12 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.3
foo_albumlist.dll (2013-12-27 10:57:38 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_cdda.dll (2013-12-27 10:57:10 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2013-12-27 10:56:52 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2013-12-27 10:58:06 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_std.dll (2013-12-27 10:57:46 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.3
foo_facets.dll (2011-08-18 19:06:16 UTC)
    Facets 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2013-12-27 10:53:04 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2013-12-27 10:52:32 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_input_std.dll (2013-12-27 11:08:14 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_playcount.dll (2014-01-02 10:15:36 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_rgscan.dll (2013-12-27 10:55:34 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.2
foo_simplaylist.dll (2011-08-18 19:01:36 UTC)
    SimPlaylist 1.0
foo_ui_std.dll (2013-12-27 11:08:12 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2013-12-30 21:51:15 UTC)
    Lyric Show Panel 3 0.4.1
foo_unpack.dll (2013-12-27 10:54:24 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.6
Titel: Re:Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Der Internet in 26. April 2014, 20:28:23
Core (2014-04-11 09:51:08 UTC)
   foobar2000 core 1.3.2
foo_albumlist.dll (2014-04-11 09:49:46 UTC)
   Album List 4.5
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2010-06-04 07:27:04 UTC)
   Audioscrobbler 1.4.7
foo_bpm.dll (2014-03-10 01:44:04 UTC)
   BPM Analyser
foo_cdda.dll (2014-04-11 09:49:18 UTC)
   CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_comserver2.dll (2006-07-31 19:13:20 UTC)
   COM Automation server 0.7 alpha 6
foo_converter.dll (2010-11-05 10:44:36 UTC)
   Converter 1.5
foo_customdb.dll (2011-02-08 22:54:34 UTC)
   Custom Database 0.0.9a
foo_deskband_controls.dll (2014-04-17 00:57:30 UTC)
   Deskband Controls 1.1
foo_discogs.dll (2014-02-12 21:56:01 UTC)
   Discogs Tagger 1.32
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2014-04-11 09:49:32 UTC)
   Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_std.dll (2014-04-11 09:49:24 UTC)
   Standard DSP Array 1.3
foo_fileops.dll (2014-04-11 09:49:06 UTC)
   File Operations 2.2.1
foo_gep.dll (2014-03-10 01:44:04 UTC)
   Game Emu Player 1.179
foo_httpcontrol.dll (2013-04-26 16:12:30 UTC)
   HTTP Control 0.97.14-fb2kc
foo_input_monkey.dll (2013-04-13 22:33:25 UTC)
   Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.7
foo_input_std.dll (2014-04-11 09:51:10 UTC)
   Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2010-09-23 01:34:06 UTC)
   Autosave & Autobackup 10
foo_masstag.dll (2012-02-08 16:33:49 UTC)
   Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_playcount.dll (2012-11-02 16:39:38 UTC)
   Playback Statistics 3.0.2
foo_preview.dll (2012-05-12 23:03:58 UTC)
   Preview 1.4
foo_queuecontents.dll (2012-04-26 22:37:03 UTC)
   Queue Contents Editor 0.5.1
foo_quicksearch.dll (2013-01-12 16:24:15 UTC)
   Quick Search Toolbar 3.4
foo_removeplayed.dll (2012-05-12 23:03:58 UTC)
   Remove played Files 1.4.0
foo_rg_trn.dll (2010-11-21 18:35:48 UTC)
   ReplayGain override 0.1.3
foo_rgscan.dll (2014-04-11 09:49:26 UTC)
   ReplayGain Scanner 2.2.1
foo_run.dll (2009-06-07 14:15:18 UTC)
   Run services 0.3.7
foo_softplaylists.dll (2011-02-05 03:04:48 UTC)
   Soft Playlists 2011-02-05
foo_tlbRC.dll (2009-05-04 23:44:34 UTC)
   TLB Remote Control 3.0
foo_touchremote.dll (2012-03-22 00:38:36 UTC)
   TouchRemote DACP server for foobar2000
foo_ui_columns.dll (2011-02-27 20:23:00 UTC)
   Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2014-04-11 09:51:08 UTC)
   Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 22:49:19 UTC)
   Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_biography.dll (2010-12-13 20:38:26 UTC)
   Biography View
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2011-01-06 09:07:35 UTC)
foo_uie_esplaylist.dll (2011-05-29 09:36:21 UTC)
foo_uie_lyrics3.dll (2014-02-12 21:56:01 UTC)
   Lyric Show Panel 3 0.4.4
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2010-05-27 11:03:02 UTC)
   Panel Stack Splitter
foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2010-03-07 08:23:55 UTC)
   Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2
foo_uie_vis_peakmeter_spectrum.dll (2010-03-07 08:24:47 UTC)
   Peakmeter Spectrum Visualisation beta
foo_uie_wsh_panel_mod.dll (2013-03-14 00:33:28 UTC)
   WSH Panel Mod 1.5.6
foo_vis_shpeck.dll (2009-09-28 09:32:16 UTC)
   Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.3.7
foo_wave_seekbar.dll (2014-02-12 21:56:01 UTC)
   Waveform seekbar 0.2.45
foo_whatsnew.dll (2012-04-26 22:37:03 UTC)
   Feature Watcher 1.0.7

Das ist mein aktueller Kram... habe Lags bei Änderungen in der Library!
Titel: Re: Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Du_Horst in 19. Mai 2016, 15:04:07
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 3,6GHz
Arbeitsspeicher: 16GB
BS:Win10 64bit mit allen aktuellen Updates

Core (2016-03-25 11:04:50 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.3.10
foo_albumlist.dll (2016-03-09 12:44:50 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_cdda.dll (2016-03-25 10:58:00 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2016-03-09 12:44:30 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_discogs.dll (2016-05-13 15:23:55 UTC)
    Discogs Tagger 2.03
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2016-03-09 12:44:52 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.0
foo_dsp_std.dll (2016-03-09 12:44:40 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.3.1
foo_fileops.dll (2016-03-09 12:42:52 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2.1
foo_freedb2.dll (2016-03-09 12:42:22 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_input_monkey.dll (2015-08-19 16:39:02 UTC)
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.7
foo_input_std.dll (2016-03-25 11:04:50 UTC)
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_musicbrainz.dll (2015-01-19 01:15:20 UTC)
    MusicBrainz Tagger 0.3.1
foo_quicksearch.dll (2012-10-29 16:44:47 UTC)
    Quick Search Toolbar 3.4
foo_rgscan.dll (2016-03-09 12:44:08 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.2.2
foo_ui_columns.dll (2011-02-27 20:22:58 UTC)
    Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2016-03-25 11:04:50 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2016-03-25 10:58:24 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.7.2
Titel: Re: Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Puppenschuh in 23. April 2017, 15:39:48
Core (2016-12-21 21:14:22 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.3.14
foo_albumlist.dll (2016-12-21 21:13:00 UTC)
    Album List 4.5
foo_cdda.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:32 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:30 UTC)
    Converter 1.5
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2016-12-21 21:13:06 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2
foo_dsp_std.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:54 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.3.1
foo_fileops.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:02 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2016-03-30 11:45:14 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.7
foo_input_std.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:48 UTC)
    FFmpeg Decoders 3.2.2
    Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_rgscan.dll (2016-03-30 11:44:24 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 2.2.2
foo_run.dll (2016-12-14 10:49:09 UTC)
    Run services 0.3.7
foo_ui_columns.dll (2016-12-14 14:55:25 UTC)
    Columns UI 0.5.1
foo_ui_std.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:40 UTC)
    Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_unpack.dll (2016-12-21 21:12:14 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR Reader 1.8
Titel: Re: Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Protopsaltis in 14. Januar 2021, 18:30:42
Core (2020-10-22 15:45:46 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 1.6.2
foo_albumlist.dll (2020-10-22 15:45:04 UTC)
    Album List 4.7
foo_cdda.dll (2020-10-22 15:45:02 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 1.6.2
foo_converter.dll (2020-10-22 15:45:08 UTC)
    Converter 1.6.2
foo_dsp_eq.dll (2020-10-22 15:44:58 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.2
foo_dsp_soundtouch.dll (2013-11-26 13:51:46 UTC)
    SoundTouch DSP 0.1 (SSE)
foo_dsp_std.dll (2020-10-22 15:44:58 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 1.6.2
foo_input_std.dll (2020-10-22 15:45:32 UTC)
    FFmpeg Decoders 4.3.1
    Standard Input Array 1.6.2
foo_out_wasapi.dll (2020-12-30 12:08:46 UTC)
    WASAPI output support 3.4
foo_preview.dll (2008-12-22 20:41:11 UTC)
    Preview 1.4
foo_rgscan.dll (2020-10-22 15:45:08 UTC)
    ReplayGain Scanner 1.6.2
foo_ui_std.dll (2020-10-22 15:45:14 UTC)
    Default User Interface 1.6.2
Titel: Aw: Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: mexx in 19. Oktober 2022, 16:21:20
Das sind meine aktuellen Plugins:

Core (2024-05-02 12:08:22 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 2.1.5
foo_converter (2024-05-02 12:08:54 UTC)
    Converter 2.1.5
foo_dr_meter (2024-06-04 15:35:54 UTC)
    DR Meter 0.7
foo_dsp_eq (2024-05-02 12:08:58 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.3
foo_dsp_std (2024-05-02 12:09:02 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 2.1.5
foo_fileops (2024-05-02 12:09:06 UTC)
    File Operations 2.1.5
foo_freedb2 (2024-05-02 12:09:10 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.10
foo_input_std (2024-05-02 12:08:50 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.1.5
    FFmpeg Decoders 6.0
    FLAC Decoder 1.4.3
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 10.30
    Opus Decoder 1.4
    Standard Input Array 2.1.5
foo_jscript_panel3 (2024-03-09 00:36:08 UTC)
    JScript Panel 3 3.4.15
foo_masstag (2022-09-19 10:01:44 UTC)
    Masstagger 1.9
foo_quicktag (2022-09-22 17:42:30 UTC)
    Quick Tagger 1.1.1
foo_run (2022-09-19 09:14:04 UTC)
    Run services 0.4.5
foo_ui_columns (2023-09-26 20:19:32 UTC)
    Columns UI 2.1.0
foo_ui_std (2024-05-02 12:08:34 UTC)
    Album List 2.1.5
    Decoding Speed Test 2.1.5
    Default User Interface 2.1.5
    File Integrity Verifier 2.1.5
foo_uie_albumlist (2023-11-09 17:53:02 UTC)
    Album list panel 2.0.2
foo_unpack (2024-05-02 12:09:18 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 2.1.5
foo_vis_spectrum_analyzer (2024-04-17 19:50:24 UTC)
    Spectrum Analyzer

Titel: Aw: Versionsinfo - welche Plugins verwendet ihr?
Beitrag von: Ron78 in 07. März 2024, 13:21:10
Meine Plugins und co.

Core (2024-02-12 13:06:50 UTC)
    foobar2000 core 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_converter (2024-02-12 13:07:22 UTC)
    Converter 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_cuefixer (2022-11-17 16:34:13 UTC)
    CUE fixer 1.3
foo_dsp_dither (2023-03-16 12:06:02 UTC)
    Smart Dither 1.0.9
foo_dsp_eq (2024-02-12 13:07:26 UTC)
    Equalizer 1.2.3
foo_dsp_fakegapless (2023-03-16 12:06:00 UTC)
    Fake Gapless DSP 0.6
foo_dsp_resampler (2019-08-05 19:16:30 UTC)
    SoX Resampler 0.8.7
foo_dsp_soundtouch (2017-04-30 14:16:32 UTC)
    SoundTouch DSP 0.1 (SSE)
foo_dsp_std (2024-02-12 13:07:28 UTC)
    Standard DSP Array 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_enhanced_playcount (2023-03-23 03:56:34 UTC)
    Enhanced Playback Statistics 5.0.0
foo_fileops (2024-02-12 13:07:32 UTC)
    File Operations 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_freedb2 (2024-02-12 13:07:36 UTC)
    Online Tagger 0.9
foo_input_std (2024-02-12 13:07:16 UTC)
    CD Audio Decoder 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
    FFmpeg Decoders 6.0
    FLAC Decoder 1.4.3
    Monkey's Audio Decoder 10.30
    Opus Decoder 1.4
    Standard Input Array 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_musicbrainz (2023-02-24 05:53:06 UTC)
    MusicBrainz Tagger 0.5.0
foo_out_asio (2023-11-28 10:35:46 UTC)
    ASIO Output 2.2.2
foo_out_wasapi (2020-12-30 12:08:46 UTC)
    WASAPI output support 3.4
foo_playcount (2023-03-14 12:03:58 UTC)
    Playback Statistics 3.1.5
foo_ramdisk (2012-01-20 10:51:48 UTC)
    RAM-Disk 1.0
foo_random_pools (2023-05-21 20:35:04 UTC)
    Random Pools 2.0.3
foo_scrobble (2022-09-05 23:43:00 UTC)
foo_spider_monkey_panel (2023-05-02 10:32:26 UTC)
    Spider Monkey Panel 1.6.1-mod
foo_ui_columns (2023-09-26 21:19:08 UTC)
    Columns UI 2.1.0
foo_ui_hacks (2022-05-12 12:25:10 UTC)
    UI Hacks 2013-02-19
foo_ui_std (2024-02-12 13:07:02 UTC)
    Album List 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
    Decoding Speed Test 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
    Default User Interface 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
    File Integrity Verifier 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_uie_eslyric (2023-09-24 10:53:21 UTC)
    ESLyric (Beta)
foo_unpack (2024-02-12 13:07:46 UTC)
    ZIP/GZIP/RAR/7-Zip Reader 2.2 preview 2024-02-12
foo_video (2019-04-13 18:42:50 UTC)
foo_vis_vumeter (2023-03-14 18:38:24 UTC)
    VU Meter 2013-02-16
foo_youtube (2023-10-27 19:53:06 UTC)
    Youtube Source 3.9